Friday 20 May 2016

D...Corrupt Lawyers Deacon, Spears, Fedson,& Montizambert who lost to Major Nourhaghghi in Ontario Court of Appeal

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada
  Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E   G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N   P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Author the Right Honorable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

This fat 73 years old creepy woman is fucikng British Colonial Agent in Ontario
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario "Motherfucker Elizabeth Dowdeswell;
who destroyed the rule of law as the corrupt

Premier of Ontario. In office since 2013
Deacon, Spears, Fedson,& Montizambert Lawyers were involved in serious
crimes against Judiciary, Owners and Major Nourhaghighi that after charging
More than $500,000.00 Legal Costs finally lost all cases, even in the

Ontario Court of Appeal, numerously, to Major Nourhaghighi  
Corrupt Ontario Judge Ducharme was involved in Conspiracy
with Deacon, Spears, Fedson,& Montizambert Lawyerswhere he met privately Fedson at Osdooge Hall and
Major Nourhaghighi was successful to arrest them
The misconduct of Ducharme was investigated by
Canadian Judicial Council by reviewing the
transcript of the hearing in which
corrupt Judge Changed the Evidence
which has 14 Years Jail
for such crime he did

FRAUD BY Corrupt Aboriginal Bastard Judge Todd Ducharme
nominee for supreme court of Canada
in Transcript; this Bastard was candidate for Supreme Court of Canada

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that the
Corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

برتری افسران مسلمان ایرانی
 درطول ۲۷ سال گذشته  بیش از یک صد هزار مسیحی و یهودی بریتانیایی و کانادایی بهسرگرد کیوان نورحقیقیی حمله کرده اند و شکست خورده اند این ضد فرهنگ بریتانیائی و کانادائی شامل نمونه اتفاقات با ذکر تاریخ دقیق و زمان درگیریهاست است که آنها علیه یک افسرمسلمان ایرانی مرتکب شده
 اند.اگر شما به حقوق بشر باور دارید  وظیفه به اشتراک گذاشتن و  محکوم کردن جنایتکاران را دارید

Fucking Dirty whore Property Manager Lisa Blair, convicted of
Contempt of Court Order

DAVY Lias = the latest corrupt property Manager of Condo 935 whereas in last 30 years over 30 property managers were appointed in this condo to cover up the crime of Canadian Judges, Lawyers and Police in stealing million dollars from owners accounts as discovered and sued in pending lawsuits by Major Nourhaghighi. Davy is partner of Maple Ridge Community Management LTD in which Major Nourhaghighi contempt of Court Order proceedings as against LISA BLAIR has costs over One Million dollars Legal Costs to not allow this fucking whore corrupt bitch spend Five Years in prison.

D'ALESSANDRO, GIULIO= corrupt Solicitor for the Respondent, BELL CANADA, accused of conspiracy with five lawyers defendants for contempt. On November 17, 2000,Attorney of the Government of Canada and D'Alessandro met and planned to manipulate Major's account with Bell Canada by theft of Sixty Dollars cash payment that Major made by dropping an envelop to Bell Canada's Deposit Box that caused serious mental anguish due to numerous thefts, felonies, assaults by police and their agents that raised since August 2000 where Major filed his Application for Wite of Mandamus against Canadian Human Rights Commission. Owing to D'ALESSANDRO's frauds, theft and conspiracy since April 16, 2001 Major's telephone services are terminated!
In Canadian COLONIAL Judiciary Systems, it is very common, to perform all kinds of felonies against a party in the proceeding to make sure the opposite party will win the case.

DAVIS, Lillian = the Clerk of the Ontario Human Rights Commission who maliciously did not investigate Major's complaint against Court Officer Morrison who tortured Major with eight other pigs of Toronto Police in File 11061997LDAS-3HXMKM!

DAVIS, Karl = Corrupt Acting Superintendent of Court Services, who did not disclose the names of seven court offenders who assaulted and tortured Major Nourhaghighi On December 11, 1996. Corrupt Davis unlawfully held major's complaint from December 1996 to April 30, 1997, then replied, in which all trials were over. In Canada , no one respecting the administrative and Court Orders and Instructions. Davis' instructed Detective Manser to investigate Major Complaint. Manser disobeyed and Davis did not reply to the issues.
Dhanoya, Gurbax Singh =  The Ontario and Canadian Governments Agent who is member Indian-Canadian Criminal Terrorists Organization in Large Toronto (India-CTOT); Dhanoya is especialist in Sabotages against Motor Vehicles committed several serious crimes against Major from 1992 t0 Apr 1994.
Dairy Queen = Thief Canadian Businessman food store in Niagara Falls who tried to steal from Major Nourhaghighi on June 27, 2001, about 9PM, where a female cashier, white about sixty years, was very rude in reply to Major's objection. Dairy Queen, had very poor service and food, Major saw several discriminatory notices at its doors. Dairy Queen has very rude manner with Americans' blacks and women religious group, who where standing in line before Major.
DAMBORT, MARC = Federally appointed judge of Ontario Court, defendant for following conspiracy, by arbitrary decision for several lawyers who were accused of conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi in his condominium. Canadians Judges are not ready to accept the rule of law that subject the judges like an ordinary person in tort, pursuant to Proceeding Against Crown Act; and The Crown Liability Act. Dambort, violated Major's rights and the Bills of Human Rights.
Damage, General = Total losses from tortious conduct of a defendant(s).
Damage, Punitive = Award against defendant who caused damages due to an unlawful acts.
Damage, Special= Actual amounts of money that a person lost for torts of a defendant(s).

Dangerous Driving= Section 249(a) of Criminal Code: "Every one commits an offence who operates a motor vehicle in a manner that dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances, including the nature, condition and use of the place at which the motor vehicle is being operated and the amount of traffic that at the time is or might reasonably be expected to be at that place.
Dangerous Driving Conviction in the corrupt Canadian Justice Systems = Drunk Canadian Police Officer drove dangerously to the lane that Major Nourhaghighi was driving and rammed to Major's car causing permanent injuries to him-at the City of Toronto, in.the University Avenue with Four lanes, at 1:00 AM. Police has changed the scene of accident and made Five different stories, in one of story, police reported Major vehicle speed was Ten Km/h. The corrupt provincial Judge Robert G. Bigelow, who was in conflict of interest with Major, did all kinds of frauds during three days trials on September 1, 2, and 20, 1994, and convicted him. The Ontario Court of Appeal committed all kinds of frauds in the transcripts and and dimissed his appeal; Major was able to stay the judgemnts in the Supreme Court  of Canada; no damages paied by Canada to him.

