Friday, 20 May 2016

Thousands corrupt Canadian Lawyers are Defendants in Major Nourhaghighi 'Lawsuits and complaints

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canada And Its Politically Appointed Lawyers

Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada

 B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Major Nourhaghighi was present when American Judges & Lawyers visited Canada at
Osgoode Hall; and A Canadian Judge submitted we have NO Corrupt Lawyer and Judge in Canada
American were shocked by a big lie and Major submitted these evidence

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"
Jewish Lawyer Lorne Levine responsible to this torture against Major Nourhaghighi

LEVINE, Lorne= Major's dishonest Lawyer=Conspiracy with Police and Condo 935
Conspiracy of Jewish Lawyer Levin ended to torture of Major Nourhaghighi by nine members of Toronto Police. In other word, if Major had no Jew Lawyer or even representing himself; he would never suffer such great pain and suffering up to today

This photo was taken After 20 days when Major finally released from Toronto Jail.
However it still shows some evidence of injuries on his throat after Choking by Police.
Its important to note that the corrupt Black Slave Judge Vilbert Lampkin Made
Order"  Major be kept in Jail, no Doctor should see him, and be given particular Drug for
to clean all bruises. Police must intercept him after release that he can't get medical service
in any hospital in Canada. 

December 11, 1996; Nine Members of Toronto Police Tortured Major Nourhaghighi;
Offender Detective Edward Follert tried to kill Major by choking. Major
Suffered 25 injuries including broken ribs that document will be posted


"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that 

The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"

Is this a jok?!
Nourhaghighi v. Ontario Judicial Council et al
In the Statement of Defense filed with Ontario Court (General Division) by the Law Society,
the corrupt lawyers for Law Society, Borden ad Elliot; Sean Gosnell and Eric Hoaken pleaded:
he  Defendant, Law Society of Upper Canada, denied to be the Criminal Organization involved in conspiracy, fraud, theft, torture and assault against the Plaintiff (Major Nourhaghighi) While the Defence is a contempt in nature; thousands evidence, affidavits, documents, photos, tapes are proofs that the Law Society is the Criminal Organization Only the Trial Judge after reviewing all evince and hearing the flowing witnesses could make finding whether the corrupt Law Society is or is not the Criminal Organization

A for Corrupt Lawyer Defendant, Mark Arnold, accused of Contempt of the Order of the Court of Appeal for Ontario in file C24450 A B C Document Service = misconduct for the Constructive Conversations


ABRAHAMS, Peter G.= Major Nourhaghighi's Lawyer defendant for furnishing his info to other
ABRAMSON, ... = corrupt Lawyer accused of fraudulent misrepresentation at the HPB Ontario
ABRAMSON, Lanning J. = Shity Ontario real estate specialist and charged with sexual assault
ADLER, Leo = Ontario Lawyer. No misconduct could be recalled against Major
ALVARO, Alex = Corrupt Ontario Crown Lawyer, Conspiracy, defendant for contempt
AMENDOLA, Carolyn V.= Corrupt Lawyer for Kwinter; Conspiracy and Misleading Justice
Armstrong, Debra = Corrupt lawyer-MBNA, conspiracy, perjury and contempt-Fed Court
This is shit face of Arnol
ARNOLD, Mark H = Corrupt lawyer for Condo: Defendant for Conspiracy, fraud, forgery
ASARO, Giovanna
= Corrupt lawyer for corrupt court reporter, involved in conspiracy

Who is this Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker ?
She is Atkinson, corrupt Ontario Lawyer, whose generations were Mother fucker and prostitute.
ATKINSON, Elaine = Corrupt lawyer Crown-On: Conspiracy and Obstruction of Justice
AYERS, EDWARD A.= Head of Firm, Responsible for Conspiracy at Borden & Elliot

BAIZLEY, Marnie = corrupt lawyer involved a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and fraudulently established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decision maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy. In addition Baizley s accuse of bribery to the Registrar to allow to file response, when she failed o file document on time, and fraud in factum
September 2009.
BAKSH & ASSOCIATES = Ontario Law Firm, no misconduct is noted against Major
BAKSH, Kadir = Lawyer, Toronto; no  misconduct is noted against Major
CASSELS & GRAYDON LLP = Corrupt law firm-Toronto; misrepresented many defendants in my actions
Barissett, Anges = Crown Legal Secretary-Malicious intend toward object of Conspiracy
BARREAU de Quebec = Law Society of Quebec that Major has two open complaints
BELLEHUMEUR, DON = Corrupt Ontario Crown's Lawyer- Defendant for Conspiracy
BERGEL, HY =  Major's corrupt lawyer, involved in conspiracies with Police and Crown
BERGEL, MUTTART, CLIMANS = corrupt law fime involved in conspiracy against Major
BEST BENEFITS = Corrupt Law Firm defendant for frauds and conspiracy v. Major's benefits
BEZUHLY, RITA = Manager of the Federal Court- Conspiracy and Assault
Who is this Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker ?
He is Ontario Judge Bigelow, whose all his generations were mother facker and prostitute.
BIGELOW, defendant Robert G.= Member of Criminal Organization; corrupt Ontario Judge
BIRGENEAU, Robert = Corrupt Lawyer, the president of the University of Toronto
BLAIS, Piere= Corrupt Lawyer Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada,
Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP = Committed Conspiracy, Bribery, Perjury, Contempt and...
Blaney, McMurtry, Staplells, Friedman = corrupt law firm involved in torture against Major
BOLTON, Lisa M. = Corrupt Lawyer; caused delay in hearing of Major motion Kwinter Oct 30/96
BORDEN and Elliot LLP = corrupt law firm with new name of
Borden Laner Gervais  LLP, defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's pending lawsuit
Borden Laner Gervais  LLP = corrupt law firm that after several lawsuits has changed its dirty name from Borden & Ellion ,defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's pending lawsuit
BORTON, GRAHAM = Manager of College Park Court= Conspiracy and Obstructionism
BOYANER, Martin D. = Montreal Lawyer who asked $110 for writing a letter for Attorney General
BOYD, Marion = Attorney General of Ontario defendant in personal capacity for conspiracy
BRAMWELL, LIS, M = Lawyer for Drs., Conspiracy with the member of HPB-McKNTY,
Bresver Grossman Scheininger & Davis = Represent Metro Cab Company in Major's case in file 94-415
BROER, Kate = Corrupt lawyer for Bank of Montreal; Conspiracy, Bribery, Contempt/FC
BROWN WOLF, LESLIE, J.= JP Abuse of Complaint process against Justice of Peace
BURKE-ROBERTSON = Corrupt Law Firm, Ottawa, 613-236-2995, Conspiracy in file 21650
BURTON, T.E.= JP responsible for trial scheduling at Old City Hall, Conspiracy
BYTENSKY, Boris = Ontario Lawyer. No misconduct could be recalled against Major

