Tuesday 24 May 2016

" I" Canadian Judges, Lawyers, Cops, and Owners

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

 کانادائیهای بی ارزش ترسوی بی خایه
Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada

TONY = corrupt ex-Member of Parliament (MP) for College Street, Toronto, that never has taken any step , from 1996 to 2001, to lead the government and court for conspiracy issues in Major Nourhaghighi cases and always denied Major's complaints to his office.
Canadian MP are the most useless and corrupt MPs in the World, that they words do not have any value for public and government!
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Ic, Jason = a real name of a nick name for a Chinese Canadian member of Criminal Organization at University of Toronto pretending having  "carpeting" business at 1058 Dupont Street, Toronto, engage in several counts of crimes & wrongdoing against Major Nourhaghighi since 2001. His main duty is spying, monitoring, furnishing information,  constructive theft, sabotage, and in the name of "carpenter entering into contract with people that criminal organization or Toronto Police, involved in drug, targeting them. On December 2008, Major Nourhaghighi arrested John Bedard, member of criminal organization and while during 2009 Major prosecuting Bedard, from July to September 2009 Jason entered into contract with Major for Kitchen Cabinet and committed serious harmful sabotages and breached contract causing ten thousand dollars damages effecting Major Nourhaghighi's concentration on the prosecution of Bedard; on September 8 2009 Jason send [jason_lc@hotmail.com]"  Hi kevin, sorry i haven't go back to you sooner, i haven't done your doors yet i was on an installation all of last week and probably will be the better part of this week the next kitchen i have to start is in the drawing phase now and will likely start later this week i'll do your doors with this kitchen i'll keep you posted!!"

ID Theft = On May 28, 2017, the corrupt Queen in Canada committed ID Theft of " Kev McKay" and his phone Number; the following id the proof
Yahoo Canada = is the most unreliable Email in Canada; the following is Major Proffs of May 28, 2017
1- Major Laptop was connected through Cable to Router, then Major types " Yahoo.com" at address Bar
The hackers immediately, have changed it to:


Major deleted the red part of address and again types:
This is a corrected Address; you should Never Trust to Automatic Address

2- Major then types his Fake ID "KevMcKay" and he saw that the corrupt British Royal Family's Police in Toronto "Interested his Fake Name!" 

Then Major saw the following intercepted address by Hackers With Object to "Find ID?"

A: ID Theft


Important Note: You Should Never See You Login ID at Address Bar; and You Should Never Read "the new email you are typing at Address Bar"
These facts are proving that your Email are Intercepted. 

3- Major, knew that corrupt Queen British Police in Toronto has stolen his his Login ID and he should, immediately, delete the history, close the page, and shout the Internet & Router Power OFF    
However, Major continued and type his password as a proof for this Blog and he saw the following intercepted address.

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IKEA = at 15 Provost Drive, North York, Ontario M2K 2X9, tel 1-866-889-4532, is member of the corrupt Toronto Police, Lawyers and Judges criminal Organization involved in smuggling of drug and heroin from Iran and Germany to Toronto in which the most part of that would send to US to kill the innocent American children. From June to September 2009, Major Nourhaghighi, several times was witness of huge amount of smuggling of Heroin and drug by the "White Canada staff" at the said location, Major Nourhaghighi informed Toronto Police.
IMMIGRATION CANADA= The most active agent of Canadian Criminal Terrorists Organization that its main mandate is to export Terrorists Canadian, as the Official or Businessmen to all countries in the World. It is defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's action T-571-95 for misrepresentation that caused Major to leave Germany to Canada.

IM, Judie = corrupt lawyer of the Attorney General of Ontario who on September 16, 209 involved in a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. In this feloney Im maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and fradulenty established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decsion maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuuir against all parties of conspiracy 

INDIAN-Hendi = certain people of India-Hend that immigrate to Canada. Indian are mostly hard working people, however there are criminals that have created Indian Gans. Major had a lot of fights with Indian Gans in Toronto and sue several of them in the Courts who mostly acted as 'informer' and 'thief' for the Government of Ontario, see Singh

INDIAN = Native Canadian who mostly are homeless and few are lawyers and judge like corrupt Judge Todd Durchrame

INSURANCE= does NOT exists in Canada in its actual meaning and international legal terms. However, thousands of British agents and Lawyers have shares the companies in Ontario that legally defrauding the people in the name of Insurance Company, without giving any benefits to the people. In Canada, Major Nourhaghighi, has paid always his premium in advance, but when he claims for the accident benefits in 1993, he went through the most painful legal process until 1999 when after tens of proceeding all his claims were denied.
Interception and Invasion of Privacy = Canada has achieved to the most destructive net working technology of the interception and invasion of privacy; with the following fundamentals: Interception and theft of Communications through Post, Telephone, Facsimile, Electronic mail et.. Interception and theft through Electronic Cards such as Banks, Credits, Health, Driver License.. Interception through Trackers, these are trained agents, mostly selected from unemployed and community workers who have net working with all other agents in the large city and provinces. The Canadian Trackers main duty are: to plant an object against a Target in accordance to plan of conspiracy[several knives and blades were plants in Major's cars, or drugs and other materials in his home and cars]; to brief an agent how act against a Target, create fabricating transcript of the communication for getting an official order for interception of private communication. 