DAODJI, SHAFIQ = Adjuster of Coachman Insurance Company, defendant for conspiracy in Major Nourhaghighi's action, for MVA of May 7, 1993, that after severn years proceedings, no damages were given under automobile insurance.
DAY, Defendant Gerald F= the most corrupt and oppressive Ontario Judge who in September 16, 1997, let all offenders of Metro Toronto Police be freed of any charges for torture and assault against me. Motherfucker Judge Day, ignored all my medical reports that indicate over 25 physical injuries, including the broken ribs, and ordered Costs against me to the offenders! IF Corrupt Judge Day was a trial judge of the Fascists in Germany, certainly would AWARD COSTS to all Fascists who killed Jewish in the Holocausts! Day would admit that Jewish were diseases and must be killed, therefore, the must pay the costs the Holocausts that consume a lot of gas to kill many Jewish! While there was evidence by St .Micheal Hospital indicating a fracture on my Rib # 8. However, motherfucker Judge Day, ignored the Number Sign '#' which means "Fracture"! In February 23, 2005, Corrupt Black Judge Pitt made Order that was very similar with Day Order!
The following is the oppressive judgment of corrupt Judge Day:

Metro ats Nourhaghighi-Application
Court File No. 97-CV-125773
Endorsement of Mr. Justice Day dated September 16, 1997

# "Number Sign"
#1:    This is an application under S.140(4) of the Court of Justice Act. There is absence of objective
#2:    independent evidence to support the applicant's position as to eventsand consequences of
#3:    events except (1) Emergency Report St. Michael's Hospital, (2) Prescriptions for Tylenol 2 &
#4:    3 and (3) Report of Dr. Michael Klar. The Emergency Report of St. Michael's Hosp. does not
#5:    speak to broken rib or ribs as asserted by applicant. The report of Dr. Klar is consistent with
#6:    some force to restrain but not consistent with applicant's claims of gravity. The evidence of
#7:    the applicant of injuries is not supported by the objective evidence. The onus is on the
#8:    applicant under S.140(4) of the Courts of Justice Act. The facts herein appear to follow the
#9:    pattern of previous actions for similar complaints against some of the parties and other public
#10:  figures upon which the prohibition order of Wilkins J. is premised. This case falls into the
#11:  principals to be applied by Henry J. in Lang Michener v. Fabian 59 OR (2nd) 353@358
#12:  adopted by Pardu J. in Sandwith v. Zahn 1996 [OJ] 4230. Applying these principals I am
#13:  satisfied that the applicant has failed to establish on a balance of probabilities (1) that the
#14:  proposed action is not an abuse of process, (2) that there are reasonable grounds for
#15:  proceeding.
#17:  Application dismissed.
#19:  Costs to the Respondents on party & party scale to be assessed.
#21: Day J.

Deacon, John A. A. = Corrupt  Ontario lawyer who is defending whores like Leza Blair and M. Perez with Major's Nourhaghighi's money paid for maintenance fees of the corrupt Condo 935. Deacon abusing his profession as a "lawyer" to harass, obstruct, and mislead the owners from the facts that there is not frauds, abuses in the account of corrupt Condo 935. On June 7, 2002, Deacon wrote a harassing letter to one of the owner-Concelos and fraudulently denied the wrongdoings of Manager Blair against Concelos and banded him to contact with property manager for repair of his unit and must have a 'bona fide' reason in writing to the board of directors. Rat Deacon, unlawfully, obstructed Concelos to be elected as a member of Board and without any ground accused him that he was bankrupt, and selected Perez as the President of the Board when she is accused in many action for frauds in accounts corrupt Condo 935.
On May 16, 2005, Major brought all crimes and wrongs of Deacon to the attention of the Court; the following are samples of Major's Submissions for Costs: Deacon on letter dated November 10, 2004, clearly stated: "The corporation… does not assume responsibility for the mould…" Major got Pitt Order that the Condo must clean the Mould. The Incompetent Solicitor 'Deacon' filed affidavit that that the 'Application Record' was not served to the Respondent Belford. ...Deacon knew that the material would be served to the 'Solicitor on the record' not to the Respondents...Corrupt Judge Pitt made following Order against Deacon and his law firm; please take note that Judge Pitt called Deacon's materials  as "Vexatious":
I did not believe that the respondent needed to spend as much time and energy as it did in contesting the application, the material in support of which, was largely irrelevant, vexatious, and undermined the applicant's own case.
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Deacon, Spears, Fedson,& Montizambert = corrupt law firm of Evils Neighbours Condo 935 who with Major's Nourhaghighi's money paid for maintenance fees defending all wrongdoing by Caber Management and corrupt Board  of Condo 935. The only law firm in Toronto that involved in prostitution business, few rooms at Suite 400 in 20 Eglinton west in Toronto is made up for men who look for men, or men who look for women; John Deacon said that when the law business is slow prostitution can help us to pay part of our high expenses, even my daughter and wife are working here, of course my son only like Iranian men who have big deck, and he does not charge them, otherwise he is asking same price as my wife and daughter asking $100 for complete service, for more information please call: Denise LATWAT at 419 498 5677, or fax the picture of your deck at (416) 489 7749. Blaine FEDSON is another animal who caused injuries to Major and his son, for detail see ANIMAL FEDSON!
DEBLES, JAKE = the corrupt Attorney General of Ontario Clerk Defendant at Old City Hall, Toronto, who conspired with the Police the corrupt Judges McNish and Lewin to obstruct Major Nourhaghighi's right of fling the appeal files. Owing to frauds of Debles Major suffered special and general damages. Debeles, is accused of several conspires corruption, Bribery and Obstruction in the Registry, is the Canadian Culture.

DEBT = In Canada you can simply receive money from individuals, banks and credit company and not paying them at all, just go to the court and file a bankruptcy ...these is a normal process in north America & Canada.
DEBT "National Debt" = On May 12, 2010, Metro [Toronto newspaper ] reported that the Canadian National Debt is "1.41 Trillion=1,410,000,000,000,000,000.00] Metro stated: a new report by the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada shows household debt in country kept rising through the recession and peaked in December at 1.41 TRILLION. That's $41,740 on average per Canadian , or debt to income ratio of 144 percent, which is the worst among 20 advanced countries in the OECD! Also over 60 per cent of of Canadian debt had been increased.  Major Nourhaghighi stated to media that in 1993 the national debt was $500 on average Canadian; where the population has been increased also debt has increased $41,240 per Canadian. Since 1996 Major Nourhaghighi is giving warning that the Government of Canada is CORRUPT but no one is listening in Toronto the salaries of judges have been increased from $60,000 to $260,000..the salaries of the Crowns lawyers has been increased from $50,000 to $15000...the existence of this WEBSITE is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that in Canada the corrupt Government does NOT care for rise of national deb. tIn this period Major Nourhaghighi has found proofs that EACH & Every Canadian institution is corrupt...even all civil agencies having contract with the Crown are corrupt...such as COSTI, is second language English school that Major Nourhaghighi was WITNESS that COSTI was making bills of thousands students for the Crown, whereas the total students were not exist 100...

DECEMBER = Since 1991, the corrupt Attorney General of Ontario ("Crown"), has selected the month of "December" for conspiracy and action against Major Nourhaghighi and his family. The main root was the corruption in account of Condominium 935 on December 1990 to December 1991 where Major asked from all owners to charge the Crown, Stephen B. McCann for ten counts of frauds in the account of building. On all December after 1991, the Crown target the Major with malice and serious difficulties, charges and numerous tortures, assaults, trials, and wrongful imprisonment happened in December to December 2001. In the other word, December is the pick of conspires and malice against Major and his family. It is important to note that Major's children Birthdays! are in December; and in both cases that Major was illegally arrested and tortured, December 15, 1994, and December 11, 1996, were on his children Birthdays, where Major was Imprison [Major as single parent for more than twenty years, every year had big party for his children Birthdays!] It is important to note that Major has served lawsuits to the Crown and its parties in December 1994, and 1996, before the Crown illegally arrest him. Major has selected the same month of "December" for reactions against the Crown, to confuse it in its planning. On September 2001 Major noted in this website that on "December 17, 2001" will commence a lawsuit against all Parties of the Crown, and notified the Crown. The corrupt Court of Appeal for Ontario, on December 5, 2001, without any notice, suddenly set two Major's files of appeal for hearing on December 17, 2001, and Federal Court of Appeal has heard A-50-00 one the same day in absent of Major and the RCMP has made decisions on the same day of December 17, 2001! As the result of abuse of process by the Ontario and Canada Justice Systems, Major was faced with several legal proceedings that involved him with courts up to December 2002!
However, Major's tactics ended the Crown to give him much better cause of action!