CAMERON,Graeme = Corrupt Lawyer of Attorney General of Ontario, involved in Conspiracy
CARRYL,Orland = Federal Court Clerk-Toronto, who illegally registered an Application
CARSWELL A Thomson Company = Corrupt large publication involved in fraud in Major's account
CARTHY, James J. = Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal, no evidence of impartial decision
CASSELS Brock & Blackwell = corrupt law firm, did many felonies against the Justice Systems
CHANDHOKE, Inderapaul S. =  Senior Justice of Peace "JP" defendant for abuse of office
CHARLES, Maurrice A. = Lawyer(England) 2200-121 King St.Miles. No misconduct is noted
CHAPMAN Y. Kalli= corrupt lawyer of defendant law firm B.W.O. DOYLE,  City Solicitor
CHARRON, Louise V. = Judge-member of panel- Motion 23715, no impartial decision?
Chorney, Norman M. = Corrupt Ontario Lawyer, furnished Major's confidential info to police
CHRETIEN, Jean = corrupt and cheap lawyer that selected as Prime Minister of Canada
CHRIS A. Charles = Corrupt court reporter at Old City Hall,conspired with Condo 935
CIRACO, Joseph = Crown-Ontario, Prosecutor that ended to Torture and harm
CLARK, Andrew C. = Corrupt Justice of Peace- Conspiracy and refusing to perform
CLEWORTH, John = involved inthe Constractive Refusal of Admission of Service
CODE, Michael = Crown Ontario lawyer responsible for all conspiracy
COLLECTCORP Inc.= An Agency created by Crown to harass people by rude employees
COLLINS, Karen L.= Corrupt Legal Assistant Burke-Robertson Law Firm, Conspiracy in file 21650
CONDOS, Dennis J.= Corrupt Lawyer at HPB sued for dishonestly and conspiracy
CORBEIL, JEAN = Lawyer-Minister of Transport defendant pilots in thefts
CRAWFORD, Juddy = Corrupt Clerk conspired with corrupt Judge McNish and Condo
CROCCO, Emily = Counsel of the SIRC had communications with Major in 2005 in regard of hearing of against CSIS
CROWN = C.R.O.W.N.= "the Criminal Royalist Organizations of the Welsh Nuts"
Czernick, Andrew= Major's Dishonest Lawyer, Conspiracy and Obstructing the Justice

D'ALESSANDRO, Giulio = Corrupt lawyer for Bell Canadal, involved in Theft and conspiracy with Crown Oct 2000
DAMBORT, Marc = Corrupt Judge defendant for conspiracy with other lawyers defendants
DASH, Ronald, M. = Ontario Lawyer, no misconduct against Major was recorded
DAO, Tuan = Corrupt Legal Assistant who furnshed Major's confidentional info to police 1994
DAVIS, Abraham, Barry = Ontario Lawyer, NO misconduct is noted against Major
DAY, Gerald F. = Judge Defendant  for conspiracy with Police Offenders tortured Major
DEACON, Sears, Fedson, & Montizambert = corrupt law firm of Evils Neighbours Condo 935
View Larger Map
Deacon, Spears, Fedson, & Montizambert = corrupt law firm of Evils Neighbours Condo 935 who with Major's Nourhaghighi's money paid for maintenance fees defending all wrongdoing
DEACON, John A.A. = Corrupt lawyer who is defending whores like Leza Blair and M. Perez
DEBLES, JAKE =Corrupt Clerk Defendant at Old City Hall, conspired with the Police
DELGADO, ONELIA = Corrupt Crown Lawyer conspired with Corrupt Judge Lampkin
DEKKER, Kenneth = Corrupt lawyer for corrupt court reporter, involved in conspiracy, forgery
DEMERY, G.= Dishonest defendant decision maker of Ontario College of Physicians
DENNIS, Catherine M. = Corrupt lawyer involved in conspiracy to dismiss Actions v. judges..
DENNIS, Harvy = Major's Legal Agent, conspired with Crown,;was convicted for Bribery
DENNIS,Tina= Corrupted Clerk-Court House in Toronto, convicted for Bribery $2,400
Deputy Minister of Justice Canada = Office which is defendant for interference & conspiracy
DESJARDINS, Alice = Judge of Federal Court of Appeal, defendant for conflict of interests
This cheater rat is Markooooo...
DJURDJEVAC, MARKO = Lawyer for the Respodents Caber & Condo in Court of Appeal for Ontario, Sept 13/05.
DOHERTY, DAVID H. = Corrupt Judge JA, accused of conspiracy with Police and Crown
DONOVAN, Andrea = corrupt lawyer of the City of Toronto involved a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and fraudulently established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decision maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy. In addition she is accuse of bribery to the Registrar to allow to file response, when she failed o file document on time, and fraud in factum September 2009.
Downtown Legal Services at 91 St George St furnished Major's confidentional info Oct/97
DOYLE, H.W.O = Corrupt Lawyer and Law Firm for City of Toronto involved Conspiracy and Bribery
DUNLAP, Joanne = Corrupt Lawyer involved in a conspiracy hired by the Dirty Thief
Dufresne, Philippe. = Solicitor for Canadian Human Rights Commission in file T-1535-00; Major was Applicant
DUVAL, RENE = Corrupt Solicitor for the respondents, Mervin Witter, Bob Fagan, the CHRC
DYMENT, Howard S. = Ontario Lawyer, no misconduct against Major is noted.
Fax: (613) 993-3089 for Respondents Mervin Witter, Bob Fagan, Canadian Human Rights Commission

Corrupt Roger Flaim
E for Canadian Corrupt Lawyer K. Earl
EARL, KAREN P. = Corrupt Lawyer, for Insurance company was involved in conspiracies

F for Canadian corrupt Lawyer  Joseph J. FAUST
FAGAN, BOB = Corrupt Lawyer, Director of the Canadian Human Rights Commission
FAULKNER, RICK = Chief Justice of Peace defendant for Conspiracy of several judges
FAUST, AZEVEDO, & WISE = Corrupt Law Firm involved in many crimes and wrongs
FAUST, Joseph = Corrupt lawyer conspired with Police, furnished Constructive conversation
FAUST, Azevedo & Wise = law firm furnished confidential information to Police
FEDSON, Blaine = Toronto corrupt lawyer accused of breaching FIVE Orders o the Courts made by Wilkins, Ducharme, Pitt, and two Orders of the Ontario Court of Appeal
FELKAL, FRANK G. = Ontario Lawyer, Toronto; No misconduct is noted
FERGUSON, Darryl = Corrupt lawyer for Dr. Gonzalez involved in a  conspiracyFIDLER, MALACH = Corrupt Defendant in Major's ACtion involved in conspiracy
FINLAYSON, George D.= Corrupt Judge JA, who twice abused his office
FINLEY, CATHY= Corrupt Crown Lawyer, Defendant for Conspiracy at Old City Hall
FITTON, Amy J.= Court Reporter defendant for fraud in transcript as party of Conspiracy
FLAGELLO, TONI = Lawyer for Bell Canada, who did not admit ti served of document
FLAHERTY, James = Corrupt Lawyer hired by Attorney General of Ontario defendant for conspiracy

