Friday 20 May 2016

B...Canada Bastard Corrupt Judge Bigelow to.corrupt Judge Burton who abused Judiciary Office

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada
Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Creepy whore Property Manager Lisa Blair

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

BAD FAITH = Canada, Ontario, Canadians' nature, Canadians' Faiths, Canadians 'Culture, the Only type of Faith exists in Canada and in the Judiciary System; Canadians' will for immigrants and refugees: The fact is that thousand Canadians listed in this document indicating I was obstructed almost everywhere by everyone, and did NOT allowed me have any INCOME, or job, because I filed complaint against frauds in my condominium; this is worse than MAFIA Justice!

BADOWSKI, JOHN = Dishonest Canadian Police Investigator defendant in my two actions for being involved in conspiracy, and abuse of his powe.

BALD = The Canadian allegations of having respect for the Holy Bills of the Human Rights and Democracy in Canada! Since 1990, the Government of Ontario interfered with all my rights guaranteed under the Charter such as obstructing my livelihood and mobility, my right to practice religion and be member of the Canadian Airline Association, my right to have a have counsel and be tried by independent and impartial tribunal, to not be subject of cruel and unusual punishments and unwarranted arrest and search. Even, we all owners of condominium having no right elect our own board of director and Toronto Police and Crown they have selected for us a Board since 1990 that our condo was registered! Similarly, there are few corrupt parties that made to play the role of democracy, the same parties that we had in Iran and Iraqi had! Canadians' Democracy is bald and extremely far from the Democracy in France and Germany!

BALD ALLEGATION = Term used by Madam Justice Boland to express the total lack of evidence in the malicious Affidavit of Property Manager Defendant, corrupt Joe VERO against me, that "As far as I am Iranian, and had Military training should sell my property in Condo 935, as I was dangerous to others! And the price of my Condo should be decrease every month by %10 until be sold!" I explained for Judge Boland that the

BALD HEAD = This is me at age approaching to Sixty! HAHA, HOOHOO! I divorced more than Twenty years ago and never married again! HAHA, Many beautiful girls in Canada love 'bald head' and asking me: "Can I touch your head, please!" I am replying: "Of course! If you promise to not suck it!" Ha ha, as Canadian girls love to suck decks!HAHA. DOSE, a shity paper on Wednesday August 3, 2005, at page 21 reported in a Questions that put in many young girls: "WHO is your DREAM DATE?" Few beautiful girls replied in which Sexy Blonde Crystal MILLER, 27, from Calgary wearing Cowboy's Hat said: " My dream date ...Hmm, probably Vin DIESEL! Oh yeah I am a big fan of Vin! I've seen most of his movies. The things about Vin that turn my crank are everything. Bad boy, nice Body, Bald Head!" Hey I am Lucky Triple Bs too; would you love me please?

BANK= Canadians' Banks means " Thief"; they are the most dishonest and unsafe banks in the World, the dirties thief in the World has honour to the Canadians' Banks, No one has a right to assess to his own money, Banks have right to defrauds the customers accounts as much as they wish, in last ten years, the Canadian Banks have stolen Hundreds Billions dollars from the Interests that the must pay to the customers; and they have charged Hundreds Billions dollars for services charges that was not exists before.

Bank of Montreal = Member of Criminal Organization; accused of several conspiracies and obstructions in access to the Master Card, reports of my confidential information of accounts to the police. The Bank has commenced investigation to find how by the way of computer hacking the Attorney General is abusing my accounts. Several staff of this banks are respondent in my application in Federal Court.

BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA = Member of Criminal Organization; the most dishonest banks in the World. In July 1994, was convicted by the Ontario Court in my lawsuit for frauds and dishonestly in my accounts. Scotiabank continued wrongdoing and again named defendant in my actions. July 26, 2002 was the last day of conspiracy by Thief Scotiabank, at 440 College Street, where I finally closed all my GIC.

BANZINET, Captain H.C. = The member of Canadian Forces that maliciously obstructed my application for joining to Air Force as a Fighter Pilot in October 1990.
BARBE, Nicole = Officer of the complaint department of  the respondent of the Financial Institutions of Canada who did not enforce the law against the corrupt Banks named respondents in my complaints from 1990 to 2002.

BARBETTA, Jennifer = Constable of Toronto Police-27 killed in running to a Weston Road Red Light at 1:30 a.m. on October 29, 1993, when she was going home. Thanks God that Barbetta did not crash into a vehicle otherwise the corrupt Toronto Police would charge that poor driver for Dangerous Driving as corrupt Constables Parsons & Pinchin did in same condition me on April 16, 1994, and charged convicted me for slowing to traffic light with TEN Km/h!

BARISSETT, Anges = Legal Secretary of the Crown who was living in town of Ajax in the province of Ontario who served Notice of Application to me by mailing it to me by registered Mail on June 22, 1998, that was left in the post office for pick up. On July 15 , 1998 I had important proceeding before Ontario Court of Appeal, as respondent in condo's appeal. Therefore I did not went to post office and documents was returned to Barissett, who became an accessory to a conspiracy of the Crown- Canada's application, that has faced with difficulties in the Court, and finally dismissed!

BARNABE, Richard = Barnabe's battered face has become the terrifying image of Montreal Pigs Brutalities and wide-spread abuse of power. A large numbers of muslims and blacks were killed by racists Montreal Pigs Police. Ten Montreal Pigs Police Constables have beaten a poor taxi driver for which he was in a permanent coma, lying in his hospital bed with his mouth slightly open and eyes fixed at the twilight between life and death for few months that finally died leaving a poor family behind. The corrupt lawyer Pierre Goulet did not take any step to charge all ten constables offenders; however Barnabe's family have charged five constables with assault causing body harm. The Quebec Judges were forced to issue the said five charges as all people of the World have spit at the face of Queen Elizabeth II and the corrupt Trudeau who is in the Hell now! While the same Judges have not charged offenders who have assaulted and committed robbery against me in February 2002.

BARRET, JANET = the Inquiries Clerk of the Ontario Human Rights Commission who in accordance to object of a conspiracy with courts on June 16, 1997, sent a long form to be completed by me, unlawfully cross examine me about many material of my Charter Application before the Court. As the result of Barret's malice my Charter Application was dismissed; REC27652; file 16061997JBAT-3J4PZU complaint against Condo 935!

BARREAU de Quebec = the Law Society for the Province of Quebec that I had two open files of complaints against Montreal Lawyers with it; against Quebec Lawyers at Tel: (514) 954 3400 and address 445 boulevard Saint- Laurent, Montreal, Qc, H2Y 3T8. You may obtain referral to lawyers by Calling Emee Landy, or attend at trial against lawyer at 1 rue Notre-Dame Est, 9th Floor, Room 9.80, Tel: (514) 866 2490.

BARWELL, David = Detective number 40 of the Metro Toronto Police who abused his power in supporting four out of nine officers- Follert, Stephens, Morrison and Akien, who were involved in assaults and torture against me. Barwell, had all evidence that indicate officers did crimes against me, but with change of information has brought two charges against me that he:" spit directly into Det. Follert's face. He then began lashing out with his feet and deliberately kicked Det. Follert in the right thigh. He than kicked Court Officer Dave Aiken in right upper leg area.". Judge Cadsby dismissed all charges against me and called Follert as the Stupid, which is like a same spit to the face of Barwell.
BAY= Department Store in the City of Toronto, as the party of conspiracy with Attorney General of Ontario, has harassed me in its Stores with its securities from 1995 to 2002. I stopped to purchase anything from Bay, thereafter, while all my records indicating From 1990 to 2002, I bought thousands of Dollars $$$$$ almost everything from Bay, as I was new in Canada and I need almost everything to buy. The Police and Crown have abused my shopping from Bay and asked several Bay's employees to act as 'informers' for them, while I was shopping!
BAYLIS, Ted = Toronto Police Hero Constable Baylis, 25 having a fiance and dreams of a grand life together, was killed by Killer Crack Dealer Clinton Gayle during drug burst at 9:40PM on June 16, 1004. Gayle aimed his stolen handgun at Baylis and his partner, blasting Constable Mike LEONE. On March 6, 2005, Baylis' father sat sadly on a bench with his son photo on his side and with reference to murdered four RCMP said: "It's an awful, awful thing. In my case, I never got over it. I just hope their families find better peace of mind than I have."  [Toronto Sun].
BAZAAR = Canadian Justice Systems[federal, provincial],Canadian Governmental Systems[Federal, Provincial, Municipally], Canadian Insurance Systems, Canadian Decision Making Systems[all kinds of board who have jurisdiction to make decision, in some cases, very hard decisions such as suspension of a pilot, a physician or a lawyer licenses].  
BAIZLEY, Marnie = corrupt lawyer involved a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and fraudulently established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decision maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy. In addition Baizley s accuse of bribery to the Registrar to allow to file response, when she failed o file document on time, and fraud in factum

