Friday 20 May 2016

Sexual Assault by Teachers and School Employees in Canada against Immigrant Students

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
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This is part of my autobiography that indicates thousands of Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites
"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"

BEDARD, Jean-Paul = Corrupt Teacher of COSTI who has sexually abused large numbers of immigrant students who have attended to learn English such as the folowing sample of countless Bedard's Victims of Sexual Abuse & Wrongdoing Accordaing to International Police collection from His FaceBook. Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint against Bedard before Ontario Human Rights Tribunal was directly interferred by members and agents of Toronto Polie & Attorneys General of Canada & Ontario involved in smuggling of Herin & drugs and as the result after over $100,000.00 legal costs the corrupt Human Rights Tribunal did NOT heard at all the case; thus it has bee proven
File No:2008-00934-I

1. I am Iranian-Canadian Muslim, senior citizen; my complaint is under s.34 of the Human Rights Code for discrimination practices in several grounds inter alia Catholic Creed & Bias against Muslims, in providing goods& services, all kinds of harassment by Catholic teachers and students against me and other Muslim Students including sex related issues like sexual harassments and sexual advances, abusive words toward me and other Muslim students, and other types of discriminations related to my age, citizenship, religion, family and marital status. Reference Application, pages 3, 5,7,8,9,10,11,12 & FORM C1,6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18,19, 22, 23, 24, and 25.

2. On September 3rd, 2008 the cause of action raised as against the English-teacher, Jean-Paul BEDARD, at adult English proficiency class of TOFEL at COSTI Corvetti Centre, at 760 College Street; Toronto. Bedard is suspended teacher of “College of Teachers” yet Respondent the Toronto Catholic District School Board (“TCDSB”) hired him [Bedard is accused of professional misconduct and incompetence pursuant to Regulation 437/97 before the College of Teachers too.] TCDSB members are Respondents for discriminatory, arrogant and high-handed practices in the complaint process. Reference Application pages 4, 5,7,8,9,10,11&FORM C1,2.

3. The City of Toronto, United Way, and Ontario Government named Respondents for financially helping COSTI & TCDSB whereas they know or ought to have been known that COSTI & TCDSB’s practices are discriminatory and unconstitutional in nature; also Muslims should NOT enroll in Catholic or other religious Schools. Reference Application pages 8, Public Interest Remedy and other remedy & FORM C 3,4,5 Law Issue.

4. On August 19, 2008, I attended at COSTI and enrolled in TOFEL class commenced September 2, 2008. These English classes have NO credit or certificate and students have no obligation to attend regularly, and if there is any published policy, a copy of that was not given to me to read and accept before the enrollment. Also last year I attended to English classes held by six teachers, none of them had any policy to force adult students attendance “On time” or leave “On-time” I don’t recall any teacher punished any students for being absent.
However, Bedard had oppressively exercised several different unwritten discriminatory policies to eliminate Muslim Students from class inter alia “If you leave before 2:30PM, or after lunch break; IF you be absent day…” and many other harassments. On November 12, 2008, I left class at 2PM, Bedard ran after me and shouted that my action was “very rude”. However I saw many Catholic students were absents for days and weeks, and left early and came late, and Bedard had no objection to them. Bedard seems to be bisexual, and said by students that he had serious problem with law and his wife Mary-Anne Bedard, and that was one of reasons on September 2007 he was unable to teach for at least five months. Bedard’s discriminatory practice and sexual harassments and remakes, sexual jokes and advances, and verbal abuses beached ethical codes of the College of Teachers in which a complaint against him pending. Thus, hereinafter I rely on the Teachers Act too by highlighting the issues.
Bedard alleged having experience as TOFEL teacher for 13 years, but in October 28, 2008 he said was teaching for 6 years! He said that: “My main job is Carpenter that I really loves it!” He hates teaching, in particular, he hates teaching at schools as “Children are all jerks, you don’t know, Ah” recommended none of us should teach at schools. He hates the College for suspending him, and stated many other negative comments related to the fees.I underlined the word of hate as it’s one of the main grounds for psychological and emotional abuse.In last 12 weeks about sixty students have registered in which about one-third have left COSTI like me. The majority of students were women, and their majority were young female students from 17 to 29, about 14 students were Muslims. Iranians had majority, then Chinese, Russian and others; about 10 students were between 17-21; and two male students over 60. Most of students were highly qualified professionals such as senior fighter pilot, doctor, lawyer, teacher, manager, engineer, technician, nurse, and other skills, and few had PhDs or equivalent. I brought this fact to show Bedard misconduct himself and misrepresented Canadian Teachers to many new Canadian who were religious and scholars.
“ Sexual Harassment” defined by Ontario Human Rights Commission as against Teacher Bedard for:
making offensive jokes or remarks about women or men Bedard made joke about women’s vagina examination that was extremely harassing all students, in particular in Islam, never these kind of issues talk about at all in mixed men & women classes; only may be discussed for students who wants to become a nurse or doctor. It is important to note that subject matter in the class was not related to women vagina examination or other tests; there was a talk about cell phone as I referred in paragraph 7. And Bedard expressions Ahhh, laugh, gesture and looks in totality were sexual toward young female; re paragraphs 5 to 23. The Commission added that sexual harassment does not have to be sexual in nature. It can also mean that someone is bothering you simply because you are a man or a woman, making stereotypes about one gender or the other can be a form of sexual harassment; thus, paragraphs 5 to 23 is clear indication that Bedard was biased against male students, and several times male students [POOYA] and I have objected why all class’ times are spend on young women and others were not equal opportunity.