FLAIM, Reger = Corrupt Lawyer hired by Attorney General of Canada involved in few conspiracies against Major
FLORES, Marsha = Lawyer as Manager of Bell involved in conspiracy  and theft of cash
FLYNN, ROBERT = Mediator employed by Ontario Insurance Commission; conspiracy
FRASER & BEATTY = Corrupt Ontario Lawyer, Toronto, involved in conspiracy v. Major
FRASER MINNER CASGRAIN = Major's lawyers defendant for spying for the Crown-Quebec
FUTHERMAN and FUTHERMAN = Corrupt law firm who conspired against Major

G for Canadian Charlatan Judge Frederick Gibson-Federal Court
GALATI, Rodrigues, Azevedo = Ontario "MAFA" Law Frim in litte Italy, Constructive Refusal
GALATI, Rocco = Ontario Lawyer, federal; committed the Constructive Refusal
GARCIA, Maria = Corrupt Secretary of Porter, Posluns & Harris; Constructive Refusal of Ad..
Gardiner, Blumberg = Corrupt Law Firm that Lost an Application to Major Nourhaghighi
GARY, Herb = Corrupt Solicitor General of Canada defendant in Major;s Actions
GARY, William D. = Corrupt Lawyer for ZAKS Taxi, lost a case to Major, Constructive Harass
GATWARD, William E. = partner oof Kirby Lyon & Gatward; no misconduct is noted v. Major
GAUNTLET T, Keith = Corrupt Deputy Registrar received Bribes from Condo 935
Gauthier  Associates = Ontario Law Firm. No misconduct against Major. 416 927 8787
GENTLE, G.A. Ian = Legal Executive for Co-Op, No misconduct is noted against Major
Genest Murray DesBrisay Lamel =  Corrupt Law Firm in Toronto involved in a conspiracy against Major
GERACE, R.= Dishonest Decision Maker of the College who abused its power
GEREZ, Baran = Corrupt Crown Ontario Lawyer defendant for conspiracy on Sept 1993

GERTNER, HENRY G. = Major's Dishonest Lawyer- Thief of $5000 tax return & more
GIBSON, E. FREDERICK= Judge,Federal Court, Conspiracy, Bribery and Theft
GIBSON, Keith = Judge, Ontario Court, Conspiracy with Condo 935
GILES, Peter = Judge, Federal Court, Conspiracy, Bribery and Theft= Federal Court

In 1993, Corrupt Lawyer, Giuletti, plea not guilty to the Charge that Major brought against nuisances of this Heavy Noisy Machine, which was installed by Corrupt Lawyer McCann.
In 1996, Crazy Judge Graham, without any ground, adjourned the Appeal
GIULETTI, ROSANNE M = Condo 935 Lawyer, Conspiracy with the City of Toronto
GOLDENBERG = Deputy Judge Conspiracy with Lawyers STEINBERG
GOLDMAN, Gordon D. = Major's Dishonest Lawyer, Conspiracy, Constructive Conversation
GOSNELL, Sean L. = Corrupt Lawyer for Law Society; involved  Conspiracy, Torture, and...
GOUDGE S. THOMAS = Judge JA who did not wrote his dissent in Order caused harm
GOTIB, L ... = Judge of Ontario Court, whowas involved in conspiracy with Kwinter
GRAHAM, Donald = Retired Judge, whose mental illness caused serious Harm to Major
GRAY, William D. = Corrupt Lawyer for Zaks, who abused Major's action v. Zaks for robbery
GREY, Julius H.
= Greedy Quebec Lawyer at Montreal, involved in a conspiracy v. Major
GREEN, JERRY = Corrupt Justice of Peace defendant for Conspiracy; Old City Hall
GRIGGS, RICHARD = Corrupt Process Server of the Town of Oakville- Ontario
GROUND, John D. = Judge who conspired with Condo and dismissed Major's Action by a motion.
GWYNNE, Michael G. = Counsel for Condo 935 that on March 24, 2006 appears before Justice C. Campbell on my motion for amendment of the Style of Cause, no misconduct is noted.

HABAS, = Lawyer for Defendant Gans who refused to lead the HPB for conflict of Interest
HALEY, DONNA = Corrupt Judge, defendant for Conspiracy in action 95-CU-84058
HALL, Aston J. = Ontario Lawyer. No misconduct is noted against Major
Hamilton, Arthur = Counsel for Bank of Nova Scotia, Conspiracy and Contempt Federal Court
HANKIN, DOUG = Originated the most harmful conspiracy that he may not know it!
HARNICK">Charles Attorney General of Ontario defendant in personal capacity for fraud ...
HARRIS, SIDNEY= Deputy Judge who took side during Trial v. ATPL Pilots Defendants
HART, Christine E.= ADR Manager defendant for frauds and conspiracy ; 95-CU-84058
HAWKINS, BRUCE C =Judge defendant for following objects of the conspiracy
Health Professions Appeal and Review Board-Ontario = "HPB" dishonestly and conspiracy
 Eric Hoaken 'Affidavits pure Perjury and Shit
HOAKEN, Eric= Corrupt Lawyer for Lawyers defendants; Perjury, Conspiracy, Torture ...
Holden Day Wilson = Ontario Law Firm, No misconduct is noted against Major
HOROWITZ, Brian A.= Dirty Lawyer defendant for furnishing Major's confidential info

Horrox Naomi = corrupt lawyer involved a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. In this felony Horrox maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and fraudulently established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decision maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy. In addition Horrox is accuse of bribery to the Registrar to allow to file response, when she failed o file document on time, and fraud in factum
September 2009.
Houlden= A weak judge of Ontario Court of Appeal that no one respect Houlden Order
Houston, Robert F.= Corupt Lawyer of Burke-Robertson Conspiracy in file 21650
HRYB,DONNA = Corrupted Supervisor defendant involved in numerous conspiracies
Hryciuk, Walter. P= Corrupt Judge whose crime of adultery covered by Court of Appeal

In October 1996, Corrupt Judge Hryn, without any ground, adjourned the Appeal
HRYN, PETER = Judge defendant for two counts of conspiracies with Crown and Condo
Hutmacher, John = The Crown-Ontario counsel who gives misleading evidence on November 13, 1997