DECLERG, Dave = Corrupt employee of the Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship who on November 29, 2001 conspired with corrupt Stebelsky against Major Nourhaghighi's Website and application for Citizenship and subjected him for investigation by the RCMP and CSIS for 'threats to the Security of Canada'. Major was successful in a legal proceeding condemn the CSIS, RCMP and Minister of Citizenship who was forced to resign, due to the scandal.
Defamation, Libel and Slander Law = White Canadians are expert in attacking to immigrants reputation by defamation, libel and slander as the Globe and Mail, who was defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's lawsuit attacked to him by all kinds of fabricating evidence. It is not unusual for attorneys to receive inquiries about defamation actions from people who are in conflicts with neighbors or other members of their communities, and have become the subjects of vicious lies. The area of law most implicated by that type of conduct is "defamation of character", a cause of action which is generally defined to include "libel" and slander". What Are Defamation, Libel and Slander? Generally speaking, defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Slander involves the making of defamatory statements by a transitory (non-fixed) representation, usually an oral (spoken) representation. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper. Typically, the elements of a cause of action for defamation include: A false and defamatory statement concerning another; The unprivileged publication of the statement to a third party (that is, somebody other than the person defamed by the statement); If the defamatory matter is of public concern, fault amounting at least to negligence on the part of the publisher; and Damage to the plaintiff. In the context of defamation law, a statement is "published" when it is made to the third party. That term does not mean that the statement has to be in print. Damages are typically to the reputation of the plaintiff, but depending upon the laws of the jurisdiction it may be enough to establish mental anguish.
Most jurisdictions also recognize "per se" defamation, where the allegations are presumed to cause damage to the plaintiff. Typically, the following may consititute defamation per se:
Attacks on a person's professional character or standing;
Allegations that an unmarried person is unchaste;
Allegations that a person is infected with a sexually transmitted disease;
Allegations that the person has committed a crime of moral turpitude;
While actions for defamation have their roots in common law, most jurisdictions have now enacted statutes which modify the common law. They may change the elements of the cause of action, limit when an action may be filed, or modify the defenses to an action for defamation. Some may even require that the defendant be given an opportunity to apologize before the plaintiff can seek non-economic damages.
What Defenses Are Available To People Accused of Defamation?
The most important defense to an action for defamation is "truth", which is an absolute defense to an action for defamation.
Another defense to defamation actions is "privilege". For example, statements made by witnesses in court, arguments made in court by lawyers, statements by legislators on the floor of the legislature, or by judges while sitting on the bench, are ordinarily privileged, and cannot support a cause of action for defamation, no matter how false or outrageous.
A defense recognized in most jurisdictions is "opinion". If the person makes a statement of opinion as opposed to fact, the statement may not support a cause of action for defamation. Whether a statement is viewed as an expression of fact or opinion can depend upon context - that is, whether or not the person making the statement would be perceived by the community as being in a position to know whether or not it is true. If your employer calls you a pathological liar, it is far less likely to be regarded as opinion than if such a statement is made by somebody you just met. Some jurisdictions have eliminated the distinction between fact and opinion, and instead hold that any statement that suggests a factual basis can support a cause of action for defamation.
A defense similar to opinion is "fair comment on a matter of public interest". If the mayor of a town is involved in a corruption scandal, expressing the opinion that you believe the allegations are true is not likely to support a cause of action for defamation.
A defendant may also attempt to illustrate that the plaintiff had a poor reputation in the community, in order to diminish any claim for damages resulting from the defamatory statements.
A defendant who transmitted a message without awareness of its content may raise the defense of "innocent dissemination". For example, the post office is not liable for delivering a letter which has defamatory content, as it is not aware of the contents of the letter.
An uncommon defense is that the plaintiff consented to the dissemination of the statement.
Public Figures
Under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, as set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1964 Case, New York Times v Sullivan, where a public figure attempts to bring an action for defamation, the public figure must prove an additional element: That the statement was made with "actual malice". In translation, that means that the person making the statement knew the statement to be false, or issued the statement with reckless disregard as to its truth. For example, Ariel Sharon sued Time Magazine over allegations of his conduct relating to the massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Although the jury concluded that the Time story included false allegations, they found that Time had not acted with "actual malice" and did not award any damages.
The concept of the "public figure" is broader than celebrities and politicians. A person can become an "involuntary public figure" as the result of publicity, even though that person did not want or invite the public attention. For example, people accused of high profile crimes may be unable to pursue actions for defamation even after their innocence is established, on the basis that the notoriety associated with the case and the accusations against them turned them into involuntary public figures.
A person can also become a "limited public figure" by engaging in actions which generate publicity within a narrow area of interest. For example, a woman named Terry Rakolta was offended by the Fox Television show, Married With Children, and wrote letters to the show's advertisers to try to get them to stop their support for the show. As a result of her actions, Ms. Rakolta became the target of jokes in a wide variety of settings. As these jokes remained within the confines of her public conduct, typically making fun of her as being prudish or censorious, they were protected by Ms. Rakolta's status as a "limited public figure".
Why Commencing A Defamation Action Is Not Always A Good Idea; While people who are targeted by lies may well be angry enough to file a lawsuit, there are some very good reasons why actions for defamation may not be a good idea.
The publicity that results from a defamation lawsuit can create a greater audience for the false statements than they previously enjoyed. For example, if a newspaper or news show picks up the story of the lawsuit, false accusations that were previously known to only a small number of people may suddenly become known to the entire community, nation, or even to the world. As the media is much more apt to cover a lawsuit than to cover its ultimate resolution, the net effect may be that large numbers of people hear the false allegations, but never learn how the litigation was resolved.
Another big issue is that defamation cases tend to be difficult to win, and damage awards tend to be small. As a result, it is unusual for attorneys to be willing to take defamation cases on a contingent fee basis, and the fees expended in litigating even a successful defamation action can exceed the total recovery.
Another significant concern is that, even where the statements made by the defendant are entirely false, it may not be possible for a plaintiff to prove all of the elements of defamation. Most people will respond to news that a plaintiff lost a defamation lawsuit by concluding that the allegations were true.
In other words, the plaintiff in a defamation action may be required to expend a considerable amount of money to bring the action, may experience significant negative publicity which repeats the false accusations, and if unsuccessful in the litigation may cement into the public consciousness the belief that the defamatory accusations were true. While many plaintiffs will be able to successfully prosecute defamation actions, the possible downside should be considered when deciding whether or not such litigation should be attempted.

DELETE = From 1997 to 2005 the Canadian Government has deleted several website of Major Nourhaghighi, and at the same time Canada in the international court is asking "Freedoms" for IRAN; while no one has basic 'Freedoms' in Canada under the corrupt colonial of British! 
Spit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and Corrupt Canadian Prosecutors, particularly Corrupt Deldago, Corrupt Scott and Corrupt Nourmandeu:DELGADO, NEL = corrupt ugly four eyes whore generation Assistant Attorney of Ontario who conspired with the defendants Judge Lampkin, Court Officer Green and Detective Follert in malicious prosecution brought against Major Nourhaghighi. Delgado, abused the process by dragging a simple accusation during eighteen months in thirteenth days of trials, and conspired with all witnesses to testify in accordance to plan. On December 11, 1996, Delgado, and Green, according to the plan have caused frustration for Major who was defending himself during trial that ended to arrest and torture of Major by nine members of the police. Delgado, was material witness to the said crimes against Major, therefore, Subpoenas was issued against her. Delgado's counsel brought a motion to dismiss the Subpoenas , but her motion was dismissed; than, illegally moved before corrupt Judge Whealy who was defendant in Major's action, and Whealy, abused his power and quashed the Subpoenas' .