Exhibit to the Complaint v. Bedard
November 13, 2008
Mr. Paul Brazeau, Chair of Investigation Committee; Investigations & Hearings;
121 Bloor Street East; Toronto ON M4W 3M5

Fax: 416-961-8822

Dear Mr. Brazeau:
1. This is a formal complaint against the English-teacher, Jean-Paul BEDARD (“Bedard), with the registration number 217521, suspended since 1999, employed with the adult ESL of COSTI Corvetti Centre, at 760 College Street; financed by the Toronto Catholic District School Board. Bedard is accused of professional misconduct or incompetence pursuant to Regulation 437/97; Sections 1, 26 to 29 of the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996, S.O.1996, c.12 (“Act/College”); Scott Act; the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association Regulation and any other rules and/or cts that may be cited or relied upon.
Charges against Bedard are as the following, plus any other charges that the Committee may deems just:
i. Abusing students and me verbally contrary to Section 1-7 of Regulation;
ii. Abusing students and me sexually contrary to Section 1 of Act (Sexual Abuse (c) behaviour or
remarks of a sexual nature) and Section 1-7.3 of Regulation;
iii. Failing to maintain the standards of the profession contrary to Section 1-5 of Regulation;
iv. Abusing students and me psychologically and emotionally contrary to ss. 1-7.2 of Regulation;
v. Abusing students and me physically contrary to Section 1-7.1 of Regulation;
vi. Releasing or disclosing information about students and me contrary to Section 1 of Regulation
vii. Failing to comply with the Education Act; contravening a law that may cause a student under her supervision to be put at risk; inappropriate communication and contact with female students; and engaging in conduct that would be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonorable or unprofessional. [Cases to be cited inter alia Decisions v. Nancy Tagavilla Ocampo & Conviction for Assault s.266 CCC; Peter Lorne Cameron, 13 counts of indecent assault;
viii. And failing to maintain the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession setout by the College.

2. I am Iranian-Canadian Muslim, landed in 1990. I was commissioned officer holding rank of Major;
 Air Force Senior Fighter Pilot; Standardization, Flight& Ground Safety Officer. I passed three toughest written examinations with Transport Canada to obtain the highest aviation licenses titled as “Airline Transport Pilot License”; but TOFEL scores are mandatory for the universities’ applicants. Thus, on September 2, 2008, I started 16 weeks TOFEL course that ends on December 16; but, for the first time in my entire educational history, I withdrew from school solely due to professional misconduct of Bedard.
3. Member Complaint Against, Bedard, is a suspended teacher. On September 3rd, 2008, Bedard alleged teaching TOFEL for 13 years, and in October 28 said he was teaching it for 6 years! He said that: “My main job is Carpenter that I really loves it!” He hates teaching, in particular, he hates teaching at schools as “Children are jerks, you don’t know, Ah” recommended none of us should teach at schools.
He hates the College for suspending him, and stated many other negative comments related to the fees.
I underlined the word of hate, as it’s one of the main grounds for psychological and emotional abuse.

4. In last 12 weeks about sixty students have registered in which about one-third have left COSTI like me. The majority of students were women, and their majority were young female students from 17
to 29, about 14 students were Muslims. Iranians had majority, then Chinese, Russian and others; about 10 students were between 17-21; and two male students over 60. Most of students were highly qualified professionals such as senior fighter pilot, doctor, engineer, lawyer, manager, nurse, teacher, technician, and other skills, and few had PhDs or equivalent, like me. I brought this fact to show Bedard misconduct himself and misrepresented Canadian Teachers to many new Canadian who were religious and scholars.
I. Abusing students and me sexually and physically; Bedard’s sexual behaviour and remarks of a sexual nature contrary to Section 1-7.3 of Regulation and failing to maintain the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession setout by the College
5. Bedard is 42 years of age, as he told us; but he is dressing like a teenage, t-shirt with a design and a top with all buttons open, wears jean, sport shoes, gel his styled hair, shave well, and appears and talks like a TV Showman. He asked everyone call him “JP” abbreviation his fist names and would be seriously offended if students called him “Teacher” as the name of “Teacher” is not sexy to attract young female students to send him private emails. I heard several times that he has given warning to the students for called him “Teacher”. A Bedard punishment against them is to ignore in such that he cannot hear them; he knows many tricks how to interrupt them or ask questions, or put his back to them.