IM, Judie = corrupt lawyer of the Attorney General of Ontario who on September 16, 209 involved in a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. In this felony Im maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and fradulently established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decision maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy
J , for Corrupt Crown Lawyer Contemptor, Robert Jaworski
JACKASS = Corrupt Ontario Lawyers, Chief Judges and Judges in Ontario and Canada ...
JACKSON, Carol E.F = Major's corrupt lawyer who violated Major's confidentiality Aug 26/96
JACKMAN, Henry N.R = Corrupt Lawyer defendant for appointment of corrupt judges
JAKUBOWICZ, Marilyn = Corrupt court reporter defendant, for Conspiracy and Forgery
JAMES, Juan = Corrupt Clerk defendant for several counts of conspiracies at Old City Hall
JAMES, Kelly = Court reporter testified that Judge, HRYCIUK penetrated to her vagina!?
JAWORSKI, Robert = Crown-Canada, Lawyer involved in Conspiracy ended to crimes
JENKINS, Coleen = Ontario Lwyer, No misconduct against Major is noted.
JOHNSTON, Agnew = Ontario Crown Attorney-Thunder Bay, convicted for sexual offences [re:Canadian Lawyer, Mar97]
JOHNSTON, DONNA = Court Manager defendant responsible for Conspiracy of Staff
JONAS, Saul = Ontario Lawyer. No misconduct is noted against Major
JOSEPH, J = Secretary of the Attorney General-Harnich, who refused to admit Service
JUSTICE of Peace Review Council =: Corrupted Council defendant for abuse of process

K  for  Corrupt  Lawyer Alfred M. Kwinter
KEENAN, Bradley J. = Corrupt Complaint Officer of Ontario Law Society
KENNETH ARESON = Ontario Law Firm, Toronto, Constructive Refusal
KELLY, BRENARD M. = Ex-Regional Chief Judge of Toronto defendant for Conspiracy
Kensington-Bellwoods Community Legal Services = Conspircay against Major, Sept 19/96
KEYSER MASON BALL = Ontario Law Firm, Mississauugu; Constructive Refusal of Ad
KHAWLY,RAMEZ = Judge, defendant for following the objects of Conspiracy
KIDD, Bruce = Corrupt lawyer-Dean of Faculty of Physical Education University of Toronto
KIRBY Lyon & Gatward = Law Firm in Toronto, no misconduct is noted v. Major
KIRSCH, FERN = Corrupt Arbitrator Defendant who conspired with Borden and Elliot
KOPYTO, Harry = Ontario Lawye. no misconduct is noted v. Major; 416 652 1073
KRAMER, Jeferey W. = Ontario Lawyer; committed the Constructive Refusal
KREVER, Horace = Corrupt Judge of Court of Appeal following objects of conspiracy
KYLE, Susan = the dishonest lawyer hired by the Dirty Thief , defendant for theft of document
 Dirty Kwinter is a JEW!
KWINTER, Alfred M.= Corrupt Lawyer for was Major's Lawyer, involved in numerous Conspiracies with Police and Crown, caused serious harms and damages to Major

L  is against the Corrupt Law Society of Upper Canada, for Province of Ontario and Quebec who brought a real Shame for Justice Systems. The Law Society Defendants are schools that trains LAWYERS who are much more dirty than Pig= Rat, Thief= Robber= all other similar names. Certainly, Canadians' Lawyers are pure shits and corrupt. Lawyers listed in this Page mostly are accused of one or all these offences: theft, fraud, conspiracy, forgery, malicious prosecution, misrepresentation, negligence, perjury misleading and obstructing justice, breach of confidentiality, frauds in the accounts with them. for more info see Canadian X-Dictionary
LABEL and Labeling = is the Canadian culture and tradition against Major and his family
LABROSSE, JEAN-MARC = Defendant for misconduct, Judge of Court of Appeal-On
Ladouceur, Marie-Claude = Delegate of Quebec Ombudsman, acted illegally out of jurisdiction
Lafreniere, Roger = Prothonotary-judge of the Federal Court, involved in conspiracies v. Major
In 1998, the Corrupt Chief Justice of Canada Lamer, Dismissed Major's Application for Leave to Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada, that Seven Stupid Canadian Judges be able to find that this fucking machine is noisy in Seven Floor of a Condominium, or Not? Can a Judge Steal an Exhibit During a Trial?
LAMER, ANTONIO = Weak Chief Justice-Ca, in his duration Justice has lost reputations
Shity Lawyer Lampkin who is a judge now!
LAMPKIN, Vilvert A = the most corrupt BLACK lawyer; Ontario Shity Judge
LANTOS, George = Ontario Lawyer who had professional conduct with Major!-Extraordinary
LARAIA, Elio = Corrupt Law Clerk of Longley /Vickar; furnished Major's info to police 1994
LEMIEUX, Jean = corrupt lawyer of the Palais de justice de Montreal
Who is this Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker ?
He corrupt Ontario Judge Lampkin, whose all his generations were mother facker and prostitute.
Shits at Face of Queen Elizabeth & Corrupt Lawyers and Judges hired by Crown
LAMPKIN,Vibert A. = Corrupt Monkey Black Judge involved in conspiracy and bribery
LANTOS, George = Ontario Lawyer, No misconducted against Major is noted
LAPKIN, Gerald S = Corrupt Senior Judge defendant- fraud is investigation process-Police
LASKIN, JOHN I. = Judge JA maliciously, interrupted Major and mislead the argument
LATWAT, Denise = clerk of law firm Decaon, Spears, Fedson & Montizambert, refused to admit service on Oct 2004
LAW= Last Alternative Way for YOU!
Law Society of Upper Canada for Province of Ontario = the most dirty criminial organization in North America who involved in several felonies against Major and defendants in following actions:
Nourhaghighi v. Law Society et al; Nourhaghighi v. Bell......Law Society et al; Nourhaghighi v. Totonto Hospital...Law Society et al; Nourhaghighi v  Ontario Judicial Council...Law Society et al
LAWYERS = Canadian Lawyers are Pig; Shit, Rat; Thief; Robber...
LEINSTER, Lynn Fairweather = Levine's Secretary; the Constructive Refusal of Admission
LeSAGE, Patrick = Corrupt Chief Judge-On, allowed Judges commit all kinds of crimes
LETURNEAU, Joseph= = Federal Court Judge Defendant for arbitrary decisions
 Dirty Levine is a JEW!

LEVINE, Lorne= Major's dishonest Lawyer=Conspiracy with Police and Condo 935
Conspiracy of Jewish Lawyer Levin ended to torture of Major Nourhaghighi by nine members of Toronto Police. In other word, if Major had no Jew Lawyer or even representing himself; he would never suffer such great pain and suffering up to today

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

This photo was taken After 20 days when Major finally released from Toronto Jail.
However it still shows some evidence of injuries on his throat after Choking by Police.
Its important to note that the corrupt Black Slave Judge Vilbert Lampkin Made
Order"  Major be kept in Jail, no Doctor should see him, and be given particular Drug for
to clean all bruises. Police must intercept him after release that he can't get medical service
in any hospital in Canada. 