DEKKER, Kenneth = corrupt lawyer of the Ontario Court, who is representing the corrupt court reporters of the Old City Hall in action CP-21833/96, CP-23912/96 of Major Nourhaghighi against the Attorney General of Ontario. Dekker is partner of corrupt law firm of "Blaney, McMurtry, Staplells, Friedman" for which the corrupt brother of Roy McMurtry [the Attorney general of Ontario, and Chief Judge of Court of Appeal] has main share.

Dekker's conspiracy in 1996 was ended that Major was tortured on December 11, 1996 by nine members of police therefore he could not attend at trial of January 3, 1997; his still pending.

DEMERY, G.= Dishonest defendant decision maker of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario who abused its power and dismissed Major’s Nourhaghighi’s legitimate complaints against corrupt physicians who were involved in covering-up of the criminal act of the Canadian Police in torture against Major. Demery, as a member of public, abused the jurisdiction of the College against Major, and with serious Slander against Major caused him permanent injuries to his reputation.

DENNIS, Harvy = The party of conspiracy with the Attorney General of Ontario, who was charged by the Ontario Court on January 15, 1997 for fraudulent misrepresentation as the City Paralegal Services . The corrupt Ontario Clerks are demanding BRIBE for enforcement of order against Dennis; therefore over $900 Order since January 1997 is Disobeyed and Dennis has ignored all Notices send to him until March 13, 2001.
DENNIS, JOHN = Canadian Police Supervisor, responsible for negligence in 14 Division's Defendants who were involved in all kinds of crimes against Major Nourhaghighi and his Children from October 1990 to February 23, 2001 that two members of police with intention to kill Major have drove to the College Street side walk.

DENNIS, Tina = A corrupt Canadian Court Clerk who on February 22, 2001 at the Court House in Toronto, was convicted for BRIBERY $2,400 by the most corrupt judge Whealy. Today News-Toronto:" A judge yesterday sentenced a pregnant woman to a year in jail for taking a BRIBE when she was a court clerk. Although Tina Dennis, 35, never made good on her promise to tamper with a file for a man facing a drunk driving charge, her soliciting the $2,400 bribe sends a message that defendants can "fix" the court system. Judge Arthur Whealy said."
NOTE: Convection of Dennis by the most corrupt Canadian Judges, Pig Whealy, is another trick by the Government of Canada to mislead the Queen's Investigators for corruptions in the Ontario and Federal Courts. Here the trick was to give a good reputation to one of the dirties judges who committed all kinds of crimes against Major Nourhaghighi. Whealy was involved in two counts of conspiracy with corrupt judges Lampkin and Bigelow where the frauds in the transcripts was Major's objections; and did not allowed Judge Lampkin provide evidence under the Oath before Judge Cadsby that How Major Nourhaghighi was tortured before Lampkin's eyes on December 11, 1996.
Deputy Minister of Justice Canada = An Office which defendant for illegally interfere with the duty of the Minister of Attorney General of Canada-McLellan in signing a consent against Major Nourhaghighi.

DESJARDINS, ALICE = One of the most senior judges of the Federal Court of Appeal, defendant for ignorance of conflict of interest between Major Nourhaghighi and two other judges of the panel, who were named defendants in Major action. Alice, was a nice lady, and heard the appeal with full attention, but the law is much nicer than her, when she did not bring Major's evidences against Defendant MacKay in her reasons; if she draft the reasoning for A-563-96.  Major Nourhaghighi after several years frustrating process and contempt, torture and malicious prosecution told to the panel that :"I wish I was executed with my friends by Khomeini Regime and never suffered this level of contempt in Canada!

DEVILS= Canadians, Canadians Neighbours, Canadians Judges, Lawyers and Police Officers, Canadians Pilots, Doctors and Hospitals, Canadian Telephone Companies, Bell Canada, Canadian Business man, Canadian Friends

DEUTSCHE = Canadian hate German people and they believe that German are dogs

DEUTSCHE, Melvin = Corrupt lawyer involved in a conspiracy against Major on December 17, 2001 at 3PM at Osgoode Hall, in two appeals proceedings before corrupt panel of Ontario Court of Appeal. Deutsche, who did not had any business with Major, was continuously interfering with Major's case asking him: "Go, go and talk with clerk, why you should sit hear, go talk with judges and object that your case was heard late!" When Major was reviewing his case and need peace to concentrate. Deutsche encouraged Major to file a complaint and claim against judges in USA, and promised to file his case in New York. However, Deutsche never return Major's calls. It was clear that Deutsche's mission was to interfere with Major's case, as the result both files were dismissed as Major made mistake, that he never made such mistake before and instead of relying on section 11(d)-impartiality of judges of the Charter, he mistakenly stated: 11(h)-not be tried again. There was a Black man sitting in opposite side of Major, who continuously was telling Major: "No! NO! It is not section 11(d); I am sure that your appeal is under section 11(h); just say 11(h)!". Poor Major who was confused by to Crown's agents made a mistake that never is forgiving himself. When you review Corrupt Black Lampkin's Decisions you will find the object of conspiracy.
Diamond Taxi = A Criminal Taxi Broker defendant-1991 to May 1994, specialist in Sabotages in computer dispatch and Motor Vehicles, did several kinds of sabotages against Nourhaghighi's vehicle and Computers which were used in the Public Transportation, the Attorney General of Ontario. Canadian Government is responsible in law of all crimes against Major and the Public. Diamond Taxi is defendant for conspiracy to injure. 

DICKENSON, Alison = Clerk of Registry of Federal Court at Ottawa write professionally to Major on March 2, 2005 that Lemieux Order in file T-762-04 was returned by Dishonest Canada Post marked "unclaimed". There was a great problem in mailing the Courts' Orders to Major from Ottawa in many files, like T-1535-00 and A-50-01. However none of the corrupt clerk of Federal Court take any step to follow Dickenson's attempt by resending it by regular mail. Major live in 6th floor of Condo 935 and Canada Post corrupt staffs NEVER coming to his door for delivery of "Registered Mail"; and would either sent to post station very far from Major Home, or would return it. Federal Court never took any action against dishonestly of the Canada Post, and even when Major brought action against Canada Post, has dismissed it.

DICKS, DAVID = Corrupt Toronto police officer defendant for assault and battery on December, 1995. Dicks and Houston forced Major Nourhaghighi to leave the government building. Judges of Old City Hall and Justice of Peace, Clark, who were upset from Major lawsuit, have abuse their power. This was violation of Human Rights in the Court Accessibility and Services.
DICKS, James =  Corrupt Acting Superintendent for Court Services Officers hired by Toronto Police, who involved in torture against Major on December 11, 1996. Dicks covered the crime of torture and did not disclose security names to the Court. File Nos. 2000-0454 and 455. Dicks until March 2005 involved in several over up of corrupt cops' crimes against Major.

DICKIE, Janice = Corrupt secretary of Judge Coo who joined to the parties of a conspiracy against Judge Coo and Major Nourhaghighi. On June 16, 1995, Judge Coo made an important Order against the parties of conspiracy against Major. Corrupt Dickie did not send the Coo Order to Major until few days before the expiration of August 31, 1995 that Judge Coo was made that Major file his amended Statement of Claim. Owing to Dickie abuse of office, Major was pushed to plead a new statement of claim in over 180 pages against 50 defendants, and on August 31, 1995 has deliver that to the corrupt Registry of the Ontario Court (General Division). However, the Attorney General of Ontario who with over twenty defendants was the main party of conspiracy, Ordered to the Registry to refuse to file Major's action. As the result, Major action was dismissed by the Order of Registrar Jule Frazer, who was defendant in the action.