BEDARD, Jean-Paul = Corrupt Teacher of COSTI who has sexually abused large numbers of immigrant students who have attended to learn English such as the folowing sample of countless Bedard's Victims of Sexcual Abuse & Wrongdoing Accordaing to International Police collection from His FaceBook. Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint against Bedard before Ontario Human Rights Tribunal was not heard by direct interference of members of criminal organization. Bedard is active member of Toronto Cops involved in smugglers of Heroin that Major Nourhaghighi arrested them.
BELFORD, John = Corrupt president of Caber Management Services Inc. involved in several crimes against me since 1996. Corrupt Belford's malice caused toxic moulds be build in my home and cause serious injuries to my children and me. Corrupt Belford is defendant with other employees of Caber in the Ontario General Division of File No. 04-CV-273627 CM1 where I asked he be imprisoned for breach of the Ontario Court of Appeal Order in file C24450. Corrupt Belford by paying bribes to Indian Judge Ducharme was able to get four months adjournment from October 22, 2004 to February 23, 2005, to delay his sentencing. However the Black Judge Pitt maliciously did not enforced two Orders of the Court! Caber & Belford have stolen millions dollars from Major Nourhaghighi's Condo from May 1994 to May 2010.

BELANGER, JOHN = Member of Criminal Organization; corrupt clerk of Old City Hall, Toronto; he is defendant for bribery and conspiracy in my action-from August 1993 to April 1996 in a file titled Queen against Condominium 935, that I was prosecuting the charges; where the corrupt Judge McNish has stolen my master document during trial to be able to dismissed case. On April 1996, Defendant Belanger interferes with the process and mislead Judge Silverman too. As the result I sued ill Judge Silverman and Belanger. I was not given chance of trial and legal argument of my lawsuit, and it was dismissed with its appeal in my absentia.
The Queen of Thieves
The Businessman is a , the Merchant is a , all Constables of Police are Thieves
The Bank is a , the Insurance Company is a , all Employers are Thieves
The Judge is a , the Lawyer is a , all Clerks of the Governments are Thieves
The Mayor is a , the Minister is a , the Governments (Toronto, Ontario and Canada) are Thieves
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi; Tortured by Toronto Police
Political Asylum Seeker as a Canadians, since 1994

BELL CANADA=  the Member of Criminal Organization; the most dishonest telephone company in the World. Bell Canada is defendants for conspiracy and interception of my private communication in the Federal Court of Canada and in Ontario Court.  Bell Canada, has committed all kinds of Crimes in the Communications advance spying and obstructing systems for thefts of communications and businesses have been used against my communications since 1990!!
Bell unlawfully intercepted my children's phones too to obstruct their rights.  Bell Canada was respondent in application for Writ of Mandamus before Human Right Commission for all types of crimes and discriminations against us. Bell Canada, on November 17, 2000 committed theft of the cash that I deposited into their safe, and Bell conspired with corrupt Judge Gibson to dismiss my application. As the result on April 16, 2001 my telephone service on number 416 515 7263 was terminated unlawfully, where I was using it for transmission of my documents to tens of lawyers on the record. Bell Canada has commenced harassing me by calls and notices fraudulent notices, claiming money from me, just at Every First Day of Iranian New Year! This is the Canadians' culture to interfere with other nations joys and celebrations!
While in fact Bell Canada has stolen my money from my account in amount of $60 and had knowledge that if I want to commence lawsuit for $60 it would costs me thousands dollars! On November 2000, I heard that the Crown's agent came to the line and asked from Bell's employee to give me false information that did not receive my payment as whore suddenly changed her words: "Oh Yes we got your money... No! Wait, yet we did not receive it!"

BELL WORLD =  A THIEF store located at Toronto Eaton Centre, at 218 Yonge Street, M5B 2H6, tel: 416 200 8852, fax 416 971 9451, email: bill.eakin@bell On November 17, 2001, I made Sixty Dollars cash payment at Bell Canada's Deposit Box in the store. Manager Eakin conspired with corrupt Bell lawyer D'Alessandro where I filed my Application for Writ of Mandamus against Bell, Canadian Human Rights Commission et al. In Canadian Judiciary Systems, it is very common, to perform all kinds of felonies against a party in the proceeding to make sure the opposite party will win the case. As far as I was sure that Bell World is going to steal my money, I wrote the $20 notes numbers EVP 5628441; AICI582789; ESVU653391, in front of Eaton Securities, then deposited in the safe box of store! As the result of this theft I charged the Federal Court Judge Gibson for theft and conspiracy in the Supreme Court of Canada in file 30350. All other parties of theft, particularly, corrupt EAKIN, and Bell Canada Manager Marsha Flores will be charged in Ontario Court in Bell Action in 2006.  Bell World, and Gibson Conspiracy ended my telephone service at 416 515 7263 be terminated since April 16, 2001.

BELLEHUMEUR, DON= Member of Criminal Organization; the Ontario Lawyer defendant, hired by the Attorney General, involved in several conspiracies from in 1996 and 1997 at Old City Hall.
BENDER, Jodi = Defendant in my lawsuit T-571-95; Bender was member of Toronto Police Criminal Organization.

BENGINO, Gabriel = Bengion is a partner with the Harris Management Corporation and is a new Property Manager for Major Nourhaghighi's Condominium MTCC 935, appointed on May 1st 2010, replacing the corrupt property manager Blair defendant for fraud, conspiracy and contempt of court. On May 17, 2010 Bengion issued his first Notice to all owners who have bicycles to receive a tag in price of $5.23! Bengion did not explain why owners must pay additional fees. Bengion, as usual Canadian habits, has harassed all owners that "The Corporation will REMOVE ANY BICYCLES WITHOUT A TAG that  are left on the bicycle rack after 15th, 2010. The Corporation will not e responsible for any damaged or stolen bicycles!" Bengion has given his phone number as 416 915 9115 Extension 22.
September 16, 2010 URGENT
Attention Property Manger Gabriel Bengino; HARRIS Management Corporation Champagne Drive Toronto, Ontario M3J 2T9 Fax (416) 915 9114; Email M6G 4A3
Dear Property Manager:
Reference: Security Staff Harassments at Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 935 (Hereinafter the "Condo 935")
This is a serious complaint against the harassments of the white male Security bully Gal [not sure of spelling "Gal"] and the Superintendent Ruben Perez ("Perez") hired by Condo 935 and/or by the Harris Management Corporation ("Harris") against my family and I. I remind you that in your letter of May 2010 that you send to all owners and I, you have promised that Harris and you are going to provide all owners and residents with the Canadian high standard of the professional services. The following misconduct by your contractors has clear indication that your objects of the professional services were breached.
Since 1991 I am the owner of unit 608. Last night, September 15, 2010, at 11:01pm, my family and I were resting that I heard several knocking at my unit's door. I was very shocked and worry that there may be an emergency. I looked it was Security Gal. I changed my dress and opened door's lock. Then I discovered Security Gal maliciously and unlawfully interfered with our rest, and peace and enjoyment of our property.
In addition, on September 12, 2010, about 11:30pm, I was escorting my family to leave the building as Perez several times harassed them. At the hall, I saw Perez was talking with Gal at the office. Perez is an alcoholic and hardly residents could find him during regular hours.
Perez stared at us with hatred and anger. Soon I returned to the building. I saw both stared at me with hatred and anger. I took elevator to 6th floor. I felt extremely harassed and worried, so I returned to the hall. I told to Security Gal that he should be professional and must avoid any misconduct that may end to liability against Harris. Gal confirmed that fully he understood the legal liability of the professional misconduct.
It is important to take notice that a pattern of the harassments commenced against me on September 10, 2010 about 8pm by a constructive theft of my personal properties at the Athletic Centre. I duly reported all my stolen properties to the University of Toronto Special Constable ("U of T") the Justice of Peace, and the Toronto Police inter alia (i.a.) my bicycle key, condo's key and access key. Due to Perez' harassment, I asked my son to inform Perez for lost of access key that you be able to cancel it and provide me with another one. I learned that Perez refused and argued, but finally agreed; but still I did not get it.
I honestly believe that Perez trying to mislead and obstruct justice by justifying the said constructive theft of my properties. Perez has motive, as he and his wife are defendants in my pending lawsuit. Perez furnishes "security video" of the attendance of the Security ay my door as an attack to my credibility.
It is extremely important that you bring this complaint to the attention of the President and owner of Harris to avoid liability and nuisances against your cooperation; as since 1993 Perez and his wife have caused ample legal actions against property managements Maysfield & Caber in such that the property manager Leza Blair and Caber are accused of breaches of the Orders in pending motion for CONTEMPT of COURT
I do expect you conduct an impartial investigation, with good faith and honestly, and provide me an answer no later that October 13, 2010. Furthermore harassment in the residential property against my family and I is violating Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19. Thus I need you provide me an access key urgently.
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
608-456 College Street
M6G 4A3

BERGEL, HY =  Major Nourhaghighi's corrupt lawyer, involved in conspiracies with Police and Crown, where Transport Canada's agent, Offender Rui assaulted me on May 7, 1993 [after discovery of Pilots Scandal]. Bergel, with malicious intent did not issue subpoena for the witnesses of assault, as the result the charge of assault against offender was dismissed by corrupt Judge Hryn, in September 1993.