December 11, 1996; Nine Members of Toronto Police Tortured Major Nourhaghighi;
Offender Detective Edward Follert tried to kill Major by choking. Major
Suffered 25 injuries including broken ribs that document will be posted

LEWIN, ROBERT= Justice of Peace, Conspiracy with Police ended to Tortures
LEVY, Alan D. - Ontario Lawyer; there is no recall of misconduct against Major
LINDEN, Sidney B.= Ex-Chief Judge of Ontario Courts,1991 to 1996
LOEB, Audrey = Conspiracy, Abuse of Office, Ontario Court
LONG, Gary = Corrupt Clerk of Immigration Canada, who involved in Theft of Document
LONGLEY / VICKAR = Corrupt Ontario Law Firm that furnished Major's info to police 1994
LORD, Kathleen = Corrupt lawyer of  Toronto Policing Administrative Support Command
LORETI, Nadia = Legal Counsel of Supreme Court of Canada Legal Services
LOVE, Robert L. = Corrupt lawyer of Borden & Elliot involved in conspiracy against Major on January 5, 1995 Re MVA
LOWCZYK, Malgorzata K.= Corrupt Clerk of Singer Kwinter Law Firm Defendant
LOWNDES 7 HARRISON = Ontario Law Firm, No misconducted is noted
LUTFY, Allan = Corrupt Associate Chief Judge-Federal Court, defendant in Major's action.
LUXENBERG, IAN = Corrupt Lawyer defendant for Conspiracy and Forgery
Lyceum = Does not exits in Canada!
Lydian = Canadian Judges and lawyers!

M  for Corrupt Crown Lawyer S.B. McCann whose Frauds created Scandal
MACFARLAND, Jean L = Judge defendant for refusing to enforce the Rules of Civil....
MACKAY, Robin = Solicitor for Metro Toronto who served with action 96-CU-113026
MACKINTOSH, JANICE = Manager of Ontario Insurance Commission, who Conspiracy
MacMillan Rooke Boeckle = Law Firm; 3005-401 Bay St. No misconduct is noted v. Major
MacMillan, S. R. = Corrupt Lawyer who talked with Major after he was torture by police
MANG, STEINBERG & SKULTETY = Corrupt Law Firm involved in conspiracy, frauds
MARTIN, Shirley = Corrupt lawyer and Provincial Minister of Transport defendant: Martin
MASSEY, Walter J. = Ontario Lawyer, B.A, LL B. No misconduct is noted against Major
On April 16, 1993, Corrupt Lawyer McCann purchased this Heavy Machine and
installed over bedroom of Major Nourhaghighi, in Seventh Floor, and used
the machine during 24 hours, seven days a week, for several years....
McCANN, Stephen B.= Ontario Crown Corrupt Lawyer Theft of cash from Condo 935
McCARTHY, June = Corrupt Court Reporter defendant for forgery in Transcripts
McCARTHY TETRAULT = Corrupt Law Firm in Toronto and Montreal involved in several conspiracies
McDONALD, F. Joseph = Judge defendant who was the party of several conspiracies
McGee, Robert B. = Ontario Lawyer, No misconduct against Major is noted.
McGRATH, M.= Dishonest Decision Maker of College of Physicians
McClenaghan, Contemnor Lorne = Toronto Department of Justice, Solicitor for Contemnor Counsel Sally Thomas
McKAY, Andrew = Judge defendant for fraudulent misrepresentation of the facts.
McKNTY, Bruce= Decision Maker of HPB= Conspiracy with Crown and Doctors
Who is this Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker?
He is Ontario Judge R. McMurtry, whose all his generations were mother fucker and prostitute.
McMurtry, R. ROY = Defendant Corrupt Chief Judge and Ex-Attorney General of Ontario
McNEELY, BRIAN = Crown Lawyer, defendant for contempt disobeyed Feldman Order
In Feb and Oct 1994, Corrupt Judge McNish, Twice, Dismissed the Charge v. Condo!
McNish, Prosecutors Tim Porter and  Allan Scott, received $60,000 Bribe from Condo!
Judge McNish stolen master evidence, to dismissed the Charge against Condo 935Charged Major $500 Costs for complaining against noises of this Machine. Who is this Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker, Mother Fucker ? He is Ian McNish, corrupt Ontario Justice of Peace, whose all his generations were mother fucker and prostitute.
McNISH, Ian = the most corrupt Judge defendants in Three actions for Thefts and Conspiracy
McMillan Brooke Boeckle = Corrupt Law Firm involved in the Constructive Refusal of Admiss
McRae, Nicholson D. = Corrupt Judge defendant for two counts of conspiracies and abuse
Mercer, Thomas = dead corrupt Judge defendant for conspiracy to dismiss charge v. Police
Mew, G.= Corrupt Lawyer of Insurance company accused of Conspiracy in Ontario Court
Miadlexen, Charlotte = ABC Document Service misconduct for the Constructive Conversations
Miles, Senise = Law Society-Ontario, officer. No misconduct is noted
MILLER THOMSON = Law Firm who involved in a conspiracy and nuisance of service
Ministry of Attorney General of Canada = most corrupt cheap lawyers hired by this office
Ministry of Attorney General of Ontario = most corrupt cheap shity lawyers hired by this office
Mohr, Christine = Corrupt lawyer of Department of Justice- Toronto, made false statement
MOLLOY, Anne M. = Judge Defendant acted in accordance to objects of Conspiracy
MONTIZAMBERT, Ellen = Toronto corrupt lawyer who breach Pitt Order in accordance with Conspiracy with the Crown
MORIN, Isabelle = Corrupt Court Reporter defendant who conspired with the Police Parson
MORENA, Louis = Montreal Lawyer lead Majot to Lawyer Rose, Tel: (514) 878 9112
MORRIS, Theresa= Corrupt Court Reporter defendant for frauds in evidence of transcripts
MORROW, Douglas P. = Ontario Lawyer. No misconduct against Major is noted.
MOSELEY, Tim = Corrupt Lawyer for ATR, breached Public Safety Rights and conspired against Major
MUNRO, Andrew C. = Ontario Lawyer. No misconduct could be recalled against Major
MUNRO, Michael J. = Corrupt Lawyer accused of the Constructive Refusal against Major
Murphy, Ted J = Lawyer for Osborne, President of Bank of Nova Scotia in Major's Action