DIESEL, Vin = I do not know who is this guy, but I just what to send the following message to him:
DOSE-a paper on Wednesday August 3, 2005, at page 21 reported in a Questions that put in many young girls: "WHO is your DREAM DATE?" Few beautiful girls replied in which Sexy Blonde Crystal MILLER, 27, from Calgary wearing Cowboy's Hat said: " My dream date ...Hmm, probably Vin DIESEL! Oh yeah I am a big fan of Vin! I've seen most of his movies. The things about Vin that turn my crank are everything. Bad boy, nice Body, BALD HEAD!" Lucky Triple Bs!

DIGITAL Photography = Canadian Lawyers and Police, Insurance Companies and Contractors are experts in all kinds of frauds and forgeries in Digital Photography, and Canadian Stupid Judges simply allowing all kinds of frauds in the courtroom. While in USA there is a lot of doubt against More Hits' digital enhancement used by over 215 Police departments [which is less than %25 of police forces]; however many USA wise Judges and Jurors not accepting digital photography. "Adobe Photoshop can be used to make trick-photo illustrations" as a professor testified at trial, in Florid on Victor Reyes' case. However Edwin Imwinkelried, an evidence expert at the University of California Davis law school said:"There have been relatively few challenges to the use of digital technology as evidence and in most of them the courts have looked at them in a fairly superficial way." While Hilliard Moldof a Florida defense attorney who is questioning digitally enhanced fingerprints in two cases said :" Now whenever you hear the word enhancement, an antenna goes up!"
Mary  DeFusco, head of training for the Philadelphia Public defender's office stated: "I thought digital was better, but apparently it is not. We are definitely going to take a look at it". Film images are subject to darkroom tricks, but because digital pictures are merely bits of data, manipulating them is much easier. On December 11, 1996, after Major Nourhaghighi was tortured by nine members of Toronto Police; then Police took many photos from his injuries by digital camera; while yet there were some injuries were identified; Major did not consent those photo be used as evidence by the Crown against him. Police alleged that Major spat at face of Police and assaulted them, and brought two charges against him. Judge Cadsby dismissed the charges and referred to digital forged photos on his judgment against Toronto Police.

Direct Energy = Since February 16, 2007 corrupt Direct  Energy is defrauding Major Nourhaghighi by numbers of ways such as by a company named as "Enbridge" who receive money for water heather and not replying to the complaints.

On July and August 2009, Direct Energy staff committed several crimes by sabotages in Microwave of Major Nourhaghighi where it was responsible to change it in accordance with warranty. will call him within 2 business days...
On May 18, 2010, at 11AM, Major called GE Appliances Customer Service at 1-800-927-0834, a male staff asked for the serial number of Microwave. Major noticed that the said number was located by VERY STUPID GE in "adverse" under the over Microwave...which was not possible to read it .Major used TWO mirrors until was able to read it and took photo for next problem. The staff said that the corrupt  " Direct Energy - Canada" will call him within 2 business days...NOW after two day a fucker from Energy Direct will call and will make appointment for another few days...then another fucker from Direct Energy made appointement for JUNE  11, 2010 HA...HA...As a result Major filed a complaint against Direct Energy and claimed damaged in which if not be settled he will file a lawsuit.

DIREKOGLU, KEMAL = Ontario resident at 50 Dixington Cres Unit 9,Toronto, ON M9P 2K4; TEL: (416) 243 6056; on August 22, 2005 wrote a letter to me that I will bring it here as is; I believe this is his second letter:
Dear Mr. Nourhaghighi:
I have viewed your website and my family and I are in a similar situation as you're in concerning the Canadian Justice System. We have come across injustice with some of the same lawyers and judges' mentioned on your website and we were shocked when we found out that there was someone who was in a nearly synonymous position as we are. It would be nice to keep in touch and take further effectives measures against the corruptions and malpractices conducted by the Canadian Justice System and to furtheexpose and set forth our experiences to one another. My attempt in contacting you failed both by way of phone and fax, if you receive this letter, it would be nice to hear a reply.
Enclosed is one of my father's countless complaint letters as our struggle with the injustice is stillin proceedings.
Kemal Direkoglu
On August 24,2005, at 6PM I got Kemal's kind letter. I took the telephone and I dialed Kemal's telephone number as appeared on his letter. HOWEVER, Kemal's telephone, was intercepted by the Attorney General of Ontario, and the line made a specific noise and disconnected. I called again, this time there was a voice mail asking me to leave message for Direkoglu. I called twice and left two messages. I got no reply. The corrupt Attorney General of Ontario's agents recorded the 'the greeting in Direkoglu's answering machine' and after examination they may/ or may not allow Kemal get my reply.
Therefore, I am presenting my reply here in the Internet and I am requesting from all friends of Kemal and all people around the World to let Kemal know abot my important reply:
Dear Soon, KEMAL:
My heart really broken from all pain and suffering of you and your dear family. WE shall never forget that Canadian Justice System and Lawyers and Judges were all allied with Hitler and Fascists during WAR II. However, on those last days that they have seen the Hitler's Army losing in all fronts, they made decisions to have fraudulent misrepresentation of 'Democracy & Justice' by defrauding the Allies.
You have attached six pages of your Dear father's complaints corrupt Law Society of Upper Canada at 130 Queen Street "Osgoode Hall" to attention of "Areather FOUCADE" Client Service. As you mentioned several corrupt lawyers and judges brought in your father's complaints that I have complaint and LAWSUITS against them too; such as corrupt law firm Futerman & Futerman; and corrupt Judges Somers and McMurtry! [As you can see I located links on their names that by selection would take to their misconducts.]. The Number One mission of the corrupt Law Society, Lawyers, Police, and Judges, is to obtain the citizens' information and NEED and make sure to obstruct those interests in such that the big corporations like Banks and Insurance Companies gain as much as unlawful benefits and interests. Do NOT forget that a small part of wealth of the corrupt Lawyers Defendant Jackman was over $100,000,000.00 shares of Royal Bank that transferred it to his dickhead children! Corrupt Judge McMurtry and his family and relatives wealth, I estimate not less than Jackman!
As you may be aware, McMurtry was a corrupt lawyer that by the way of corrupt politicians that we have in Ontario, by fraud in elections went to parliament and by harassments and bribery became the 'Attorney General of Ontario' in or about 1979! From, that Horrible Day, whole Canadian Justice System has fallen in the hands of the McMurtry's MAFIA! All judges and orders were disobeyed and the court process was abused. Soon McMurtry appointed himself a judge, then, while there were many senior judges in Ontario, appointed himself as the 'Chief Justice of Ontario'. I am fully in agreement with your father's statement that: "Ontario Chief Justice Roy McMurtry CJO had no business to judge my case, it is NOT in his field to do so but he did it because there was MONEY involved. A country like Canada, which has been preached as equality and rights for all. I am disgusted and disappointed to see the demonstration of racism and fraudulence from our high authority figures." On December 17, 2002, McMurtry CJO dismissed my TWO appeals under the Charter and Constitution, SOLELY, because I lead the demonstration against Police shooting of Chinese Homeless Edmond YU! McMurtry showed my picture in the Toronto Star to other judges and said to me: "Chinese are animal and mouse and you lead a demonstration for that mentally ill animal! I noted that you filed complaint and lawsuit against me too! These are sufficient grounds to dismiss you both appeals!" While my appeals were related to tortures that I suffered by conspiracy of Judge Lampkin. I told McMurtry that Judge Cadsby found that Lampkin conspired with Police. McMurtry said: " Cadsby! He was stupid judge that I kicked his ass, as soon as he made that judgment for you! He is now retired! HAHA" [Of course the words are not exactly as McMurtry said, you know judges always using some strange words that even themselves they do not know their meaning such as 'Vexatious' that NO judge in Canada has knowledge to provide an exact definition for it! McMurtry called Judge Cadsby as Vexatious Judge! That I after frothy five years study in law have no skill to provide a definition for it!
Your Father complained against Judge Somers too! Somers is a real Fascists and racists! On December 1994, Somers was Motion Judge heard the Crowns Defendants' Motions against my Two Lawsuits. The first question that Somers asked me in front of ten lawyers was: "Where Are You From?" I said: "IRAN!" Then, corrupt Judge Somers talked with me is such that I came from 'Jangle' where 'LAW' never had any meaning and known!
While all evidence indicates that IRAN was the FIRST country in the WORLD that had published LAW in about 3000 BC! Corrupt Judge Somers with contempt told me: "I do not where are you coming from, BUT in this country WE HAVE RULES that you must obey! Your both actions are dismissed with $2500 Costs to the Crowns!" I was shocked that how a old man could be so rude and animal! Insult to my nationality in front of all corrupt lawyers that in their OWN cases they are talking about CHARTER and they demand their relives according to the same Charter that Somers puts shits on it, with NO objection from any lawyer! In less than ONE Minute he struck out both statement of claims against Crowns Defendants. On same day, I made OATH to show to the people of the WORLD that Canadian corrupt lawyers and judges do NOT have ANY respect for the rule of law and our Constitutional Act, and I achieved to the highest level of success that no one ever achieve in whole Canadian Justice History! This Website is my proof!
Dear Son Kemal!
I present this explanation for you to make you and your father hopeful that still we have a lot of 'Canadian' that corrupt judges and lawyers are scared of them. Please, contact with me, that I help your father with the best potential actions that I learned! I would present all my services FREE of any charges to you and your family! However, you must pay all costs that the courts are going to ask, such as filing fees etc. To be honest, your father course of pleadings in mislead by corrupt judges. There are many other effective legal ways, such as 'mandamus' 'charter' etc. I am expert in 'Extra Ordinary Remedies' that may ceases the harassments and injustice.
Dear Son Kemal!
I do not want to scare you; however, please take note that the Crown and Police may come after You and other members of family, and obstruct your educations, employment and your private relationship with friends and girlfriend. So, it is important, to protect yourself by 'Legally Attacking to Corrupt Judges & Lawyers'!
THANKS FOR YOUR LETTER, Please feel free to call me at anytime on 416 513 0672!
Regard; Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi

DISOBEYING ORDER = Canadian Judiciary Culture; if a man get an order, there is NOT a proper Administrative Law to enforce the Order, but if a bank and a rich man get an Order, ALL Police Forces are ready to enforce the Order, immediately.  TENS Orders that Nourhaghighi got from the courts, were disobeyed by corrupt clerks, WHO DEMANDING BRIBES FOR ENFORCEMENT OF THE ORDERS.

DJURDJEVAC, MARKO = corrupt Toronto lawyer for the Respondents Caber & Condo 935 in Court of Appeal for Ontario, Sept 13/05. DJURDJEVAC  is expert in bribe to the clerks of the corrupt Courts in Toronto; for example between September to November 2005 he was late to file documents in the corrupt Court of Appeal for Ontario, but by bribe to the corrupt Registrar & white Canadian female clerks he was successful to file all his documents, contrary to object of Major Nourhaghighi that he wrote to Registrar that on is partner in the corrupt law firm Deacon, Sears, Fedson, & Montizambert. The Defendant corrupt lawyer Djurdjevac stands before the Law Society for fraud and misrepresentation at ontario Court of Appeal and his licenses was suspended for two years June 2006. At it has been fraudulently posted in the Internet that 'Marko Djurdjevac is a lawyer and partner at the law firm of Deacon, Spears, Fedson & Montizambert, in the City of Toronto, Province of Ontario, Canada. All members of the firm practise primarily in the area of condominium law and provide a full range of services including representation of vendors or purchasers in real estate transactions, advice on corporate procedures, meetings, condominium corporation management, opinions concerning condominium legislation and documentation, rules enforcement, common expense collections and a wide variety of condominium-related litigation, together with the handling of other legal proceedings, such as Tarion (Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act) claims, labour relation cases, municipal planning matters and Ontario human rights applications. In addition, several members of the firm have sub-specialties in other areas of the law. Marko graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School (in Toronto, Canada) where he was the senior editor of the Osgoode Hall Student Law Review. Marko completed his articles with Deacon, Spears, Fedson & Montizambert and was called to the Bar in 2002. He currently practises all aspects of condominium law with an emphasis on litigation, including mediation and arbitration. His litigation experience includes first-year deficit claims, condominium administrator proceedings, Tarion (Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act) claims, construction deficiency actions, shared facilities disputes, and rules enforcement proceedings. Marko is also a Certified Arbitrator (ADR Institute of Ontario) and offers his services as mediator or arbitrator of condominium as well as construction disputes. He has written articles on legal matters for condominium publications and is editor-in-chief of the CONDOLAW.TO newsletter. Marko has been interviewed by media outlets such as The Globe and Mail and Citytv for his comments on condominium law issues, and he has appeared as a lecturer and speaker at Canadian Condominium Institute conferences and seminars; with all these fraudulent misrepresentation Djurdjevac has lost to Iranian, none lawyers Major Nourhaghighi in a very simple application for leave at Ontario Court of Appeal.

DOBENY, GAIL = defendant in action 96-CU-113026-this action caused Major Nourhaghighi, immediately, be arrested and be torture by nine members of police on December 11, 1996.
DOHERTY, ACCUSED DAVID H. = Dishonest judge of Ontario Court of Appeal, who is accused of conspiracy with insurance company and prosecution, for dismissal of Nourhaghighi's appeal in August 1996 for conviction of dangerous driving in September 1994 when police have reported Nourhaghighi's Vehicle speed was TEN km/h. This was violation of Human Rights in the Fair Trial and reasonableness.
Doherty, clearly violated Major's rights under the Bills of Human Rights.

DOCTORS = Canadian Doctor is worse than Evil and less than Slave! Canadian Doctor, is the most stupid person in the Earth, with no Ethical Code! Canadian Doctor main duty is just write a false record of a person complaint. Canadian Doctors do not know how to examine; only if they met beautiful women or/and men; they just know how to have sexual assaults with them [More than 10000 Canadian Doctors are accused for having intercourse with their customers!]  

DOCTOR’S HOSPITAL = a corrupt Canadian Hospital that finally was closed due to numerous lawsuits, involved in several conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi by corrupt Dr. Charles Kettle. This is a Canadian Culture, they will open a business and will do all possible wrong and crimes and after few years they will close it, and against they will open another corporation with different named; every year, thousands of companies are closing, and thousands others will be open; in this play, only the Public are the main loser.

DOERKSON, JOHN = "A key witness at Thomas Sophonow's three murder trials was willing to lie under Oath to get the man wrongfully convicted of killing Barbara Stoppel. Doerkson made the stunning admission: "You wanted to see Mr. Sophonow convicted of murder? asked inquiry counsel Richard Wilson. "Yes" came  the almost inaudible reply from Doerkson." Winnipeg, Canadian Press,  Toronto Star, March 22, 2001. A large numbers of Canadian are accused of perjury ending to two wrongful convictions against Major Nourhaghighi; particularly, Constables Pinchin, Parsons, Green and Prosecutor Scott's false and malicious Testimony have made highest damages to Major. Canadians are so and dishonest that to lie under Oath is fun for them, to see innocent man is on jail will satisfy their indecent nature. Canadian deserve atomic bombs on their heads.  