BERNHARD, June = Corrupt Ontario Judge that her right buttock grabbed by Judge Hryciuk at Old City Hall, however she did not file a complaint until other women that were sexually assaulted by Hryciuk took action against the pig Judge Hryciuk.

BEZUHLY, RITA = On January 19, 2001, Bezuhly-the Regional Manager of the Federal Court of Canada, involved in conspiracy for cover-up of the crimes of the contempt of court committed by five lawyers in which I prosecuted the charges. Bezuhly's staffs are accused of violation of Human Rights to discriminate Major in access to standard of the court services. Bezuhly, with bad faith and dishonestly have collected evidence to mislead and obstruct the justice. Bezuhly continued her crimes from July 2003 to Feb 2004 by Improper Interference in file T-768-03, and from September 2002 to March 2004 by fraud in process of files A-50-01, A-559-03, A-151-04, and from April 2004 to January 2005 in frauds at file T-762-04. Corrupt Bezuhly and her parties all have failed in their plans against me, however, they caused me five years waste of life and hundreds of thousands dollars damages!

BIG = Bid Dick or Big Cock Is something that Canadian love it, however cannot find it, whatever they have is much smaller than Chines' genitals! BIG Deck is Canadian Dream too! BIG Mouth is a washroom of Canadian Judges' mouths are as they have insulted me, many times in the courtrooms. Only shit come out of Canadian Judges, Lawyers and Police mouths! BIG, is Canadian bill for services, which is not true even a SMALL amount of it, such as all lawyers bill, telephone companies bills, Caber bills! .

All Businesses in Toronto Eaton Centre Are
Too Dangerous for Shopping As
the Eaton Centre Security Is
 Involved in Thefts of Your Personal Information
this is My Proof!
Toronto Eaton Centre is the Most dangerous Place for All Americans
Big Smoke Burger or Hand Crafted Burger = On September 10, 2016  we bought two burgers and for $14 and one Fires for $5 from this the World Worst Burger, that sold, at Toronto Eaton in Canada Sucks:) burgers were cold and full of all kinds FAT and Fries were Very Small, Fatty, cold and old! Staff were rude, and all around us were Eaton Black & White, male and females Securities with White Uniform, asking us if we want drug for $25 a pack or interested in having sex with them "Paying Us $50 Cash!". Thus, we just everything that we paid $19.49 for it at#.13 PMand left Eaten Centre, with absolute rush! However, a Black female Security in her 35, again stopped us and Offer $100 if we fuck her ass! That we run to street, jump to Cab and went Hotel. 
Also, while we were waiting to get our burgers. We saw few Jew Extremists, with very strange clothing that we have never seen, came too close to us and said " You motherfucker American get Lost of this City or we will fuck your mouth with full of shit instead of Burgers... Oh Yah this is Canadian Shit for all of you motherfucker Americans !"
Today, September 11, 2016, at 3:30pm, we tried to file a complain with the "Eaton Centre and Burger that we saw the above WARNING fromFireFox telling us that canadian are thief and are going to steal our personal information; thus, we left the site.

This Motherfucker is Canadian White Judge:
BIGELOW, Defendant corrupt Judge Robert G.= Bigelow is the member of Criminal Organization hired as the Ontario Provincial Judge. Bigelow, is a white man who conspired with Police and Insurance company to ignore all my Human Rights in defence of charge of Dangerous Driving when the Police has reported that my vehicle was Ten km/h. I filed action T-668-95 in the Federal Court of Canada and I requested corrupt Judge  Bigelow be removed from the Office; as he was party of conspiracy in construction noises during trials of September 15, 1994 by police, fire trucks and ambulance sirens during trials, where excessive loud noise has caused serious harms to my cross-examinations!
View Larger Map
On April 16, 1994, this sad malicious prosecution was brought against me, right after my lawsuit against corrupt Canadian Pilots ended on April 5, 1994, where Ontario Aviation Manager, Schobesberger, has clearly failed before my cross-examinations and made false statement. From April 5 to April 16, 1994 my vehicles three times were ceased by Toronto Police who have abused its power by Eleven Charges under Highway Traffic Act against me, with Five additional following charges under Criminal Code, and Four Lawsuits and Application (Total Twenty Malicious Prosecutions) ending to Eleven Years Defence and Appeal Process, at all Courts, including Supreme Court of Canada, while still most of files are in backlog, with general damages over $1,000,000.00, with no hope for relive. Corrupt White Judge Bigelow was master of Constructive Waste of Time of Victims in obstructing my right of defence. Bigelow, with all tricks was interfering to my cross-examination and by long lecture misleading me to other subject. The Statement of Claim in file T-668-96 contains complete particulars of the tricks used by corrupt judge Bigelow during three days trials against me. Major Nourhaghighi's Proofs Beyond a Reasonable Doubt against Toronto Police Parsons and The Toronto Region Judge Bigelow for CONSPIRACY: Thanks to today technology that made possible to disrepute the criminals:
1- The true copy of the Police report of Accident; Number 1 driver is Major Nourhaghighi; Number 2 driver is Constable Parsons
2- The Enlarged copy of the drivers' information:

3-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles speeds in which Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour' and Driver # 2 Police speed Zero:
4-The Enlarged copy of the Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour:
5-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles positions in which it is clear that Number 2 Driver, Police Vehicle, has violated and made sharp right turn to the lane where Major was driving:

On His First Day in Office of President of U of T the
Right Honourable Major Nourhaghighi served Birgenau with a lawsuit
He was just arriving in the Office that he was really
shocked and started crying Oh My God, Lawsuit in my First Day"
This is how Major revenge against criminals

BIRGENEAU, Robert  J. =  In his first day in his office at University of Toronto, while he just arrived, Major Nourhaghighi served him with a lawsuit...that he Loudly started crying " Oh My God I can't belive!". The corrupt Ex-president of the University of Toronto (U o T) defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's lawsuit for corruption and allowing the science and technology of U of T be used by the corrupt Canadian Government and Police in intercepting Email, and making all kinds of softwear to trespass banks accounts and breach the privacy of the people and Major Nourhaghighi. the appointed on July 1, 2000, who faced with Bookstore strike! Birgeneau, was away from Canada for 30 years and just came to commit crimes in Toronto as against humanity by conspiracy with the corrupt Government of Ontario! Today Robert J. Birgeneau is corrupt Chancellor and Professor of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley;

Major wrote to him and has given him strict instruction to stay away fro the British Canadian Criminal Organization . And he clearly disobeyed. Thus Birgeneau, on August 23, 2000 was hiding himself to not be served personally with the Major's Application for Writ of Mandamus and crying like a kid for being charged and arrested as a criminal on a lawsuit
as he ignored Major Nourhaghighi's warning to stop crimes against the Computer Law. The photo is a master evidence showing the Italian MAFIA assistant leader, Killer Giuliano Amato, University of Toronto president Robert Birgeneau, and U of T MAFIA director John Kirton have agreed in $280 Million soft wear crimes, for hacking credit card and bank accounts in Canada, US, and Italy.