N  for Corrupt Lawyer  D. Neville  whose  conspiracy  caused serious harms
NELSON, Rebecca = Corupt Lawyer who committed Constructive Refusal against Major
NEVILLE, Douglas = Corrupt Crown-Ca Lawyer involved in conspiracies ended to crimes
NICHOL, Carol = Office Manager of corrupt law firm Porter, Posluns & Harris
NOEL, Marc = Federal Court Judge defendant; arbitrary dismissed All Major's Actions
Normandeau, Paul = Corrupt Crown-Ontario Prosecutor, Conspiracy with Police& Torture
NOTT, HARLEY R.= Crown-Ca Lawyer involved in conspiracy ended to Torture

Shit& Spit at face of the Crowns in Right of Ontario and Canada
O for Corrupt Ontario Judicial Council; is Shame of Administration of Justice
OATES, J.= Justice of Peace defendant for refusal to exercise his power against the criminal
O'Brin, Davide = Ontario Lawyer, No misconducted is noted
O'DONNELL, Sean = Crown Canada Lawyer, three counts of conspiracies with RCMP
O'DRISCOLL, John J. = Corrupt Judge defendant  conspiracy v. Major Mandamus Application
O'DRISCOLL, Micael = Law Clerk, No misconducted is noted
OFFICE of the Associate Chief Justice of Ontario Court of Justice = defendant for frauds OFFICE of the Chief Justice of Canada = defendant in Major 's Actions for Conspiracy
OFFICE of the Chief JUSTICE of Ontario = defendant for frauds in the process of appeal
OFFICE of the LIEUTENANT Governor of Ontario = defendant for hiring corrupt lawyers
OFFICE of the Regional Senior Justice of Ontario Court of Justice = defendant for frauds
OFIARA, Lisa = corrupt whore lawyer misrepresent facts to Ontario Human Rights Commission
OLD CITY HALL = Corrupted Building in Toronto, full of corrupt lawyers and judges
OLSBERG, MEDILLE = Justice of Peace defendant for conspiracy with police Parsons
Ontario Court (General Division) = the most corrupted court in the Canada!
Ontario Court( Divisional) = the most corrupted court, in Ontario!
Ontario Court (Provincial Division) = the most corrupted court in the World!??
ONTARIO JUDICIAL COUNCIL = the dirty criminal organization who is defendant
Oppressive and Vexatious Proceedings = More than 95% of All Proceedings in the Courts
OSBORNE, COULTER ARTHUR ANTHONY = Judge Defendant for several violations
OSENI, Sarah = Corrupt Assistant Crown Attorney-Ontario involved in obstruction of justice
Osgoode Hall = Historical Building- the permanent seat of Law Society and Courts!???

Palten & Hodder = Ontario Law Firm. No misconduct against Major is noted.
PAQUETTE, Yves-Albert = Corrupt Quebec Corrupt Lawyer involved in conspiracy
PARIS, Claude, H. = Judge- maliciously adjourned proceeding that sat for a date for trial
PARKINSON, Roger P.= Corrupt Lawyer who is manager of defendant Globe and Mail
PECKOO, Michael = Mail Clerk- for Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP- False Pretence
PERJURY = Canadian Lawyers Standard of Practice and Professional Ethical Code:
Lawyers who have committed Perjury in Major Nourhaghighi's Actions:
McCann; on or about October 28, 1994, in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto.
Steinberg on or about April 5, 1995, in his testimony in College Park Court, Toronto.
GERTNER; on or about August 2, 1995, in his Testimony in College Park Court, Toronto.
Hoaken; on or about August 26, 1996, in his Affidavit in file 6935/96, Toronto.
Snell; on or about November 4, 1996, in his Affidavit file 6935/96, Toronto.
Kwinter, on or about November 5, 1996, in his Affidavit, College Park Court, Toronto.
Mohr, on November 9th, 1998, in her Affidavit for file A-635-98, Federal Court of Appeal
Schwarz, on September 1 1998, T-1237-98, Federal Court of Canada
Neville, on or about November 15, 1998, in his Affidavit A63598, Federal Court
Weisz, on or about January 16, 2001, in his Affidavit, T-1535-00, Federal Court

In August 1993, Corrupt Lawyers Perlin and McCann Conspired that the City of Toronto, should not be allowed to Prosecute the Charge against Condo! In Feb 15, 1994, Ill Judge Silverman, in appeal process, Order to Porter that
the City must prosecute the Charge, and Ordered for New Trial. In Feb 28, 1994, Corrupt Lawyers Perlin, McCann, Giulitti and Porter conspired with Judge McNish and Dismissed the Charge that there was Order of New Trial.
Major appealed again!
In August 1994, the Provincial Judge Fairgrive, was upset from Contempt of
Silverman Order, by corrupt Judge McNish, and made Order for New Trial.
PERLIN, Dennis Y. = Corrupt Lawyer-City of Toronto, involved in numerous Conspiracies PETERS, Charlotte = Court Reporter Defendant who conspired with the Police Parson
PINEAU, Lois I = Ontario Lawyer Ph.D. No miscound could be recalled against Major
Porter, Posluns & Harris = Corrupt Law firm who represent Defendants in Major's Actions
Porter, Tim = Law Clerk- City of Toronto, Conspiracy, Bribery- Ontario Court-Old City H
PRESTON, Bruce = Corrupt Manager of the Federal Court accused of Conspiracy
PRESZLER, Robert P = Corupt Lawyer who committed Constructive Refusal against Major
PRICHARD, Robert = Corrupt Lawyer and Ex-President of the University of Toronto

Q  for Nourhaghighi-Plaintiff -and- HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN- DefendantQueen, King or the Crown means Sovereign of UK and Head of the Commonwealth.
Queen in Right of Canada, or Ontario = whole body of governments defendants in Major's A
Queennevile, Machie = Corrupt Lawyer for CIBC involved in Conspiracy at Federal Court
QUIGG, Janice L. = Communicated about Metro Cab Company in Major's case in file 94-415