6. I reviewed material about psychology and social behavior that were referring to many different type of mental illness having sexual nature problems. I have no doubt whatsoever that Bedard is suffering from kind(s) of mental illnesses related to sexual activities, suffering, depression, anxiety, hidden anger, hate, sadism, cruelty, bias, and other mental illnesses that only a clinical psychologist has ability to diagnose Bedard, after a complete examination. Whatever I disclosed in this complaint is just a sample; for example in reply to Bedard improper talks in the classroom, numerously female students have accused him of being sadistic. Several male students have accused him of being biased by mean of paying too much attention to young female students. For example, once Bedard select four young females to write their Essay Introduction on the board that male students objected [POOYA] why he was always selecting women. Bedard failed to maintain the standards of profession, because disregard of subject matter, he always giving sexual signals to young female students, for example November 11th was Remembrance Day he said at 11AM that: “Just imagine millions soldiers came back home…[signal] baby boomers! Ha ha!” at 2:20 PM, after we completed reading about School Children with Disabilities Bedard made story that class may get hot at winter, asking women to wear layers to take them out easily and in sudden said: “I am ready to get naked at anytime!” AS you can see the subject matter was ”Children with Disabilities” however Bedard with tricks ended to sexual comments and laughs with few young females that Bedard persistently asking them to attended to his “Writing Class” and send him private emails.
7. There is no end to the Bedard’s sexual disgusting stories, for example Bedard said that one of his friend was a Women’s Doctor; then, he used a term that most of students didn’t know; he explained it following with laugh of some female students; then Bedard fully explained each and every details during the Women’s Vagina Examination, such as tools and part of the chairs that women asked to put their legs and open for exam. I did not know most of words. Bedard asked from Iranian-Muslim females to explain it for me [This was a real shock for all Muslims in the class as these kinds of conversations between men & women are extremely forbidden, even member of family and close friends never talk about]. All of Muslim women’s face became RED of shame. Finally, SEPIEDEH, Iranian-Muslim shy student who was nurse in Iran with said just two words: “Exam Chair!” then I understood the rest of story. Bedard then continued: “My friend said that while a client- woman’s leg was open on the chair… Doctor kept talking with his cell phone HA HA! Just imagine what feeling that woman had Ha Ha!” Then added some other words that Iranian-female student “Anna” was offended as said: “You are sick! Sadism!” Bedard laughed: “Yes, I am Ha ha!” Many students and I have strong believe that Bedard is suffering Sadistic personality disorder and Sexual sadism, which defined as the patient experiences intense sexual desires, fantasies or behaviors concerning real acts of causing physical or psychological torment or otherwise humiliating another. This is a sample of Bedard Classroom Etiquette! Or after a young female student talked about “beach”, Bedard said a joke about a “bitch” then he explained that: “My friend said I spend four month with a bitch, ha ha”; Or sexual stories of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky etc, in a classroom that few women wearing Islamic Hijab [Naemeh-Iranian; Aideh-African; a Pakistani& Arab female students].
8. Whenever a new young female student attending, Bedard clearly losing his control in such cannot think that there are more than forty students present and watching his disgraceful behaviour. He also talks and acts with deceive and seduce toward female students and persistently asking them to established private email contact with him [I am concern of Bedard career at schools and whether any complaint filed by kids for sexual abuse that he hate them in extreme and love to teach at COSTI as all students are immigrants and refugees and have no knowledge of their rights and/or a voice to act against COSTI staff for sexual abuse]. Everyday, Bedard is talking with them [Anna, Sepiedeh, Dareya, Jane Doe # 1 Russian] about their “very lovely”, “very beautiful” emails following with a lot of feeling expressions such as “Ah, Oh, Wow” [Non of said women seems to be married, few looking for relationship]. Very long expressions are the main part of his communications with some female students. His tone of voice, suddenly, would change from harsh and cold tone that he usually has toward unattractive students, to soft and romantic voice. His close face toward us, in sudden will be change to fully open face and mouth that all his teeth could be seen easily, for example he has lost about four upper teeth and took his wisdom tooth.
The following are sample of ample facts to support behavior or remarks of a sexual nature.