DOLAMORE, PETER = Canadian Police investigator defendant in two Major Nourhaghighi's actions for being involved in frauds and abuse of investigation process, which is pure Canadian Culture!

DOMINION = Canadian Dominion, as the definition is given in many constitutions documents, means "Colony and Colonial" For many free countries and nations, to address their country as Dominion or Colony is a very bad insult and contempt; no one in Iran likes that the word of Dominion be used in any way. However in Canada "Dominion" is the name of most oppressive and dishonest businesses, Like Toronto Dominion Bank, Dominion supermarkets et at. DOMINION committed many boring and insulting misconducts against Major.

DOMINION = the most dishonest Supermarket in the World that sell bad and corrupt food to people. Two Dominion Supermarkets are located close to Major Nourhaghighi resident in the Downtown of the City of Toronto, one located at College Square in College Street and the other is located close to University of Toronto residents where thousands of poor students are forced to purchase foods from Corrupt Dominion number 742, telephone 416 923-9099.
On October 27, 2001, the corrupt tall manager of 742 with two security officers, at 9:49 PM have assaulted a poor female student in the back of store, the poor student was complaining that a young white male security has sexually assaulted her and accusation of shoplifting was raised after she objected to his sexual misconduct. The tall white manager was slapping her and accusing her for making story and the white thin young female security was threatening her. These types of insults to customers are very normal in Canada, which is worst than the way Communists serving their customers. It is a great shame and disgrace to be Canadian or even live in Canada. Major has made several complaints against corrupt foods and misconducts of staff of these two stores, however there in no honest law enforcements against these types of crimes in Canada. The only way is lawsuit, and who is going to have expensive lawsuit for grocery! On April 6, 2002, at 12:37 AM Major purchased few items of grocery from Dominion at 735 College Street with receipt number, terminal 0442 02 0662 and operator 167 the total amount was 13.89; Dominion tried five counts of frauds in Pineapples by charging them $1.25, instead of .66 as advertised, four items were corrected the last one was Dole that charged $1.29 and yet constitute fraud that is on dispute. Amazingly there was cashier with long line up. Soon, Major find a parking ticket of $20 on his car windshield, while Dominion posted that two hours was free, and total time spend in the shop, with all nuisance of price check and refund was less than 45 minutes. The City of Toronto, officer 68085 was convince and got the ticket back, while the malicious act of Dominion's Back Security who ran away with white van AHXP-962 was clear indication of a chain of conspiracies raised since February 18, 2002 that called Quebec Conspiracy. The agents of government few times have intercepted and disturb Major with all kinds of frauds and Constructive Frauds in Dominion.

DONNELLY, RICHARD F.= the Deputy Judge of Ontario Court, with over 55 years experience as a judge, who given eight judgments and orders for Major Nourhaghighi, against parties of conspiracies with the Attorney General. Although, all judgments and orders were render after full trials and examinations of tens witnesses testimonies; Mr. Donnelly, has rejected the grounds of the conspiracy, which was the strange finding for such learned judge, who could see the links of facts between the Defendants' actions- Chronologically- Attorney General,  Zaks Taxi,  Co-Op Taxi, Maple Leaf Taxi, the CIBC, Metro Taxi, ANS Taxi, Dennis, Kwinter.
Donnelly  did not award Nourhaghighi for the proper general damages; and even did not award him punitive damages; which is but its fraud in its nature! Donnelly , soon was sued by Major in the Notice of Claim against the Crown, however Nourhaghighi dropped his prosecution, as he was a better man in a society with all corrupt men! At the same time, Judge Donnelly had much more reasonableness and justice than all other judges, he was not perfect, where non of us is perfect! However, none of these reasons could explain Donnelly cover up of conspiracy of the defendants in Major's actions with the Government of Canada, that he could say it clearly, but did not; in 1998, Judge Campbell, without any trial against Government said that in his judgment.
DONOVAN, Andrea = corrupt lawyer of the City of Toronto involved a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and fraudulently established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decision maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy. In addition she is accuse of bribery to the Registrar to allow to file response, when she failed o file document on time, and fraud in

, Aseem = The son of Premier Ujjal Dosanjjh at the British Colombia. Aseem is lawyer in profession. He was in the bar at Windsor of Ontario, that fighting started by group of people. Soon Aseem was charged for assault against a police officer and creating disturbances.
As Toronto Star reported, on March 12, 2001 Judge Harry Momotiuk dismissed all charges against Aseem, and he walked free; he is able to resume his law career without the taint of criminal charges, Judge said Aseem did not know that the person he hit was a police officer.
In the similar case; Judge Cadsby who dismissed same charges against Major, stated that the defence of "I did not know that the person was a police officer" is not a valid defence. This fact indicate, that the Canadian Judiciary do not have any standard to measure the crimes against the accused in same condition. In the other word if Aseem father was not Premier, or himself was not a lawyer, judgment was totally different. Equal treatments? Is story in Canadian courts. 
Douglas, Kevin = the corrupt agent of GM Visa agent who on June 29, 2002, at 10:30 AM had misconduct with Major after his daughter called to activate her card that she and Major were faced with the Constructive Abuse of Authorities of Douglas, where Douglas continued to breach the confidentiality of Major's accounts and asking confidential information to active a card, such as " Your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, how many cards you have, how much is your credit card that you one to active, how many people are in your card, how much you owe in this card; how much you owe in your second card, what is your credit in second card, on ... and on questions. Major objected to Douglas as being member of criminal organization ended to family problems where Major's daughter became very upset of stated that she was not going to use the Card that causes this level of abuses. Corrupt Douglas was another agent of criminal organization that entered into Major's life for few minutes and caused serious family conflicts in Major's family. Canadians are the dirtiest mind people in the World that for a little money, as a worker of GM Visa telephone services, that no body is ready to do such stupid job, are ready to sell their own ass, their mothers and sisters pussies to keep the cheapest jobs!

DOWN SYNDROME = is a unique chromosomal condition characterized by short stature, distinct facial feature, and physical and cognative differences that separate it from other manifestations of mental retaardation. The chromosomal abnormality occurs near the time of conception and affects growth and development of all organs. There are three types of Down Syndrome: Trisomy 21; Translocation DS; and Mosaicism. 95% having Trisomy 21 and only 1% has Mosaicism.

WNS, Kevin = Corrupt Judge of Quebec Court, General Division, conspired with clerk, on December 6, 2002, at courtroom 4.11, Montreal Palais de Justice. Major saw that the court clerk went out and spoken in regard of subpoenas that Major had to be signed against members' criminal organization in Quebec. Therefore, corrupt Judge Downs, refused to sign, his excuse was: "I need to see the court file". While the normal procedure in Quebec does not need the file for signing subpoenas, as lawyers and clerks told Major. From September to December 2002, many judges and clerks were involved in conspiracy and bribery of the Montreal Eaton Securities scandals.