R  for Corrupt  Mayor ROWLANDS that all causes of action rose at that time
RAMSAY, James A.= Crown Ontario Lawyer defendant for conspiracy
Randi Cheryl Chaynik = Ontario Law Firm, involved in the Constructive Refusal of Admission
REASONING = is a Logic science which cannot be found in heads of judges and Lawyers
REINER, Peter J. = Ontario Lawye. no misconduct is noted v. Major; 416 932 1108
RENAHAN, William = Corrupt Arbiter conspired with a court-reporter to change transcript.
RICHARDS, SYLVIA= Court Manager Defendant, who was responsible for conspiracies
ROBERTSON = Judge of Federal Court Defendant for making tortuous arbitrary decision.
ROCK, Allan = Corrupt Lawyer Ex-Minister of Justice- Canada, defendant in Major's Acti
RODRIGUES, Frank M. = Corrupt Law Clerk involved in Constructive Conversation on 1994
ROMAIN RICK = Corrupt Justice of Peace defendant, who was involved in conspiracy
ROSE, Vincent = Quebec Lawyer in Montreal at H2Y 2W2, (514) 847 2929
ROSENBERG, MARC = Lawyer-Ass-Attorney General-On ignored Manor complaint
ROSENBERG, Morris A. = Lawyer Defendant, for allowing the public office be abused
ROSENZVEIG, ALLAN = Corrupt Lawyer for Canadian Radio-television, and Telecommunications Commission
ROSENTHAL, Jonathan M = Corrupt Ontario Lawyer, Constructive Refusal, and Conversation
ROSENZVEIG, Allan = Corupt Solicitor for the respondent, J. Wilson, the CRTC, conspiracy
ROSS, William A. = Justice of Peace defendant for Conspiracy in the trial at Old City Hall,
ROWLANDS, June = defendant in her personal and office capacity for corruption in the City
RUDZIK, Orest H. T. = PH.D. L.L.B. who breached his contract with Major
RUST, Dun = Corrupt Clerk Defendant for THEFT.of the original file appeal C26841
Canadian Judges, Lawyers, Police and Clerks are all Dirty Thieves!

SARAI, Tibor = Ontario Lawyer. No misconduct against Major is noted.
SCHEININGER, Lester = Represent Metro Cab Company in Major's case in file 94-415
SCHER, HUGH R. = Ontario Law Firm, No misconduct is noted against Major
SCHOLICH, Gudrun = Court reporter removed part of Judge Donnelly reasoning v. Co-Op
SEIFE, Asfaw = RAT Arbitrator defendant of Ontario Insurance Commission, conspiracy
SEGAL, Murray = Corrupt Assistant Deputy Minister-Criminal Law Attorney Gen. Ontario
SEXTON, Joseph = Judge of Federal Court Canada defendant for making arbitrary decision
SHARP, Valerie= Corrupt Lawyer-Ontario Judicial Council defendant for abuse of process
SHIFMAN, Marvin = Major's corrupt lawyer, involved in conspiracies with Police & Crown
SHORTLIFE, Gary E. = Ontario Lawyer. No misconduct against Major is noted.
SHUAL, Alred= Corrupt Deputy Judge at College Park, defendant for conspiracy-Kwinter
SILVER, Debbrer = Corrupt Crown- Ontario Prosecutor defendant who conspiracy-Police

In April 22, 1996, Judge Silverman, in process of appeal, found that Judge McNish was not a Thief, and said in reasons, and asked if the machine is noisy why Major is not selling his property and leave, and charged Major $500 for Costs of Appeal ! Judge McNish stolen master evidence, and dismissed the Charge against Condo and Charged Major $500 Costs for complaining against noises of this Machine. This justice in Canada!
SILVERMAN & FREED = Corrupt Law Firm who conspired in action Nourhaghighi v. ANS;
SILVERMAN, Huge W.= Ill Judge defendant who was mislead by the parties of conspiracy
SILVERMAN, Sidney J. = Corrupt lawyer of ANS; by conspiracy set aside Major's Judgment
SIMARD, Anne = Court reporter who is defendant for forgery of Cadsby's judgment
SIMPSON, Douglas H.= Senior Counsel of CIBC Legal Division, served by Major's Action
Singer, Kwinter = Corrupt law firm who was involved in several conspiracies with Toronto police
SMITH James Wesley = Lawyer hired by the Attorney General of Ontario, Civil; no misconduct
SMITH LYONS = Corrupt law firm defendant-Toronto, lawyers involved in a conspiracy
SMITH, Kelly = Corrupt lawyer who was fucked by corrupt Provincial Judge, HRYCIUK,
SNELL, Matthew = Defendant Corrupt lawyer for Dr. Gonzalez involved conspiracies
SOMERS, William = Stupid Judge Defendant who alleged in there are Rules in the Courts!?
SOUTHEY, J. B. Strange = Judge defendant for moving along with objects of Conspiracy
STEPHEN J. STAFFORD = Ontario Lawyer, Toronto. No misconduct is noted against Major
STEIN, Bata J. = Ontario Lawyer who had professional conduct with Major on 27, April 1995
STEINBERG, GARY S. = Corrupt lawyer defendant for conspiracy, Perjury , fraud, and torts
SUTTON, Ralph A. = Ontario lawyer, North York,  No misconduct is noted against Major
SZUL, M = Dishonest defendant decision maker of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario who abused its power and dismissed Major’s legitimate complaints

Queen's of Thieves!

The Businessmen are thieves, the Merchants are thieves, all Customers are thieves
The Doctors are thieves, the Nurses are thieves, all Patients are thieves
The Judges are thieves, the Lawyers are thieves, the Queen of England is a Big Thief!
The Mayor is a thief, the Police is a thief, One City all thieves.
TAUBE, Louis = Ontario Lawyer, Toronto; NO misconduct is noted against Major
TAYLOR,Colon = Corrupt lawyer that represent TD Bank; Conspiracy and Bribery,
View Larger Map
TEICHMAN, Jay S. = Corrupt lawyer member of Toronto Criminal Organization govern by the Attorney General of Ontario, the Law Society and Police, committed forgery in document to defraud Major Nourhaghighi
THOMAS, Jeannie = Corrupt Director of Canadian Judicial Council  involved in conspiracies
THOMAS, Contemnor Sally = Hired by Toronto Department of Justice, Disobeyed Lafreniere Order-Sept 9/2003
THOMSON, PAMELA = Corrupt Deputy Judge, defendant for several conspiracies

TIBBLE Amy = corrupt lawyer involved a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. In this felony  Amy maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and frauduletly established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decision maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy
TINSLEY, Richard F. = Corrupt Secretary Defendant of the Law Society of Upper Canada
TOOMATH, Ernist = Major's Dishonest Lawyer defendant, Conspiracy with Police, July 1994
TRANSCRIPT of Court= Everything except the truth; all kinds of fabricating evidences;
TRAVES R. W.= Corrupt counsel for the Metro Police, Conspiracy, Torture and Contempt
TREMBLAY, LAMER, Daniele= Poor Judge-Wife of Ex-Chief Justice-Canada, Fed Court
TURKO, Alex J. = Involved in conspiracy with corrupt lawyer C. M. Dennis, 95-CU-84058
TYNDALE, David = Toronto Department of Justice, Solicitor for Contemnor Counsel L. McLenaghan Nov. 03/2003
TYRRELL, ANDREW S = Corrupt Investigator of the Law Society- defendant,conspiracy and abused the complaints process; Tyrrell, did not charge lawyers who involved in forgery

University of Toronto (U oF T) = The most corrupted University in the World involved in numerous conspiracies. The U of T, has created all possible fabricating frame-up documents against Major mostly by Athletic Centre, that allows police be able to intercept Major's Com