9. DAREYA is a young Russian female student about 20, wearing glasses. Bedard everyday asking Dareya to read, talk and correcting her essay while many students either never get a single chance or few times participated in last 70 days, which is a clear discrimination to allow few students enjoy the benefits of all services and majority be deprived. The following is Bedard’s expressions after correcting Dareya, Anna, and other Russian female essay that were flirting in nature. On Monday November 3, 2008, about 2PM Dareya has finished her 45 seconds talk. Bedard was looking at her with ruffian passion, which was disgusting to look at him. There is an expression in my native language that we say: “He was looking in such to her that is was like F…ing her with his eyes!” Bedard was sitting at his deck, so has pulled his neck in extreme to see her, with mouth open, wet, and dripping; totally he has forgotten that all students watching him, then said: “Ah…Ah… b e a u t I f u l … [longest possible way that a man can say with one breath, and again] …b e a u t I f u l … perfect! Excellent! I love it! Very good! Five out Five! You are beautiful, your talk is perfect, no problem whatsoever, only, you know, you have to improve your writing… I always write in your essay… Why you don’t come to my Wiring Class, it is just after this class…I make sure you learn it. You know my wife is in England ha ha. I am FREE ha ha” He was fully available and there was no one in his house; the ideal condition for all those who are cheating; and few students directly told Bedard that he was cheating, and he laughed and never denied. Since September 3, 2008, Bedard has given all his private information in such that after 22 years marriage seems there is no love left or sex. “We always get two Globe and Mail, one for my wife, one for me; she don’t like touch mine!” “She never consider my opinion, for example his wife is asking him what she should wear for party, and he would say that red one, but she would come with black then what a hell she is asking me if she wants to wear black!” These kinds of stories may be consider for few female students as a green light to approach to Bedard: if he loved his wife or like other teachers never was talking about his family, certainly all those ladies that expecting special treatment, such as having exam questions to pass TOFEL, would never have dare to send private emails to a married teacher. Other teachers never gave email to us.
10. Whenever a young female student rejecting Bedard’s sexual sadism, or their sexual relationship in over; Bedard attacking to them by all possible words to humiliate them; for example, the way Bedard and ELIZABETH, 25 years of age from Croatia, talking with each other like ex-girlfriend & boyfriend clod, offensive, and disrespectful; almost everyday Bedard saying “I hate Elizabeth!” and whenever she is not in class Bedard saying: “Oh! Thanks God, Elizabeth is not today, I am going to have very good day!” Elizabeth has degree in Business and wants to apply for MBA. She is wise and European and knows how to reply to Bedard. About two weeks Elizabeth and I were sitting right in front of Bedard, my presence at that chair was a great pain for Bedard in which his face most of time was very close. However, Bedard was not missing a minute to talk with her: “Oh, I saw what you ate…I saw which question you select… where you being last night?…” Then in sudden Bedard telling her that how much he hates her. Which
Exhibiting impulsive behaviors and clear sign of the Personality Disorder: a- A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation; b- Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, binge eating” Once Bedard saw biscuits in front of me and he clearly lost his control and said: “Oh I love biscuits, I eat a lot them, a lot, a lot you can’t imagine… big boxes, oh yah!”.