BILLINGTON, GARG = defendant for being accused of a party in a conspiracy,

BIZSMART = New corrupt dependent bank to CIBC who was involved in three counts of conspiracies from April to Aug 21/02 when BEN with extension number 8331 called Major at the time that Major was reporting telephone interception to the CRTC; Ben, who refused to provide his last name, like all cheaters, was involved in the Constructive Communication in accordance to the objects of conspiracy. Ben was trying to put on the record that Major had a "Company", and did not provide any explanation why he called Major of Aug 21/02!

BLACK = Deep and charm color; the color used by old Persian as the revolutionary color, the beautiful color of the skin a large group of human beings race that called in the same name. And also, Black as adjective to the opposite to White in old Persian used as the Evil, Evil soul, Satan, Oppression, Hopelessness, Heartlessness, Hardship, Darkness, Phantoms.

Canadian Black Race = CBR communities in Toronto have loyalty to the Slavery in Third Millennium. The Black Judges, lawyers, Prosecutors, Court Clerks and Administrators, Pilot, Police Agent and Security Guards, ordinary people, Customers and businessmen has proven the bottom line of dignity and honor in all Major Nourhaghighi's cases and experiences, since January 1991. It is extremely sad finding by Major's researches that the Black Race in Toronto is the worst criminal, with compare to other races, for similar crimes; in the other word, Black Race is welcoming the crime, if they know that they will get governmental immunity for such crimes. For example; the Governments of Canada and Ontario have given immunity to many lawyers for wrongdoing and crimes against Major Nourhaghighi and his children. Many different races and nationality lawyers were involved for which the Black Lawyers have committed maximum wrongdoing to satisfy the Crowns; the second worst lawyers were from Toronto Jewish Community and the third worst lawyers from Italian Community. Same as the Black Judges, like Pitt and Lampkin. Black Lampkin attended at Old City Hall, Clerks' Office, to coordinate a plan of conspiracy, that what clerks should say in their testimonies, to support object of conspiracy! No judges ever have put a shit in the face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Black Race of Canada more than Black Judges Pitt and Lampkin!

BLACK OUT DAY =  Called for "August 15, 2003" when the hydro was lost in all cities in Province of Ontario in Canada and Provinces in the USA. Hydro failure continued for few weeks. In this period again the Government of Canada was involved in several conspiracies against Major, such as false answer by Federal Court Registry in Toronto 'Stan Shepherd' that the office was open, and when Major hardly was able to reach to downtown, where it was hard to get transportation, then Shepherd at ground floor of Canada Life Building told him that the office was closed; and did not let him to file his documents which was due. Later, Judge Defendant MacKay made an Order that all documents which was due on August 15, be accepted for filing on August 18, 2003.

Black Race & Jokes = There are countless Jokes against Black Race in the World! On February 23rd, April 26th and April 28th, 2005, the corrupt Black Theft Judge Romaine Pitt has proven, once again that the Black Race is the worst and most uncivilized Race in the World. From June 1996 to December 1997, the corrupt Black Thief Judge Vibert Lampkin, held fourteen days trial against Major as 'Defendant' in a fraudulent complaint filed by Police; where the Crown estimate for trial was 'Three Hours'. Theft Judge Lampkin intentionally dragged the trial, as he was appointed from Newmarket to Toronto to hold the trail. The Crown did that to make sure impartiality of judiciary in Major's Trial. However, Theft Judge Lampkin, made the trial as his personal interests, and has got all kinds of benefits and bribes for eighteen months. And finally, Thief Judge Lampkin by stealing Major's master evidence on December 11, 1996, was able to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt that Major has assaulted the Police; while all actual documents before all Courts, at same period, were indicating that Police assaulted Major. Only Black Race has ability to perform all kinds of crimes and dirty acts in the bench of justice. However, the case before corrupt Black Theft Judge Pitt was contradictory; here major was 'Prosecutor' against Condominium 935 and its Managers Caber. While Major had ample master evidence that even one of that was sufficient to convict Condo and Caber, beyond a reasonable doubt. However, Black Thief Judge Pitt, without any shame, ignored Major's master evidence, three Courts Orders against Condo and Caber, and ignored all rules and law. The Judgment of the corrupt Black Motherfucker Judge Pitt has ample errors of fact, law and fact, and errors of law. As the revenge against corrupt Black Motherfucker Thefts Judges Lampkin and Pitt, from this date May 7, 2005, a new chapter against Black Race is opened in this site with intention that in long period to become the major source of all kinds of Jokes\ and Fictions that ever has been collected against Black Race. So Help Me Satan!

BLACK and WHITE LAW = the law does not have middle! Either you win or you would lose!
Fucking Dirty whore Property Manager Lisa Blair, convicted of
Contempt of Court Order

BLAIR, Leza M. = corrupt Partner of Maple Ridge Community Management LTD in which Major Nourhaghighi contempt of Court Order proceedings as against LISA BLAIR has costs over One Million dollars Legal Costs to not allow this fucking whore corrupt bitch spend Five Years in prison.   This Whore Corrupt Property Manager is defendant  when she was partner with corrupt CABER property management and she was appointed on September 1999.
Blair involved in conspiracy against Major's accounts, slander and several contradictory statements, which indicate the cell of conspiracy was active in year 2000, and years after till a strong judgment against Condo and Caber be made by the Courts. Blair is a dirty whore in nature and by support of corrupt members of Toronto Police Pigs who directly engaged on conspiracy of September 11, 2002 with several other parties of the Dirty Thief!
On June 13, 2002, an owner told Major that Blair was involved in many slanders against him among the Evils Neighbors, as the result Major filed a claim against the Dirty Thief! On February 21, 2005, corrupt Blair has committed perjury in affidavit heard by Judge Pitt. On February 23, 2005, corrupt lawyer Fedson, on presence of dirty whore Blair read this paragraph before Judge Pitt. However, Pitt did not made any comments as Judge Pitt read all evidence of crimes and frauds by dirty whore Blair.
-Corrupt Chief of Toronto Police

Canadian Bastard Celebrating 150 Years in Canada Day That Bastard in Center, Blair was Ex Chief of Toronto Police
Defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits
July 1990 to July 1, 2017
BLAIR, William = New Chief of Police appointed on April 26, 2005; he is 65 years old and has 30 years experiences with Police Services. "New" always bring a false hope that the condition may change and Police stop killing people by direct shot to their heads in the Street of Toronto. However, soon, the evidence is proving that Police is continuing is oppressive manner and corruption disregard of changes in 'chief position'. Blair is Defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuit before the Ontario Court  

, Piere = the  Ex-Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, defendant [Appointed as the Federal Court Judge, 1998]. Blais, maliciously, forward Major's confidential reports to  the corrupt  Judges at the Old City Hall and Transport Canada, in 1993 that was the main cause of serious aggravation and tens of charges, malicious prosecution, assault and torture against Major by the Administrators of the Old City Hall, from 1993 to 1997. Clark, involved in one of the said assault with two under cover police officers in 1996. Then Blais became judge of the Federal Court!  

BLAKE CASSELS & GRAYDON LLP  ("Its") = The most corrupt law firm in Toronto; misrepresented several defendants in my actions and applications.Its partner, Michael P. Stephenson, was involved in a conspiracy of May 7, 1999, as the accessory with Borden and Elliot. In August 29, 2000, Ruth Promislow, wrote a letter to me in respect to Writ of Mandamus against the MBNA Canada Bank, that indicate still this law firm involved in a conspiracy!
On September 15, 2000 I was successful to find evidence of False Pretence by its staff  and took few months until I entrapped the dishonest staff of firm. I appealed file T-1535-00 to the corrupt Supreme Court of Canada. However, Corrupt Lawyer Weisz by bribery, conspiracy and forgery got the judgment from SCC, on October 2004. Shockingly, the corrupt Supreme Court of Canada have SEEN all evidence of forgery, perjury, frauds and conspiracy committed by Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP and many other lawyers, and awarded COSTS against me! It never happened before in whole Judiciary Systems in the World! It is extremely shocking and unbelievable!
On June 2005, the SIRC informed me that the hearing against members of CSIS would be held at Blake Cassels& Graydon LLP. I Immediately objected and by providing evidence of crimes committed by Weisz et al,  I asked for Change of Venue that my application was granted and the corrupt law firm lost all benefits. 

Blaney, McMurtry, Staplells, Friedman = Corrupt law firm of Ontario having more than 75 partners that is misrepresenting the corrupt court reporters of the Old City Hall in action CP-21833/96, CP-23912/96 of Major Nourhaghighi against the Attorney General of Ontario. The corrupt brother of Roy McMurtry [the Attorney General of Ontario, and Chief Judge of Court of Appeal] has main share. Involved in conspiracy that Major was tortured on December 11, 1996 by nine members of police therefore he could not attend at trial of January 3, 1997; his still pending.