INCOME = It is the Government Law that whoever have over $100,000.00 must post hi income! There Major Nourhaghighi posted his Income in according with records:
Income Tax Returned for Year 1990: $1,830*; $11:80/Day; $3.9/Day for member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1991: $11,800; $32.3/Day; $10.7/Day for member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1992: $5,478; $15/Day; $5/Day for each member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1993: $10,778; $29.5/Day; $9.8/Day for each member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1994: $8,822**; $24/Day; $8.05/Day for member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1995: $2,657; $7.9 /Day; $2.4 Day for each member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1996: $3951; $10.8/Day; $3.6 Day for each member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1997: $2,473; $6.77;$2.25/Day for each member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1998: $1,295; $5.2 /Day; $1.75/Day for each member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 1999: $1,808; $4.9/Day; $1.65/Day for each member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 2000: $ 1,808***; $4.9/Day; $1.65/Day for member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 2001: $ 1,515; $4.15/Day; $1.38/Day for member of Family
Income Tax Returned for Year 2002 $2150; 5.89/Day; 1.96 for member of Family per day
Income Tax Returned for Year 2003 $3960; $10.85/Day; 3.61 for member of Family per day
This is a proof why shitmust seat in face of Canadian, Judges, Rat Lawyers and Pig Police!

INTERCOM= a criminal organization that operate under fraudulent name of private security company involved in numerous conspiracy and harassment in the Ontario Insurance Commission, against Major Nourhaghighi ending to losses of his insurance claim, which was object of conspiracy.
INTERNET= All possible kinds of frauds and obstructions for access to the Internet, is Canadians' Mental Illness, the University of Toronto is leading censorship and development of the full control over Internet, most of United Nations; Human Rights issues, e-mails addresses are not accessible
through the Server of the University of Toronto 

INTERNET FREE EXPRESSION ALLIANCE =The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression. It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox," ; House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills These kinds of wording are against Canadian Culture! Major Nourhaghighi has created thousands links in his web sites to support the Internet's Freedoms.

INTERNET & TELEPHONE BANKING FRAUD IN TORONTO = Canada, in particular the City of Toronto, has the most unreliable telephone & Internet banking system in the world. "Telephone" & "Internet " are the biggest fraud in Canada. "Banking" is huge fraud in Canada too. Now imagine if all these frauds to be mixed with each other what kind chaos would happen, like three whore sisters marriage with Canadian Criminal and Terrorist Organization, that no one is able to imagine what a hell is activated against the people of the World who have continuous business with Canadian Bank. Since 1996 Major has contious problem with Telephone & Internet banking with all banks and Taheri Exchange such as on January 13, 2003, from 2PM to 4PM called many times the TeleScotia on 1-800-267-1234 and always get different answer. In one case, the system did not go to the "Bill Payment", then after redial and going through all bothers of sixteen digits numbers of Bank Card, the system did not go to Major's Visa, and then in tenth try, the system did not provide "Confirmation" for payment, and in last two try, the system said: "Your card number is incorrect!". In this between, Major talked with all these dirty criminal hired by TeleScotia, Dwight STP 33!?, Scott STQ 27?!, Kim 44075?!, Shawn STQ31!? Where each one has created more nuisances, and Carla STQ90, like all others, asked for full name, and address, mother made name, last digit of Social Insurance Number, Telephone, Number and all other fucking questions. So far Major's research proved, with ample document the fact that " the Canadian are the most dishonest people in the World" which is the main object in this Web Site! Also see Major Nourhaghighi's complaint against Rogers Telephone, and banks.
Invasion of Privacy = Canadian Culture, Canadian best way of business, Canadian Ethical Code and Law; from August 1990 to March 21, 2001, Canadian and Ontario Governments by all types of tricks have broken all Major Nourhaghighi, his children, his brothers, his ex-wife, his friends, by intercepting his communications. From April 2001 Major permanently disconnected telephone services on his name.