11. The word of “binge” as excessive should be applied to sexual talks too; Bedard never get tried of talking about sex. It does not matter in what subject we are, writing, readying, grammar, speech or vocabulary, his examples always contains sort of sexual remarks following with deep expression of Ah, oh, ooh. The following is just a sample of one 30 minutes vocabulary review:
On November 12, 2008, Bedard made the following remarks of a sexual nature and a sexual behaviour toward few young female students in the classroom during Vocabulary practice. It is important to note that Bedard addressing young ladies and talking with them:
At 11:01 AM: word “Compensate” Bedard: “You know that ladies, a man who is driving a very expensive and a very fast car is over compensating …” and sign with his hand Very loud laugh of Bedard and Ladies. A student said it means: “a man with small genital”.
At 11:10 AM; word “Cramped” Bedard: “You know! You get cramp during Menstruation Ahhh …Ahhh Ahhh” He was speaking with very soft voice following with very long expression of Ahhh. Usually men make the sound of “Ahhh” in final stage of making love. I have very poor vocabulary to explain it in a proper way. I am trying to establish that Bedard’s mental illness is in such that when he talks about “sex” in sudden he is forgetting that standing before about fifty students, in which few of them are women with Hijab; he only stare at one young lady student and talk in such that a he may talks privately.
ATTACHEMENT “A” shows part of my notes in class on November 12, 2008; all squares at top rights shows chairs in class that I refereed to
12. My complaint for sexual abuse against me should be considered in this context that I tried my best to focus on the books and exams not on women; but Bedard sexual abusive manner, remarks, and expressions in the classroom seriously damaged my concentration on study. I am not going to talk about the details of my physical and emotional changes in this period due to his abuse, as it is inappropriate in my culture to go to details as many Canadian cases of law have given details of sexual abuse. However, if a male investigator in private ask me, I may explain with condition that be marked as confidential. In general all healthy men have sexual interest, but the main objection is that Bedard continuous talks about women’s genital, exam chair, following by expression of “Oh beautiful…” and young female students who were trapped in small hot classroom at September and trying to wear as less cloth as possible certainly would cause attention to those women. I am single parent, and have put myself in extreme limitation to not meet any women that my children get chance of success. Bedard by continuous talks about sex and talking in sexual way with young female students misled my thought and abused me emotionally, and indirectly physically in such today I feel bad, nervous, and sick.
13. YASSAMIN is young female Iranian-Muslim new student, about 17 years of age. On November 12, 2008, Yassamin was sitting, in last row with a young female Chinese student (“Jane Doe #2”) and five other students were sitting behind me. From morning to about 2PM that I left school, Bedard repeatedly was asking Yassamin to go and sit near him, and she was refusing.
Bedard controls chairs, asking students change their seats or maliciously sending their “ informer students” (Jack, Stan etc) o abuse them by nuisances that they be forced to change their seats, like what STAN did to me. Bedard hates male students sitting close to him, and he loves young students took those seats; and while all students focusing on their works, he keeps flirting very slowly with those female students. Thus, it is vital for Bedard that victims sit on chairs close to him, and he establish his private email contact with them, then they are free to sit wherever they like to sit.
14. The following is sample of very long persistent requests of teacher Bedard from young student Yassamin to move from last row and sit on a chair very close to his desk. [It is very important to consider that the following flirting was a kind of mental torture student Doe# 2 [and all those who need attention] was so disturbed that turned herself body completely to the west wall to not see face of Bedard]:
Time 11:13AM: Bedard with very soft and deceiving voice: “Ohhh! Yassamin! Why you are sitting there come, come sit hear Ha ha… You are very far from me Ahh…c o m e…c o m e…here there is a chair close to me, come now and sit beside me! Ha ha” Yassamin strongly denied: “That’s Okay!”
Bedard again repeated his begging and added: “Oh no! P l e a s s e e e come and sit here near me!”
Again she denied. Bedard repeated all above statements and added: “Okay! You don’t like to sit close to
me; what about this chair that POOYA [Iranian-Muslim male student] in sitting; come…come sit hear.
Yassamin again denied. Bedard raised his voice: “I will kick this stupid Pooya from his chair, come and
take his seat Ha Ha! What about this chair that Pooya [boy student] is sitting, come take his seat! HA
HA” Yassamin did not accept. My notes in Persian indicating that Bedard’s voice were “deceiving, malicious, and jugglery” . Bedard repeated his request until 12:03PM, which was lunchtime, and all students commence leaving. Bedard kept asking her until Yassamin was forced to leave her seat at last row and went and sat at third row. Bedard, again, commenced his pleadings from her to move and sit close to him. Yassamin rejected. Bedard begged again. In sudden Yassamin lost her temper, loud and crystal-clear said: “I don’t want to sit very close to you!” and sat in front of me. Bedard like a child cried and talked like taking with a baby: “Okay, you don’t want to sit close to me HA HA, but finally I will win, you will see Ha ha! You must come to my Wiring Class …then you will not be shy at all Ha ha”.
II. Failing to maintain the standards of the profession; AND Abusing students and me verbally, psychologically and emotionally contrary to Section. 1- of Regulation; AND: Failing to maintain the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession setout by the College
15. Bedard is calling young students to the “Wiring Class” holds 2:30 to 4:30PM where there is no one in the building, except another class whose teacher Lina, is supporting his wrongdoings. I have never heard that Bedard invite any other students to that class, except Dareya. Once I asked him to attend to that class he said I must registered, pay fees and be on the waiting list. I told him I want to try it just once, he refused that class was full. Anna asked me to join; and when I told the story to Anna she was clearly shocked and said she did not registered and Bedard asked her to join. On September 2007, I have attended in the “Wiring Class” taught by TOM, Teachers’ Supervisor. Tom clearly told me that the fulltime TOFEL students could attend in the Writing Class without extra fees
16. Furthermore, every morning at 9:15AM Bedard was writing a topic in the board for essay. Topics were surprising, as he never informed us what he would ask. His logic was to prepare us for exam; or if he explains all of you are going to write the same; while several times I told him: “Just for two minutes explain what is asking?” that we attended to learn the principles that govern essay writing, and could give test once a while, but we need to understand what is the nature of question. Bedard is expert in avoiding question and is the most stubborn teacher I have ever had. After 70 days that my valuable time was
wasted, I am satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that Bedard has no intention to teach TOFEL to students
in such that they learn and pass exam. There are ample evidence to support this honest and strong believe, inter alia, TOFEL adult students are not available at all seasons, and if the number of student be less than certain number there would be no class, this is the main reason that Bedard and other TOFEL teachers intentionally dragging a very limited subject to 16, and then32 weeks and more just to make sure they will have salary. JACK, is a Chinese Mathematic Teacher that from January 2006 from 9AM to 9PM has attended fulltime in two TOFEL classes with Bedard & Lina and still trying to learn.
17. In addition, one of teachers that has requested from me to not disclose s(he) name once asked several students from other classes to attend to her/his class as said: “On …day an Inspector would come and I have not sufficient students and if the inspector find it would cancel class, and I really need money.
Then, I heard class was full, the inspector was cheated and class continued. Also, I have knowledge and ability to prove that COSTI teachers & staff have unlawfully created numerous duplicated registration form and got signatures from students and me to misrepresent the actual number of students to all those agents is who are providing credits pursuant to the number of students. For investigation of the allegation of fraud in this paragraph all registration form of September 2007 will assist the prosecution case. It is extremely strange that none of teachers of COSTI is providing the Student Registration Form, Pink Copy, which is marked for “Student” to us, including Bedard.
18. Moreover, it is extremely hard to understand what is a real question on topic, or Bedard was intentionally trying to confuse us. I never wrote TOFEL and Bedard told as “Writing Off Topic means Zero!” which is extremely critical. My legal argument before the highest court in Ontario (Court of Appeal) and the Federal Court, numerously brought award of costs to me as against the most senior lawyers of Ontario who were representing the opposing parties.