BLECHER, PETER M. = Corrupt Canadian doctor, defendant for sexual misconduct with Nourhaghighi during medical examination; Canadians, are mostly mentally ill people who suffering from all kinds of sexual disorders. There are over 10,000 files of sexual misconduct by the Ontario Doctors in the College of Physicians- whose Investigators and its Committee are mostly suffering from sexual disorder too! Therefore, they are in the same group of corruption with the offender and allowing wrongs carry on against the citizens. On March 28, 2001, the Government of Ontario declared that any physician be involved in sexual assault, his licenses will be removed permanently.Reference FILE No. 5125 Ontario Health Profession Board; Starr's Letter dated August 26, 1990.

BOILARD, Jean-Guy = Corrupt Judge of Quebec Court (Gen.Div.) involved in conspiracy of February 18, 2003. Corrupt Judge Boilard was 30 minutes late and six Quebec lawyers representing the Respondents were shocked of Boilard's unjustifiable delay. However, Major Nourhaghighi, is expert in all kinds of tricks in the British Colonial Courts. Major had knowledge that Corrupt Judge Boilard was attending in a confidential meeting with the RCMP and the Attorney General of Quebec, where they satisfied Boilard with fabricating evidence against Major to dismiss his Charter and Mandamus Application. According to the law, Corrupt Judge Boilard was obligated to read Major's Application Record material; however, he did not have any knowledge of documents. Boilard, unlawfully allowed all six lawyers have presentations, while none of them have followed the Criminal Proceedings Rules that required the Respondent's Application Record and Factum. Corrupt Judge Boilard, arbitrary, obstructed Major's presentation, and oppressively dismissed his Application, confirming the wrongdoing and crimes of the Montreal Eaton Center, and frauds and briberies of the Montreal Police and Judges.

Thank You Judge Boland for Your Good Judgment
Please See A Copy of Judge Order and Brief of Case

BOLAND, Janet Lang = Former Good Judge of Ontario Court [1986-1990 High Court of Justice, and 1990-1998 Ontario Court of Justice]  who on March 27, 1996 seriously disappointed the criminal organization "inside" of Toronto Police and the Attorney General of Ontario by dismissing one of the most serious application brought against Major Nourhaghighi On February 15, 1996 the Toronto Police-Marcy Green and Attorney General of Ontario-Allan Scott, with a forged transcript of November 16, 1995, and commencement of a Malicious Prosecution have tried to get an Order by Madam Justice Boland to force Major Nourhaghighi to put his property on sale and its value be decreased 10% each month until be sold. They planned to not allow a real buyer to buy it until Scott be able to buy a $350,000.00 value property for less than $50,000.00 as they did with other Immigrants; but Major Nourhaghighi won the case, ended to anger of Scott and Toronto Police who torture Major on December 11, 1996.
View Larger Map
On November 19, 1997, the corrupt Black Judge Lampkin brought in his Judgment that Major Nourhaghighi has prosecuted Scott for receiving $60,000.00 bribe from Condo 935 to create a forged transcript of November 16, 1995.  However, corrupt Black Judge Lampkin did not put on his misleading Judgment that duing cross-examination and impeachment of Scott; the prosecutor Major Nourhaghighi in sudden showed a copy of a cheque issued by Condo 935 for Scott in amount of $60,000.00 whereas Scott had no businesses whatsoever in Condo 935. On December 11, 1996, tens members o Toronto Police including Edward Follert were witness that Major Nourhaghighi has called the Black Judge Lampkin as a "Thief" becuase he has crealt stolen several master evidence that Major Nourhaghighi put on the record such as the said copy of the Cheque and three pages of typed notes of Marcy Green. As the result soon after Madam Justice Boland Order awarding COSTS to Major Nourhaghighi; the corrupt servants of the Attorney General become so upset that written a letter of threat to Major, as soon he was arrested and torture by nine Canadians Police.  On February 15, 1996, Judge Boland, after hearing of all submissions from parties asked from Major: "Now, what Order I should make?"; Major stated:" You are bounded to your Oath of Office and obligate to not abuse the power that Her Majesty Queen has given you as a judge. Make whatever Order that you think it is just.". Judge Boland, was shocked from Major reply; she was honest judge that respected her Oath of Office and rejected all pressures of the Attorney General of Ontario for making Order for Condominium. Soon, the corrupt Ontario Judicial Council made a fabricating complaint that Major has made complaint against her. Major,soon, discovered the conspiracy and send flowers for Madam Boland and said Thanks for her judgment [Major never did such act, but in this case wants prove that there was a conspiracy against Boland]. Major soon brought a lawsuit against Ontario Judicial Council and pleaded all its frauds in the statement of claim. The Condo and the Crown disobeyed Boland Order to close the Exercise Room, and corrupt Judges Pitt and Ducharme did not enforce Boland Order!
The Following is the exact Endorsement of Madam Justice Boland:
I represented myself as the Respondent, and corrupt lawyer Mark Arnold misrepresented our Condominium:
Court File No. Re 6244/96
(General Division)
Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation. 935 v. Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Heard: February 15, 1996
PAGE No. 1 ("P#1), Paragraph No. 1 ("para#1"):
Line No. 1 ("1"):  This is an Application pursuant to Section 49 of the Condominium Act, R.S.O. 1990.
2:  The Condominium seeks an order allowing it right of entry to Unit 608, 456 College
3:  Street, Toronto, owned by Keyvan Nourhaghighi. It also seeks an Order that the
4:  exercise room and equipment forming part of the common area and located directly
5:  over Unit 608, be opened and used by the other Unit owners. Finally, it seeks an
6:  order requiring Mr. Nourhaghighi to comply with the nuisance provisions of Rule 7
7:  of the Corporation and an order that he list for sale and sell Unit 608.
8:   At the commencement of the hearing Mr. Nourhaghighi requested an adjournment
9:   on the ground he was not given sufficient time to respond to the applicant's material.
10: The adjournment was refused solely because of the allegation contained in the sworn
11: affidavit of Property Manager that Mr. Nourhaghighi is a danger to others in the
12: building. Mr. Nourhaghighi filed conflicting material and argued the application on

P#2; para#1:
1: his own behalf.
2:  The Condominium is located at corner of College and Bathurst Streets in
3:  Toronto and consists of 89 residential units and common area. Keyvan
4:   Nourhaghighi purchased Unit 608 in March 1991 as a home for his family and lans
5:   to continue living there. It is common knowledge that this new complex has
6:  experienced serious financial difficulties and changes in management which
7:  understandably has created some unrest and apprehension for the unit owners.

P#2; para#3:
8:    Keyvan Nourhaghighi has expressed concern over the Statement of Expense9:    prepared by the various Property Managers. He has complained consistently of water
10:  seeping into his kitchen from the common areas and alleges that the contractors have
11: been unable to locate the source of the problem. He has complained of excessive
12: noise originating from the exercise room directly overhead due to the constant use of

13: heavy exercise machines and the Condominium was found to be in the violation of a city

14: nuisance by-law. Mr. Nourhaghighi has brought numerous court proceedings
15: against the Condominium and others arising out of these complaints.
16:  Having reviewed the material filed on behalf of the Condominium and by the
17: respondent. I am satisfied that there is no evidence to support the bald allegation of

P#3; para#1:
1: the Property Manager that Mr. Nourhaghighi is a danger to others in the building.
2: There is no Affidavit filed on behalf of the member of the Board of Directors or any
3: unit owner that supports such an allegation. Unquestioningly, he is upset and
4: frustrated. When he purchased the unit in 1991 for his family home, it was
5: reasonable for him to assume that the exercise room located directly above his unit
6: would be soundproof. Surely any structural changes or alterations required to
7: remedy the problem should be carried out primarily in the exercise room. There is
8. nothing in the material to indicate that any serious investigation has taken place in
9. this respect.
10. The applicant has been aware of the issues raised on this Application for a lengthy
11. period of time and in light of the severity of the orders sought I find it unfair that the
12. Application was brought on such short notice. The allegation of dangerous is not
13. supported by the material filed on the Application and tends to put the entire
14. Application into question. 
P#3; para#3:
15. The Application is dismissed with costs to the respondent, Keyvan Nourhaghighi
16. fixed in the sum of $300.00 payable forthwith
17. Released March 27, 1996               Autograph: Janet L. Boland

NOTE: Yet August 2005, after several notices the Condo did not pay my Costs! Boland Order was Disobeyed and Exercise Room opened immediately.