Dowdeswell Elizabeth = Shit Head Ugly Fat Whore Elizabeth Dowdeswell born May 13, 1944, and now is the
now is fucikng British Colonial Agent in Ontario as Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

DOYLE, H.W.O.= Law Firm representing Toronto Police, responsible for defendant for its partner Wigle who was involved in very acts against Major Nourhaghighi, in one of conspiracy, Wigle was witness that Major was taken into imprisonment at the elevator; she had a big fun. Canadian Lawyers are mostly stupid and enjoying from tortures of others.
, , , , , , ,
Drug and Prostitute Organizations in Toronto = Canadian Law made Drug and Prostitution illegal to give exclusive right to the Canadian Judges, Lawyers and Police to run the business; in Toronto all these businesses giving 75% of their income to the Ontario Judicial Council, Law Society and Chief of Police: AMC Yonge & Dandas24 mall: Adidas Store, FutureShop, Extreme Fitness; Home Depot at 110 Toronto Street; Metro Stores at Bloor & Spedina and College Square; COSTI at College Street; Iranian Canadian Stories and North York: Super Arzan, Super Khorak and Adel Kabab; University of Toronto;
" I am shocked of corrupt actions of Cheap Judge Roy McMurtry with my office at Ontario Court of Appeal"
DUBIN, Charles = Fomer Ontario Chief Judge that on 1996, the former corrupt politician R. Roy McMurtry conspired against him and destroyed the reputation of the Ontario Court of Appeal. During Dubin, law had respect in Ontario. However, since 1993 that Liberal-Chertin took power in Canada and then in Ontario, law was totally ignored by government and courts. Dubin yet is respected in Ontario and on October 2002 was appointed to investigate Toronto Police corruption and racism against Black community. On November 7, 2002, Dubin picture was in first page of the Toronto Star with title "Dubin bows out of probe into police" and Dubin said " I'm disappointed. I was looking forward to it, but under the circumstances I had no alternative " and refused to work under supervioson of Fantino, where 19 black groups refuse to meet5. with corrupt Chief of Police Fantino.

right, Corrupt Bastard Aboriginal Judge  Todd Ducharme
after committing ample crimes was candidate for Supreme Court of Canada

DUCHARME, Todd CHARLATAN = Indian-Canadian Charlatan Judge of Ontario Superior Court involved in conspiracy of October 19, 2004 at Osgoode Hall, courtroom no. 8, in case Major Nourhaghighi v. Caber Management Services. Ducharme by tricks continuously interrupting Major's argument and showing himself as a fool unable to understand the difference between having 'Factum' of argument or not. The Respondents surprised Major in the courtroom by legal argument  which was not in their motion record. And as Rules are required they must have that in a 'Factum', in a case before Major's case; Charlatan Ducharme asked from a lawyer, Anderson, how long do you need for your factum; she said 'One week will be fine!'; Charlatan Ducharme, then asked if lawyers on said case want to go with cross-examination of the affidavits, before decision be made. They answers were affirmative. However, when Charlatan came to Major's case played different game, did not allow cross-examination of Lawyer Deacon's Affidavit of October 13, 2004, and Factum for his motion, he totality denied Major's rights. Major filed complaint and Notice of Action against him. At present time there is an appeal by Major before the Court of Appeal for Ontario seeking an Order that the Attorney General of Ontario files a complaint against Ducharme J before the Judicial Council.

In October 19, 2004 Ducharme conspired with lawyer of Department of Justice Roger Flaim and misled the Supreme Court of Canada in contempt proceeding that the Right Honorable Major Nourhaghighi has brought against Flaim and few other lawyers. Ducharme is accuse of bribery from Toronto Condominium 935 in amount of $100,000.00 to dismiss the contempt proceeding that Major Nourhaghighi brought against the Property Manager Blair in October 22, 2004. Major Nourhaghighi has filed a complaint against Ducharme with the Canadian Judicial Council in which Ducharme in reply to the said prosecution has committed forgery in the transcripts of October 19 and 22 and by removing all material facts was able to stay on his duty. On May and October 2006, Ducharme has created a series of fabricating transcripts indicating that Major Nourhaghighi was accused before him to misled the judiciary that Major Nourhaghighi's charges against him had motive. As the result, Major Nourhaghighi filed an application that Ducharme be removed from office, in which on March 14, 2007, Late Justice Campbell found Ducharme has committed crime against administration of justice. Three weeks after in sudden Late Campbell died at Hospital in age 64, where prosecution against Ducharme stayed.

DUMB= Canadian Nation, Canadian Judges, Canadian Students, Canadian Arts, Canadian Law, Canadian Media, Governor General of Canada, All words start or ends with the words of British, Canadian, Canada, England, King and Queen.

View Larger Map DUNDAS SQUARE = This centre of drug & crime in Toronto is fully controlled by Canadian aboriginal "Indian" in which the corrupt Judge Todd Ducharme& Toronto police full control of smuggling and prostitution in this very busy downtown square.

On Sunday May 16, 1010, at 7:13 pm Major Nourhaghighi saw that corrupt Judge Ducharme has give a bag of Heroin to a White male Canadian Security of Dundas Square, Tall about 250 LB, wearing red frame classes, and white uniform ("John Doe") , to distribute between black community. Major saw that John Doe gave the bag to a Black female security, short, wearing a black jacket ("Jane Doe"). Then Major saw Jane Doe and another white fat female approached to a blackman [seems to be musician playing with a black band in the Dundas Square] and give the bag of Heroin to him. Then, the blackman musician has opened a carton, and gave a bag of US money to Jane Doe [The fat female was supervising the action], soon John Doe approach Jane Doe and asked for the bag of money. There was was dispute between all those three. Finally, Major saw that John Doe has taken money from the bag and gave to both women. Soon after, John Doe handed the bag of mony to Corrupt Judge Ducharme who was sitting in a black car in North East of Dundas Square. The History: Dundas Square used to be the centre of Toronto Muslim community and business; however the corrupt Mayor Jew LASTMAN has trespass and destroyed all shops in this area that be able to make centre of drug and prostitution.

DUNBAR, James A.S. = a defendant in Major Nourhaghighi'a action T-571-95 at Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division.

DUNN Sharon = Member of panel at Health Board for making decisions against corrupt Canadian Physicians. Dunn asked several kay questions from dishonest investigator Gans soon she understood that her position in College is in danger, therefore, has admitted that Major Nourhaghighi Ribs were broken during torture that the dishonest Shit Head McKNTY, tried to change Gans' evidence, soon Major interfere and again demanded that Gans to repeat her testimony, and she did!

DUNLAP, Joanne = Corrupt Lawyer involved in a conspiracy hto cover up all crimes committed by the Thief the Attorney General of Ontario and its agents against Major. Dunlap on June 19, 1997 has given two page of Factum in reply to 269 pages of Major's Application under the Charter indicating the Thief and its corrupt judges and lawyers have violated all Bills of Human Rights. Owing to Dunlap's obstruction, Major's application was dismissed and he could not find justice against members of police who tortured him.

DUTY = A legal obligation that is owed or due to another and that needs to be satisfied;
an obligation for which some one else has a corresponding right; "There is a duty if the Court says there is a duty!". These legal definition do not apply in Canada as the "Fiduciary Duty" does not get along with the British corrupt Colonial System in Canada; otherwise this Canadian Counter Dictionary does not exists.


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  2. Very interesting my story is like a very BAD nightmares that have no end insite I sorry I did have a CONDOMINIUMS SUITE at 5785 YONGE STREET NORTH YORK ONTARIO M2M-4J2 suite #101 from my understanding it was flooded in (2004) two years before I bought it with no one told us that it's was flooded and tell my mom got very sick 🤢 in it she got so sick that she has to call the ambulance and was hospital admit for a few days just to find out what this place have black mold in it which I saw when I was trying to do on upgrade and my condo unit and I saw black spots on the bottom of the floor which connect the drywall to the baseboards to the floor, after I started to COMPLAIN to the metro toronto CONDOMINIUMS about what is happening in (2007) they CLAIM to the bank of Montreal that I didn't pay the COMMON EXPENSES fees and they put a unlawful LIEN on my condo unit and the Bank pay it a short time after they CLAIM that they found the money on only sent back half of the money that the bank send them I am still in court over (10)&(years) and going I am in death and Lost a lot of money in court cost with no end insite. It's getting better The Bank of Montreal LAWYER is RUBINSTEIN SIEGEL, AT LAW FIRM RUBINSTEIN SIEGEL BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, his stories is very interesting you can take a look