As the result, some of my essay was out of topic, and I was frustrated. Once, Iranian student SEPIEDEH told me that Bedard has forwarded 400 TOFEL essay topics to her; she was surprised that Bedard did not give them to me. Sepiedeh took my email and said would sent it to me; but she didn’t; and she had no explanation and never talked with me again. I honestly believe that Bedard has objected to her. Bedard has demonstrated mentality of keeping his skill and information for all those who ready exchange giving him something: sex, money, or information against other students. This fact is proving facts in paragraphs 3,5,6,7,8,9,and 10 that why Bedard wants female students have Email contact with him to provide services to a particular group, which is discrimination in nature.
ATTACHEMENT “B” is one of my few essay reviewed by Bedard and noted as “Off topic”.
19. Bedard has no shame in asking money from students; he is seriously demanding %10 of students’ incomes after they got jobs, and says this is a term of “Contract” that everyone singed with him obligating to comply with, as he has written behind the “Registration Form” with fine print. Although students are not talking it seriously; but NO ONE ever has DENIED, I have legal knowledge that these kinds of statements are very serious and constitute as “Verbal Contract” even there be nothing behind the Registration Form,[that Bedard, unlawfully, has denied to provide us with the “Student’s Copy”]. According to the law, whatever allegation is not denied seems has been admitted.
20. Bedard talks almost about his wife everything including his wife, his son, his mother in law, and his brother who is a successful writer. In the complaint I am complaining for psychologically and emotionally abuse due to the fact that during last 70 days, Bedard, everyday has repeated the word of hate almost for everything. His complaints against his family have caused me serious psychological and emotional pressure that I got ill and my nerve system has failed, I could not walk due to pain in my central nerve system; and wasted my valuable time. Bedard’s unwelcome comments, abusive behaviour, wrong, and insults, have made me physically very ill and have caused mental anguish and extreme anxiety due to many facts that I have just disclosed part of them in this complaint to be sufficient for charges be held. Bedard with his own words is 42 years, born in Toronto, has a brother who is writer, married at age 20 with a British woman who is manager in City of Toronto [emphasized frequently], he is fearful of his wife; she has always argument with him; she is scramming on him; she forced him to take their son to daycare, so he knows very well how dirty women talk, because he was sitting all day with them, he is very happy that finally his wife allowed him to go to Paris next year to see Armstrong Cyclist who is his hero; he is very happy and feel free as his wife went to see her parents in England; he hate his wife’s parents in particular his mother in law is too fat; he hate English tradition of having tea it is “stupid” the way drink tea: “Oh”; but they have very expensive house and have huge cottage in mountain he loves to have one; he hate pigeon, cat, and his 19 years old son, who is very bad boy because asking him for money but he didn’t give him any and forced him to work as cook; his son has a British girlfriend “Just imagine I hate the …British accent and my son found a British girlfriend in Montreal Ah”; he hate children who are listening to MP3 loud at go train that he uses; he hates College of teachers and school children: “they are real trouble, jerks, never wish to be come teacher at schools Ah”; his wife is shouting at him is worse possible tone; his son always bagging for money, and he did not give him any; he has guitar lesson every Thursday just right after class; he really hates George W Bush the President of USA and everyday is repeating it: You know there is a clock sold at New Your that count down when Bush will leave White House. His wife as manager had income and his son earns $80 per hour as chef , he had investments and several source of income so they are wealthy with family income of above $200,000.00. Students and me have attended school to learn to pass TOFEL not hear Bedard;s sexual misconduct and being abused psychologically and emotionally by hearing his personal problems; read articles that when a person hears other people problems, and s(he) is not been trained to do so, s(he) may suffer seer depression. Since I came to Canada, I have seen several people who “immediately” have blocked their ears wit both hands and shouted, “I don’t want to hear your personal problems! Don’t tell me! Keep it for yourself!” In fact I have seen many different T-shirt with similar message “Tired of hearing your problems!” Thus, Bedard abused his authority as teacher to just talk about all his personal mental problems, his family problems, his jobs problems, his political and “Share Holders” problems etc.
21. Bedard is very rude; in the end of day yelling: “Get out of here!” which is very offending. Bedard loves to scare the students, and while all students concentrating in writing in sudden he shout, and/or slam at his desk, or scratch his nails on the board, that many times students called him loudly: “You have sadism!”
There were about 12 other Iranian Muslim and few other Muslim in our class; the other forty students were mostly from other countries; most of students are under 30 and majority are young females. Our class started September 2, 2008 continued on October 27 many students have dropped, and about twenty new students have joined us, now a total of about fifty.
One of the most significant negative characteristics of Bedard is that his ears are blocked to ant kind of comments, in particular, whatever related to the subjects before the class; whatever scholar students recommend he denied without thought in first instance, then if student persist and everyone supports her/him, then randomly he admit that made mistake. We all know that teachers are normal human being and have limited knowledge, but their main skill is listening & search; since I was in elementary school in Iran, our teachers always told us that if they did not know answers by research would found for us.
22. Bedard behaviour looks like a charlatan than a teacher, he uses all possible tricks to win against students were there is no conflicts of interest between “teachers” and “students”, no competition justifiable between them. They have their own level, dignity and integrity; students have their own level, dignity, integrity; they have their own duties; we have our own obligations as “adult” students. However, Bedard is tying his best that the knowledge that we earned by hard work in long period is worthless, wrong, all taken by misapprehension and we have all misconception of fact.
The following is a sample of arguments that I was involved with Bedard.
Sometimes Bedard asking for “Volunteers”; and this is his usual dialogue: “Who wants to be volunteer for this topic…? Okay, Keyvan, go you have 45 seconds!”. Several times I replied: “I did not volunteer!” Bedard is shouting: “I know go! Talk!” I replied: “Excuse me sir! The meaning that I know for volunteer is a self consent to perform an act; whatever you are suggesting is not…” Bedard raise his voice. “I know, I volunteer you! Go!”. The Committee should consider this is an argument in “English as Second language class” and “Bedard” as “English Teacher” has obligation to teach the correct meaning of each word. I have no doubt that a teacher has right, and even has obligation to ask from any students to reply to a subject matter. However, teachers cannot bring their own made definitions for words.
III. Abusing students and me verbally; psychologically and emotionally and releasing or disclosing information about students and me; failing to comply with the Education Act; contravening a law that may cause a student under his supervision to be put at risk; inappropriate communication and contact with female students; and engaging in conduct that would be regarded by member as disgraceful, dishonorable or unprofessional contrary to Section 1-7 of Regulation
23. Canada is multicultural, many abusive words in Canadian culture may not have the same weight and affect as they may have in other cultures. Iranian and Muslim are showing extreme reaction to the abusive words. Many Iranian Criminal cases of aggravated assault and even murder are showing that the cause of action rose when a party addressed abusive words such as “shut-up”, “crazy”, “stupid”, “bitch”, “moron” in particular “Bastard”. The following are sample of ample Bedard’s harassment, intimidation, insult, abuse, put down, tricks, and oppression: Bedard is using the said abusive words regularly. I am 63 years of age that in many culture there is a great respect toward senior citizens, like in my culture; but “Teacher” [as Intellectual] Bedard, without any cause, [even with cause it is not justifiable] several times named me with abusive words in front of all other students: “You are crazy” “moron”, “shut up”, “Persian Gang”[Bedard said to Mahnaz, Hashme, Pooys etc and me on November 10, 2008, sitting together]; etc.
24. POOYA is Iranian-Muslim male student about 19 years of age, he is very polite, kind, and intelligent, knows English in very good level any ready for TOFEL exam. However, Bedard, continuously attacking to him, everyday, because he just once objects: “Sir, you are always asking female students, this is discrimination!” Bedard shouted: “Shut up Turkey! Tomorrow I will call male students come and write their essay introduction on the Board; so shut up now!” And of course next day all male students and I were waiting to call us, but never happened. Bedard loves to call only four young female students to go to board and write that he get chance of flirting and tell them to come to his “Writing Class”. On November 12, 2008, Bedard was flirting with YASSAMIN [17 years of age; re. paragraph 13] and Pooya was sitting in a chair close to Bedard, and Bedard wants Pooya moves to last row that Yassamin comes and sit beside him; therefore called Pooya "Bastard" and when Yassamin refused, called Pooya "Stupid Turkey". Or whenever wants to correct Pooya’s mistake: “Hey Turkey how many times I told you don’t write very long interdiction for TOFEL, then you can’t finish it! You stupid!”