The nuisance of water damage referred in Boland Order has been continued until Toxic Moulds developed in my home; to force me to sell my property in half market price.

BOOBS = The most beautify part of each and every woman that Canadian women in particular the U of T athletes are suffering for having any lol! Canadian women may deny this fact, but there is a great difference between hard, round and sweet boobs like happy girls in photo with soft, dark and bad boobs that Canadian mentally ill women have, with all their anger and depression, not paid for them a penny, even their boobs are too bad is disgusting!
BOOKER, Julie Dawn = Major Nourhaghighi neighbour at 606, in Condo 935, moved in 2002, she is a good neighbour.

BOON, Maureen = Corrupt Manager of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario [1997-2000] who acted in accordance to object of the conspiracy with the dirty thief, the Attorney General of Ontario in obstructing Major Nourhaghighi's medical care. Boon, maliciously, appointed the corrupt investigator Gans in Major's complaints against corrupt physicians where Boon had knowledge that Gans was sued in Major's action. Boon refused to remove Gans.
BOOTHBY, ACCUSED DAVID = Member of Terrorists Organizations, the Chief of Metro Police defendants for cause of actions from 1994 to 1999; responsible for several murders committed by his members, responsible for torture of Major Nourhaghighi in December 11, 1996, by nine members of police, were named defendants in three lawsuits by major

BOZORGZADEH, SHARIAR = Dishonest Physician Respondent at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Respondent at the Heath Professions Appeal and Review Board. Dr. Bozorgzadeh, abused the principle of the trust between patient and doctor, and entered into TWO hours illegal discovery from Major Nourhaghighi and furnished that to the Crown to satisfy the objects of conspiracy. Dr. Zolt in FIVE minutes complete all her examinations in Mount Sinai Hospital; while Dr. Bozorgzadeh, in the same Hospital -few months later, has performed TWO HOURS examinations![Standard of Medical System in one Hospital, when there is Conspiracy].He conspiracies with Toronto Police to cover up the crime of torture committed against Major by nine members of Toronto Police on December 11, 1996. Bozorgzadeh is defendant in Major's complaint before the College of Physician in file no. 38673 for professional misconduct and refusing to provide standard of care. He replied to College Investigator Gans that: "He said that he felt badly for the complainant. He said that Mr. Nourhaghighi is not well. He tried to help but he would not keep appointment" which is false reply. Bozorgzadeh abused his office and asked questions which were related to Iranian Air Force and War between Iran and Iraq, that offend Major. He did not provide and treatment for broken rib and other injuries due to torture.

BORA LASKIN Library Toronto = Member of Terrorists Organizations, the center for conspiracy and frauds against public who is defendant for numerous conspiracies against Major Nourhaghighi. Since 1994, Bora Laskin Library, is using the Law Students of the University of Toronto, who have trespassed Major's property for furnishing information to the police, and planted documents and drugs for creation of the fabricate documents against Major, which were used against him by the Canadian and Iranian Police Systems.

Borden and Elliot = Member of Terrorists Organizations, and was one of largest Law Firm in North America who was accused of several felonies against Major Nourhaghighi, including conspiracy, perjury, THEFT, conflict of interest, and accessory to torture and assault, in December 11, 1996. Borden and Elliot on or about 1999 changed its name to BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP, Barristers and Solicitors.

BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP, Barristers and Solicitors = New name for Borden and Elliot, the most corrupt Law Firms in the World. In September 2000, three lawyers from this law firm have filed documents for respondents in Major Nourhaghighi's application against Canadian Human Rights. However, very soon the new management of law firm have discovered the Conflict of Interest and removed all his lawyers! Good Move! As the result Major Nourhaghighi on October 2000 has charged corrupt lawyer Arthur HAMILTON for contempt of the corrut
BORING, and Insulting Misconducts = are certain planed boring and insulting misconducts that the Canadian Governmental Criminal Terrorists Organizations ("CGCTO") will instruct to their members across Canada to perform against the victims that targeted by the Provincials and Federal Governments. Major Nourhaghighi's researches and experiences since 1990 indicate the following abuses intentionally committed against Major and other Victims by the large numbers of CGCTO, just, for certain objects of conspiracies:
A- Boring Misconduct, are cold and unattractive performances by the gents of the CGCTO, with object to change the good mood of Victims to a bad mood. Some Dancers in the Strips Clubs of Montreal and Toronto have seen trading to perform the boring performances, such as cold face, cold look, simple walking in stage instead of dancing, hiding the interesting areas of the body from the Victims and exposing them well the other to indicate the discrimination in a services!
B- Insulting Misconduct by making sure that you have got the point; in this type of misconduct the agent will emphasize in certain insulting acts, for example, cashiers will get orders from the CGCTO that as soon as Victims arrived they took all cash with rush out and commence a new account on the machines for the Victims, and look with fear to the Victims [when the Victims have complaints of thefts by Governments' servants] . Or cashiers will as to press the money and receipts in the hands of Victims [when the Victims have complaints of Frauds by Governments' servants].
C- Interceptions with intend that the Victims be able notice at Malls, Streets, other public area, by an agent, police, security, or others. The main object is that the Victims feel unsafe, unsure and insulted. To be continue…
BORINS, STEPHEN = A conservative Judge of Court of Appeal for Ontario, who was effected by malicious allegation against Major Nourhaghighi, The timidity of certain judges have root to their own corruption.In an appeal brought maliciously by the Condominium against Major Nourhaghighi to force him to sell his property [ because he was Iranian Air Force Officer, therefore the Condominium alleged that Major was dangerous to the others]. Major, filed response that the Condominium wants to cover-up its own criminal acts, therefore, the appeal was abuse of process in nature that brought to harass the Major. Borins JA, was member of the panel which dismissed the appeal and declared as the Extreme Remedy sought by Condominium, the question in this part raised by Borins JA that the Court does not have jurisdiction for such relief. Borins JA, added that to force someone to sell his/her property, is violation of the Charter of Rights. 
BORTON, GRAHAM = the corrupt Manager of the College Park Court, in Toronto, defendant for several conspiracies against Major Nourhaghighi's actions.

BOVARD, Joseph = Poor Ontario Provincial Judge that his wife was fucked by a dirty judge HRYCIUK. Judge Bovard made two decisions for Major Nourhaghighi, were both decisions were fair. He was a brave judge that in the corrupt City of Toronto was able to stand and testify against dirty Judge Hryciuk while the dirty Judges like McMurtry, Kelly, Bigelow, Lampkin, Wilkins, McRae, Osbourne and other shity judges harassed Bovard that if he testify against Hryciuk, will be ostracized by all member of criminal organization among his colleagues " I worried out being ostracized by of my colleagues. And I tell you , I've already felt it. They already started. Not only by all judges, but from staff. I know by the way they are looking at me. I was very concerned about to live out of my career as judge in that kind of atmosphere" Bovard said to the Toronto Star "I've lost weight. There are nights I can't sleep. I'm constantly worried. There are times when I'm driving down the street and my mind is on this, not on my driving. In addition to corroborating his wife's testimony, which the defence sought to portray as a fabrication. Judge Bovard told the inquiry he was "stunned" by the sight of Hryciuk grabbing "the right buttock" of the Ontario Provincial division Judge June Bernhard in the judges' common room aT old City Hall" Major Nourhaghighi, immigrant from Iran, 12 years have fight with these dirty people in Canada. Canadian have proven that animals have more value than them!
Boyaner, Martin D. = Montreal Lawyer who on February 15, 2002 asked $100 from Major for writing a letter for the Quebec Attorney General, Major called and cancelled his appointment.

BOYD, Marion = The corrupt Minister of the Attorney General of Ontario(1991-1995), defendant in her personal and office capacity for all wrongs against Major Nourhaghighi by tens servants of her Ministry. Defendant, Boyd, without careful study has signed documents that mislead the Ontario Canadian Governments and Justice Systems. Boyd was removed from office in June 1995. Boyd covered the crime against Airline Transport Pilot License, for which indicate terrorists of September 11, 2001, amy had their licenses in Ontario, then hired by American Airlines.

BRAMPTON FLYING CLUB = Member of Terrorists Organizations, Involved in obstruction of aviation licensing against Major Nourhaghighi. Frauds in over-charging of multi-engine flight, dishonest professional misconduct in providing the services. 