INVITATION= Canadian Invitation for a Visitor must contain the Income Tax Return that the corrupt Visa Officer in Teheran know how much they should asked for bribes to give a simple visa to a visitor! In March 12, 2001, Major Nourhaghighi's children have send Two Invitations for their mother to attend in the Wedding Ceremony of Major's Son, that as far as their incomes were not big that Major's Ex-Wife could pay a big bribe, Visa to her was denied! This is fairness of Canadian how are complaining against Hitler Brutality! This was the Government of Canada retaliations against Major for Charges of Contempt against Five Lawyers and his complaint against party of conspiracy Judge Gibson, where Major asked he must be removed from the office. Visa Officer had information via ICCO to reject Mother Visa too! Soon, ICCO by its Radio in Toronto and agents in Condo 935 made a point to Major that they were caused! The same happened in August 2009.

Interest vs. Conflict of Interest = a large numbers of Canadian Judges, lawyers, Cops, and Owners are defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits for ignoring the vital conflict of interest law and making decisions or actions whereas they were fully had knowledge their actions were illegal and unethical; such as Ontario Judges " Lampkin, Bigelow and Ian McNish"; and Federal Court Judges such as " Gibson. Snider and Russell ";  Ontario Lawyers like " Gosnell, Kwinter and McCann "; or sample of Toronto Police " Pinchin, Pasons, Morrisson and Floert"; Owners at 456 College Street " Perez Family " Please for all detail search on the said names on this dictionary.  Conflict if Interest is a situation in which the concerns or aims of two different parties are incompatible. or
 a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity.
the conflict of interest between elected officials and corporate lobbyists" or "Watson quit his job after questions about a possible conflict of interest"

Iranian King "Kourosh" is also commonly known "Cyrus the Great" was the first ruler ever made Civil Rights mandatory in whole Persian Empire.  The United Nations has declared the relic to be an "ancient declaration of human rights" since 1971, approved by then Secretary General Sithu U Thant, after he "was given a replica by the sister of the Shah of Iran". 
Cyrus the Great is said in the Bible to have liberated the Jews from
Babylonian captivity to resettle and rebuild Jerusalem,
 earning him an honored place in Judaism.

Iranian Jewish (Persian Jewish) = The establishment of Jews in Iran goes to a century after Moses about 1300 BCE so that makes them one the most senior citizens of Iran. Although few local Kings were burials and did not allow Jew to practice their religion and even their enemies have destroyed all their churches. The Iranian King,  

Iranian Jewish Elghanayan Brothers took
part of modernization in 1959-79

Grounon is Center of Crime & Conspiracy of Neighborhood Watch in Toronto See Details Groupon

Internet Crime (Computer Crime) = According to the Rt Hon Major Nourhaghighi's record the Toronto Groupon is  Center of Crime & Conspiracy of members of  Toronto Neighborhood Watch in the Internet. In addition to Major's bad experience with Groupon; Today, April 18, 2017, the foloing Complaint was filed by "John/Jane  Doe (their information is saved to protect them from Toronto Police Crime! "

We are members of Groupon  for a long time. However, everyday the Customer Service get worse and now is worst! The fact is neither Customers are happy nor the Business. For example: On April 18, 2017, I bought a service. However, for the first time Voucher Did not appear in my Account.
Fraud and abuse of all business Website is very common by corrupt Queen, Crown and Toronto Police
Neighborhood Watch, which is a kind of MAFIA; which means if the business don't give BRIBE to the Chief of Police and Mayor; then these criminals have authority to trespass Business' Website, Telephone and other communication and NOT ALLOW THEY GET CUSTOMERS  

So, today, I called for THREE Hours! The First person answered after 30 minutes, her name was AMY who was Chinese or Japanese  female; was unable to take my Email Address For the first time, I spelled more than 10 times, finally she put me on hold and never answered. So, I called again, and again after 45 minutes  a man FORD answered and said the only way is that I print Voucher and Email it to you and it would take 15 Minutes, so again put me on hold!

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A Portuguese Criminal RUE hired by the Ontario Government & Transport Canada to kill
Major Nourhaghighi in May 7, 1993 ; Rue caused serious injuries to Major
taken him to a hospital by ambulance. However, Major was able to
arrest Rue and charge him for aggravated assault & attempt to
murder. Corrupt Judge Hyrn & Crown conspired and
dismissed charges against their agent Rue
$100,000,000.00 Damages
to Canadian Taxpayers

The said Crown Organized Crime on May 7, 1993involved a large numbers of corrupt Pilots, Judges, Lawyer, Police,
Flying Schools, ,Businesses, Doctors, Hospitals, Dentists, Banks, Insurance Companies,
Iranian-Canadian Criminial Organzation in Toronto is known as "Iranian Plaza"
is a center of criminal organization having full control of all businesses from Yonge & Finch to Richmond Hill
they operate as cover up verity stores food/restaurants, doctors' offices or Exchange; but their real business is prostitution, drug and smuggling

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Corrupt Athletic Centre of University of Toronto
involved in countless crime and wrong against Major Nourhaghighi
and numerously misled and obstructed justice system in Ontario & Canada's Courts
University of Toronto AC is a dirty Thief

Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2017

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