25. Bedard in Memorandum of October 2008 “TCDSB” wrote an article about Classroom Etiquette! However, the abusive words are the main part of Bedard’s personality. He uses the abusive word of “stupid” as adjective for nouns when he is upset, such as, when talks about grammar: “Stupid English! I hate this language! It has no rules” [He does not know what Language is and that grammar in all languages has no rule to govern, because language is ten thousand years older than grammar] when talks about his wife black cat: “Why this Stupid Cat is everywhere in my house?!” When the paper punches failed to open he banging that on desk and shouting: “Stupid puncher!: or “Stupid chalk!”

26. It was proper that COSTI or TCDSB provide a “written rules governs adult students”, that if they have certain business and not be able to attend at classes, they no that teachers cannot harass them. These written rules must be given to the adult students to read and sign before the registration. In the absent of a published rules, teachers like Bedard abusing their power for harassment, intimidation, and oppression. Bedard continuously repeating: “It is extremely rude that if you leave without telling me.” Or continuous Warning: “If you do not inform me that you are leaving after 12, I will remove your name from list. I will discharge you from class!” Shouting without reason, slamming his hand on desk without any reason, just to cause nervous shock. On November 12, 2008, about 2PM [Clss ends 2:230PM] I left class. Bedard wasn’t in the classroom, as usual. I was on the end of hall, he was in front of classroom 213 and saw me and shouted: “Keyvan! It was rude! You must tell me”. I entered in the hall to wear my jacket, Bedard ran after me and again with anger shouted: “It was extremely rude!” and walked away. Bedard has no control whatsoever on his very poor behaviour, certainly he needs to see clinical psychologist for anger management; chasing students has and shouting at him has no justification whatsoever. He could wait and next day ask me, I would explained for him. I was satisfy that this Bedard is going to cause physical and
psychological harms to me, and after consideration of all facts in this complaint, I made decisions to quit school because I found that Bedard made unlawful agreement with few bully students to harm me. The main reason was an email that I sent to him asking him to cease insulting me; also, in the said email
I have objected to a male young Bulgarian student STAN who was intentionally interfering with my questions and comments. Soon, I discovered that Bedard himself organizing malicious acts in the class by a group of students against other group. I am Military Commissioned Officer and I have been trained to screen, analyze, and interpret the information. On September 3, 2008 I saw a “suspect” in the class
[I know his/her full name], and then I saw and heard Bedard was very close to him/her. The suspect was disturbing me same as STAN. Once, Bedard said: “I am really scare to ask question from Keyvan, because, I don’t know what answer he is going to give us!” This clear confession and other evidence have satisfied me that Bedard has targeted me with malice. Therefore, on November 10, 2008, I wrote a complaint against Stan to Bedard. On November 11, at 9:20AM Bedard called me to leave class, and at hall near open door of class started to threat me with his right fist that I saw clearly shaking. He said:
Your email was abusive! Do you understand?! Don’t send me email, and don’t insult other students! Do you understand? And from December you should not attend to my class!” When he said my email was abusive I asked him: “Which part of my email was abusive?” Bedard with anger replied: “Don’t interrupt me! Let me finish, then ask!” However, as soon as his threat ended, he walked away. I wend and talked with Office Tamier; he told me that: “You have all write be in the class, and go!” I went; but, Bedard and bully students have harassed me, so they forced me t quit school.
ATTACHEMENT “C” is copy of my Email dated November 10, 2008 containing three issues:
(1) Malicious agreements between students Stan, and Mahnaz, in pushing me to last row of class, pursuant to private communication with teacher Bedard. Facts in this complaint has supported that front row chairs, and chairs close to teacher all fully controlled by Bedard; thus, there is no doubt that Bedard has met and planned with Stan to harass and disturb me in the class. It is important to note that Bedard did not investigate this issue, and by asking me to NOT attend in his class, in fact has supported Stan.
(2) It contain an issue related to essay, where Bedard as usual, denied my correct comment about a subject in essay “formal education”. This fact is indicating that Bedard with high-handed manner does not allow argument in the class, and by abusing his power as teacher establishing wrong & false teaching standard. It is important to note that Bedard always citing his Wife “position as Manager of City of Toronto” to prove an academic issue, which is invalid in its totality. The proper way to contrast my comment was that Bedard rely in the College, Education Act, or a dictionary about the definition of “formal education” and “unstructured learning”, not what is wife said.
(3) My objection against Bedard abusive words against me, and request to cease being abusive, that Bedard did not comply with did not asked apology, and retaliated by asking me to NOT attend to his class and harassed me by bully students and his aggressive behaviour and forced me to quit my study at COSTI.