BRAMWELL, LIS = Dishonest Canadian Lawyer who conspired with the member of the Health Professions Board Defendant, McKNTY, on November 9, 1999.Bramwell in defence for Dr. Zolt, stated that: Zolt did not took X-ray, because the Chest X-ray does not clearly shows the fracture in the ribs! Bramwell, was the counsel for Eight physicians, and the cause of action against her was raised on defence from Dr. Pinilla, when she maliciously, puts verbally fraudulent evidence in the records. On February 27, 2001, Bramwell, again defend the crimes committed by Dr. Klar and others against Major and caused that Ontario Human Rights Commission be mislead and on March 2002 rejected to investigate Major's complaint.

BRANSON HOSPITAL, NORTH YORK, TORONTO = November 14, 1996 this corrupt hospital involved in a conspiracy against me to cover up the crime of the Attorney General of Ontario in serving poison to me at Insurance Hearing at North York. For more detail please see my complaint against Dr. Abramson who was involved in cover up the said crime.

BRASS RAIL Tavern = Member of Governmental Terrorists Organizations, Defendant in action T-571-95 at Federal Court of Canada for committing crimes against Major Nourhaghighi on September 13, 1994, by adding poison in his drinks that caused fatal effects in Major defence before corrupt Judge Bigelow  Few girls, according to objects of conspiracy, have acted boring and insulting performance that Major have seen in other Clubs in Montreal and Toronto, after Governmental Criminal Organizations inferences.Abuse of natural need, such as sex, is a Canadian culture.

BREITHAUPT, JACKIE = the officer of the defendant, the SECRETARY GENERAL CANADIAN RADIO-TELEVISION AND TELECOMMUNICATION COMMISSION, who was served with Notice of Action and Statement of Claim on December 4, 1996. The said office failed to file defence, and Bell Canada, continued wire tapping against Major's communications. Dirty Pig Breithaupt was appointed as the Director of Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada in 1997, who allowed all crimes by banks, and ignored Major's complaint against Canada Trust.

BRENCIS, RAY = the dishonest Prosecutor of the City of Toronto, involved in Scott Conspiracy. Brencis, made FALSE Testimony during trial, and with all kinds of dishonestly tried to not reply to Examination of Major during trial. Owing to her dishonestly, Major was convicted.This was breach of Major's Human Rights for Fair Trial.

BRENNER, Belinda = Corrupt Lawyer of City of Durham committed Perjury in affidavit sworn before Corrupt Whore Lawyer J. Wigle ("WW") on June 1, 1995 in File 95-CU-84058. However, Judge Coo was a wise Judge and discovered Brenner and WW crimes and made certain orders that again WW and Borden Elliot conspired against Judge Coo too.

BRENT Michael H.   = This is a complaint against Michael H. Brent, eye physician and surgeon for professional misconduct. I am senior Iranian Canadian Muslim, senior citizen. Today, at 10:35am, I attended at Brent’s office at Toronto Western Hospital, for eye exams. See Full Details at the following page Corrupt Israeli-Canadian Jewish Doctor Michael H. Brent

BRENTON, Mark Wilson = Clerk of Ontario Court-393 University Ave, Toronto; doing his jobs perfectly since 1996 in all Major's files. Brenton, is one of the fastest clerks of Ontario Court, that does not waste any clients times. On August 5, 2004, Major filed an Application against Condo; his application did not had backsheet as required by Rules. Brenton, without any objection, by self motivation, in few seconds have created several bachseets and filed the document. On February 18, 2005, Major asked from Brenton to commission his affidavit. Brenton, was the fastest clerks among hundreds who commissioned his affidavit and exhibits thereto. He asked from Major to put write on all other copies: "Mark Wilson Brenton; Registrar, SCJ". This simple point was very efficient to same time; otherwise Major must go to the photocopy shop, and make a copy of his original and attach to the documents, which is very frustrating process, and there is a lot of possibility of mistakes; as on October 14, 2004, Asshole Clerk Barbara Sadegurski told to Major do, and made his works very difficult in copies of over twenty her ugly signatures!

BREZZI, Richard = Italian Canadian accountant & real state agent of unit 709 of condo 709 that long meeting with Major Nourhaghighi on Sunday June 6, 2010 between 3 to 7PM. Brezzi number is 416 418 5408, he is associated wit SUTTON.

BRIBERY = Canadians' British Tradition; Canadian Justice Civil and Criminal Procedures, Canadian Government's Ruling, Clerk's Right, Judge's Right, Police's Right. There is no crime for bribery in Canada. The City of Toronto is first in the World for corruption. So all shits should be awarded to the Mayor!

BROER KATE = Lawyer defendant for contempt and conspiracy, Toronto, Tel: (416) 863 4574, Fax: (416) 863 4592, was defendant Sprint Canada, the Bank of Montreal, Robert Peace for violations of bills of human rights in an Application for Writ of Mandamus before the Federal Court. Lawyer Kate Broer, misconduct herself with process and obtain Giles Order with Frauds therefore Major Nourhaghighi prosecuted Broer for contempt of the court.

BROOKE, JOHN W. = Senior Judge of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Brooke is accused in Major Nourhaghighi's Action for arbitrary decision in Application for Leave to Appeal against dismissal of the Charges against Condominium when the grounds for leave to appeal was:Crime of Theft committed by the Trial Judge Ian McNish, who has stolen the Prosecutor's-Major master Evidence, conspiracy with defendant against Prosecutor, McNish made decision in an appeal from his Own decision, and other grounds of the appeal.;Defendant Brooke asked from Major: "What is a Question of Law ?"; Major was representing the Government of Ontario as private prosecutor against Condominium. Brooke JA misconduct constitute the contempt of the court and administration of justice. Brooke JA, in similar case Attorney General of Ontario against Pual Madgur Furs Ltd(1991), 5 O.R.(3rd)560 reason;has refused to remove contempt order against Madgur. This is a double standard practice by ONE judge the highest court that constitute abuse of power and misrepresentation.

BROWN, Donna L. = corrupt Manager, Arbitration Coordination of Ontario Insurance Commission involve in conspiracy against Major by dragging his insurance claim, May 7, 1993 among other proceedings and serving poison to Major during hearing that caused highest possible damages and injures to Major. Brown in May 4, 1999, asked from the corrupt Arbitrator Renaham to dismiss Major's claim, and asked Mahal to not sent appeal form for Major; as the result Major lost all his claims.

BROWN WOLF, LESLIE, J. = The Attorney General justice of peace defendant for abuse of complaints process against Justices of Peace. Brown Wolf, respect the conflict of Interest Law and avoid to deal with Major Nourhaghighi's business after year 1995.

BRYANT, Michael = The corrupt Attorney General of Ontario involved in conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi in file no. 04-CV-273627-CM1. The cause of action raised when on August 5, 2004, the Registrar of Ontario Superior Court maliciously sat October 22, 2004 for hearing of my application. However, Bryant conspired with the Crown Canada Flaim and corrupt lawyer Fedson and sat a date for a vextious motion by Fedson against me on October 19,2004. I argued my case before Indian corrupt Judge Ducharme, where he had misconduct with me. But, Bryant asked from the Registrar to set the file again before Judge Ducharme, who maliciously adjounred to February 23, 2005 for 'ONE DAY HEARING'.
The corrupt Bryant again asked from the Registrar to not comply with Ducharme Order and sat my file with tens of other files before the corrupt Black Judge PITT. As the result, I did not get chance to present my case, and even Pitt Order again was not comply with Fedson! What a shity justice system!

BUDOVICH, Michael = corrupt real estate agent Cityscape Real Estate Inc; a corrupt members of the criminal organization and law society whose lawyers for several years blackmailed Major and made countless harassing call to receive $6000 for five appliances and have committed forgery in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale of unit 608 at Condo 935 and by fabricated evidence have filed a lawsuit T-10021/95 against Major Nourhaghighi in the Ontario Court for five appliances. Major filed affidavit and testified that: "on or about March 21, 1991 I went to the said condominium and I have seen three unites with the Cityscape Real Estate agent Michael Budovich in which all three unites have had five appliances....Budovich clearly said that all five appliances were included in the prince and wrote them on  the first page of Agreement of Purchase and Sale n the paragraph number 5.  On August 2, 1995, the trial held against Major at Ontario Court, several witness including Major's corrupt lawyer "Henry Gertner" testified against Major. However Judge WINNER accepted the Major's Testimony and dismissed the claim; this was the first case that Major won in the Ontario "Civil" Court as the defendant, soon after just with in six months Condo 935 brought an application against Major to force him, by the order of the Court to sell his property in revenge to Major's legal proceedings against the Toronto Police, corrupt Judges McNish and Bigelow and Attorney General of Ontario; that against Major was successful to won the case with $300 costs against Condo 935, who appealed the Judgment of Justice Boland to Ontario Court o Appeal, where again Major won the case in 1998. All these acts clearly indicating that the lawsuit of Cityscape and perjury of Gertner in the court were all made in accordance with Condo 935 conspiracy.