27. Furthermore, Bedard seeks personal and private information of students to disclose to others; for example, on Weekdays “Pooya today is in workshop” in other days “Faraz is in workshop!” “Naemeh told me that she is going today to see dentist” “Jack is written TOFEL!” “Anna sent me email that she is going on vacation to Mexico, Ahh!” “Keyvan is married!” [which is not true]; “Jack is math teacher!” “Natali is in cosmetic (Dermatology) business; Oh a lot of income, huge!” “Jill (Chinese) is doctor, she
knows better!” “Stan is in customer service!”, “They are husband and wife!” [I did not paid attention to their names, as I was writing essay]; “Elena (sitting law row) is pregnant!” etc. It is important to note that
Bedard is not a teacher to allow students have a good social interaction with each other. He wants to be the center of all attention and wants between students no friendship be established. Thus, Bedard starts his program just by talking about himself and his wealthy family. However, some other teachers, always in first day allowing students to talk with each other and in this way creating a friendly atmosphere; but providing other students’ information in this way is totally wrong; I saw Elena became very embrace when Bedard keep talking about her pregnancy. If Bedard was a good teacher, he could provide Elena with good chair in safe position, not push her to sit in last row among crowded students. Bedard talked a lot about his wife, his son, his mother in law, and their cat that I explained in paragraph …wish is clear indication of cruelty toward his own family, for example he said that he wouldn’t financially help his son that all student have condemned him and tried to prove him his duty a father, but he strongly denied.

28. Thanks you for investigating this meritorious complaint against teacher Bedard. I certainly would testify before the Committee, if asked me to do so. It is standard of conduct in the process of investigation of complaint, to provide a copy of all reply to this complaint to me, and allow me to provide Reply to them. Thus, herein I deny each and every allegation that Bedard and students supporting him may reply to this complaint; unless a copy be served to me, and I be given 30 days chance to file my Reply.

Yours truly,
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighim Senior Fighter & Transport Pilot

The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
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House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

January 1996 to MAY 2016
 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Iranian Fighter Pilot


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