BUNNETT, Lias = the corrupt court reporter of Ontario Court, Old City Hall that made a transcript of January 10, 1996, for Major Nourhaghighi. Bunnett's certificate is located in the first page of the transcript, while all other Court reporters, will attach under last page. Bunnett with this fraud was able to charge one page more. Each page of transcript in 1996, was cost $3.50. 

BURGESS G. = Judge defendant for misconduct herself with process on February 21, 1994, where the Transport Canada and corrupt pilots with conspiracy with the City of Toronto and Police have caused disturbances in her trial. Judge Burgess, failed to recognized the root of conspiracy in her tria
l but attacked to Major who was upset from malicious acts of the Crown.

BURGESS N. = corrupt Judge accused of conspiracy with Condo in August 1993 when Burgess abused his power and illegally quashed information against Condo where Major  was prosecutor against Condo for violation of the law. Burgess' abuse has caused the largest chains of actions for a simple By-law Charge millions of dollars damages for public in endless proceedings.

BUOCHARD, Pascal Gemmy = The manager of the strip club, Scandal, in Montreal that on February 18, 2002 hosted Major Nourhaghighi in the club with best songs and dancers. Pascal was young and smart. He attends in Major's table, had some discussions, and asked his option. While Major was in the club, the members of Montreal Criminal Organization have intercepted him and perform certain sabotages in his car, which was parked outside, and had malicious talks with girls in the club. As the result, few girls have acted their performance in accordance to the certain type of boring performance that Major have seen in other Clubs in Montreal and Toronto, after Governmental Criminal Organizations inferences.Abuse of natural need, such as sex, is a Canadian culture.

" I will raise a loud voice in this Site that from its affect the bribed Judges get hurts! "

BURTON, T.E. = Bad Judge responsible for trial scheduling at Old City Hall, in Toronto; Burton, abused his office in scheduling the trials in accordance to plans of the conspiracy and dragged a trial from November 1995 to November 1997, which is clear violation of Section 11 of the Canadian Charter of Rights that instructed trial within reasonable time! Burton is responsible for several
 attempts and terrorists acts against Major Nourhaghighi.

Business Expense = this title is used during  Income Tax report to the Canadian Officials that allowing all businesses to deduct certain amount of  money from their income to not pay high tax. However, most of Canadians are so dishonest that abusing this good program.  For example: a friend of mine that she has a businesses, every week comes with all our friends to restaurant and bar. In the end, she always ask us to pay of shares for example $55 each, that she pays the bill and “ keeps the receipt “. Then, to mislead the Government would claim “All those were Business Meeting that I paid all bills as it was necessary for my business”. Also, the Right Honorable Major Nourhaghighi  was before the Ontario Court of Appeal; whereas a Canadian rich businessman was charged for fraud in “Business Expense” report. His defense was that “ It was necessary that I spent all those money. The corrupt Ex-Chief Judge Roy McMurtry, who was the President of Panel start asking few Questions from the Appellant Businessman.

Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry, “ You bought two sport Jaguars?”
Appellant Businessman: “ Yes, One for my wife and one for myself”     
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry:: “Also You bought two Yachts?
Appellant Businessman: “ Yes, One for my wife and one for myself”     
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “ and you put all in your Business Expenses”  
Appellant Businessman: “ yes I did”
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “ Then Trial Judge was correct in convicting you, why you bought Jaguar not a cheaper car, why two Sport Jaguars?   Why two Yachts?”
Appellant Businessman: “My wife and I needed them for our Escort Business. There are few pictures that I didn't file them, but I put on the files. If you look at them, you will find Yourself and many other Judges of the Ontario Courts and Lawyers  in our Yachts as our ‘ Escort Service” (Prostitution Service  that provides Male Prostitute of most of Canadian Gay Judges and Lawyer)
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “Let me see! Oh I remember that back guy ..his dick was huge HAHA… that was your business?”  
Appellant Businessman:  “ Yes it is. And we didn’t charge you, if you recall for all our services”
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “ Oh yah I remember thank you, actually December 11 is coming and we need few guys in our party.
Appellant Businessman: “ for sure, the Attorney General of Canada informed us, for sure, these guys are  Iranian… very hug  ...ha ha even the Royal family all thankful “
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “ who was that stupid trial judge who convicted you; he wasn't your customer?”  
Appellant Businessman:” Actually the Trial Judge Vibert Lampkin was our customer but in private told me that the Iranian guys that I sent for his wife, son and daughters, they were too harsh and aggressive with that they all suffered anal injuries, including himself and told me “ This is now 24 months I can't sit   due to serious injuries to my ass; you are convicted and must pay $600 fine?”
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: Ha ha, aggressive! I love it and my children too. But, for Just $600 you appeal?    
Appellant Businessman: “No! For conviction; because, if I win this appeal, then RCMP ever would come after my business”
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: Ok, you are Friend of Court. I would grant your appeal and award you $60,000.00 Costs for all your great Escort Services”

BUTT = the most dirtiest Butts are the Canadian judges and lawyers mouths; the Employees of the University of Toronto, Libraries mouths, Canadian police and pilots eyes, Canadian Doctors face, the University of Toronto certificate and home of Advertisements, Canadian men sole love, the best place to be kick in Canada, the best word that Canadian love to repeat evey second, Canadian Dinner, Canadian eyes test machine, Canadian pillow, Canadian women wealth, Canadian children saving account, Canadian Government Charter of Rights and Freedom, Canadian post card, Canadian poet best poem, Canadian best film, Canadian artist art, Canadian bus driver stop sign, Canadian taxi driver free ride ticket, Canadian teacher homework, Canadian students school works, Canadian swim team gold winners, Canadian master evidence, Canadian gallery, Canadian workshop, Canadian testimony, Canadian judgment, Canadian court records.   

BYRNE, Patrick = on May 4, 2005 corrupt Toronto Court Officer Byrne was found guilty by a good judge, Gregory REGIS of assaulting a young female inmate after a judge rejected the testimony of the accused and his partner. Good Judge REGIS found Byrne guilty of one assault and acquitted him of another assault against a different inmate. Byrne, 35, sentenced on May 30,2005. Judge said: "Byrne deliberately hit her head into the doorway, causing a bump. This was not a restraining action. It was not professional. Byrne anger towards her continued in the cell area and he choked her because she continued to mouth off at ByrnE. She spat on Byrne a second time because she was being choked. I don't accept his evidence about what happened at the west detention centre and the nature of his physical contact with the victim at the courthouse... I did NOT accept his evidence about what happened at the west detention centre and the nature of his physical contact with the victim at he courtroom." Byrne and two other officers were transporting four female young offenders whose names cannot be published, from Brampton's Vanier Correctional Centre to the 311 Jarvis Street. courthouse in a van on March 4, 2002. ONE TEEN WAS HAVING ASTHMA ATTACK AND THE OTHER GIRLS BANGED ON THE VAN TO GET HELP, JUDGE REGIS ADDED BYRNE WAS AWARE OF THE PROBLEM, BUT TOLD THEM "SHUT UP" hE BECAME ANGRY AND DELIBERATELY DROVE THE VAN BACK AND FORTH, STOPPING IT SUDDENLY, CAUSING THE GIRLS TO FALL ON THE FLOOR.Byrne and two other officers were transporting four female young offenders, whose names cannot be published, from Brampton's Vanier Correctional Centre to the 311 Jarvis Street courthouse in a van on March 4, 2002. One teen was having an asthma attack and the other girls banged on the van to get help; Judge added. Byrne was aware of the problem, but told them to"Shut up!". Byrne became angry and deliberately drove the van back and forth, stopping it suddenly, causing the girls to fall on the floor. [The Toronto Sun May 5, 2005]. This case is very similar to my case in which nine members of police and court officers attacked to me; however, the corrupt judges Day and Lampkin dismissed my prosecution against the pig officers Follert, Aiken, Stephenson, Morrison, Marcy Green et al 

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