Vexatious Proceeding = A legal term that is abused by the Canadian Justice system to close the doors of the courtrooms to the public; A common tricks of the Canadian lawyers for attack to a cause of action; A common tricks of the Canadian lawyers for attack to a cause of action against several lawyers who conspired against one person/ or persons.
Vexatious Judges and Lawyers do not have skill and ability of reasoning, which is logic science in nature. Most of Judges and Lawyers are not able to understand and solve a simple mathematical problems; where the science of mathematics must be a major subject for them..
VICKAR, L. BRENT = Rude Ontario Lawyer who furnished Major's info to Police / Parsons
WEILER, Karen = Corrupt Judge of Court of Appeal defendant for conflict of interest
Weinberger, Ron = Corrupt lawyer who represented Kwinter, committed Contempt of Court
West End Process Service = No misconduct against Major is noted.
WIGLE, Jacqueline P.  = Corrupt Lawyer for City of Toronto and Police, involved Conspiracy,
WEISZ, STEVEN = Corrupt Lawyer, involved in a conspiracy and Contempt of Court
WILL,Gary = Major's Dishonest Lawyer, defendant for Conspiracy, and Constructive Refusal 
WILSON, Peter J.= The founder Wilson and Buck law firm in Vancouver. High skill lawyer
WISE, E. Paul = Ontario Lawyer, no misconduct against Major could be recalled.

Whealy, Author = Corrupt Judge defendant for two counts of conspiracies conflict of interest
WHITMORE, Elizabeth = Corrupt Minister of Health for Ontario,  Defendant for conspiracy
WINTER, Beard = Ontario lawyer, Toronto, No misconduct is noted against Major
WILLIAMS, FRED = Corrupt Shit Manager of Toronto Jail defendant for Conspiracy
WILKINS, John = Corrupt Judge accused of being drunk in bench; defendant for Conspiracy with Law Society v. Major
WILSON & BUCK= Law Firm in B.C. Major used it's sample for Application for Leave in Supreme Court of Canada
WILSON, Jennifer = Corrupt Director Respondent of CRTC, involved in Conspiracy-Bell
WREN, Edward F = Corrupt Judge-On Court, involved in Conspiracy-Police and Crown
WUEBBOLT, Peter J. = Ontario Lawyer, accused of the Constructive Refusal refering to WILL
WYATT, JENNIFER = Corrupt Clerk of  the Attorney General On who on October 1996
conspired at Alternative Dispute Resolution against Major Nourhaghighi, which constitute viol

YANOFSKY, SARAH =  Corrupt Court Reporter who conspired with the Police Parsons
YAGAR, Bonnie L = Ontario Lawyer, Mississauugu; Constructive Refusal of Ad
YOUNG, BRUCE J. = Corrupt Judge that entered into the conspiracy with Judge, KELLY
YOUNG, DOUGLAS = Corrupt Minister of Transport-Canada-1994-98, defendant in his personal and office capacity in Major's action for misleading justice in Pilots' Scandal.
ZAMMI, DASH & SEMPLE = Ontario Law Firm, no misconduct is recorded against Major

O' God never forgive me, I AbrmLincoln, plea guilty for breaking the chains of Salves!

Corrupt Black Judge Vilbert A. Lampkin has committed 'Theft' of three pages of witness report as Exhibit in
December 11, 1996, that Major, as Defense, gave him to be filed on the record!
Reference Major Nourhaghighi's Affidavits in the Supreme Court of Canada files 26982, and 29085
See also Constructive Theft [Official Transcript conforms the theft of Canadian Judge]

Corrupt White Judge Ian McNish has committed ''Theft' of one page of Condo Cheque as Exhibit in October 28, 1994
that Major, as Prosecutor, gave him to be filed on the record!
See also Constructive Theft [Official Transcript conforms the theft of Canadian Judge]

Chapters 22, Section 2213
Canada's Malicious Intends
It was January 1990 that the Canadian Embassy in Germany, for the second time, invited me to issue landed documents for my children and me. There was no customer in the embassy. The clerk in the desk was a white lady, very polite, who invited me to have seat. Soon, the white tall young gentleman clerk, who once had interview with me for issuance of the first landed documents, welcomed me by attending in the hall and inviting me to his office. The clerk was wearing a nice dark suit with tie, well shaved and very polite too. I said as far as I have got my German residency therefore I did not use my landed papers.
Chapters 22, Section 2214
"In Three Years You Will Have Canadian Passport"
The clerk, who find I was happy with my condition in Germany, tried to contradict my reasoning by saying that: " Canada is much better for you and your children, in three years you will get a Canadian Passport and you will have same rights and freedoms as all other Canadian, while if you stay n Germany, after eight years you will get your German Passport, and you will live in atmosphere of racisms" I agreed that he issue a new landed papers. The clerk added that in last papers you have selected Montreal for landing; he explain that racisms in Montreal was higher than other cities in Canada, and suggested me to change it to "Toronto" I never heard about Toronto, I asked if it is a big city? His reply was affirmative: "Ohhh! Yes! It is one of the biggest City in Canada, ALL buildings are new and shining, just look to these old buildings in Germany!"
Chapters 22, Section 2215
"Canadian Fraudulent Misrepresentations"
Canada has given its Second Permanents Statutes to my family and me, and encourages us to leave Germany! But, why? Why the Clerk allowed himself to abuse his office and create a negative image from Germany and Montreal for me? Where is Canadian Passport after Eleven Years? Does Clerk have committed fraudulent misrepresentation and had malicious intend? These questions and many more will prove that Canadian and British Governments have agreements to inhabit all Iranian oppositions under they own control that be able to put more pressure and control over Iranian Government.My evidence support this believe that the oppressive Government of Iran have some kind of agreement in this conspiracy. This is a complex issue. The Iranian Government have entered into the said agreement with other oppressive governments, as it has calculated that the arrests and confusion of its oppositions will have more benefits than lost of reputation and international pressures; while the said oppressive western governments trying their best to equip Iranian Police with the most advance systems. These kinds of evil deals and two face contact is normal in the west.
Now, after eleven years miserable life in Canada and comparing other Iranian pilots and opposition similar poor standard of living, I am satisfy by evidence to declare that the Canadian Embassy in Germany had malicious intend in proving me twice landed papers with bad faith, dishonestly, fraudulent misrepresentation and deceive.
Chapters 22, Section 2216
There is not any true information about Canada in the World!
In February 1990, I received the second issues of landed documents that it was expired on July 19, 1990. I had good life in Germany, and did not have any relative in Canada, and I did not have any true knowledge about Canada, There was no news in papers and true information about Canada. I search many libraries, the books that I found about Canada, mostly indicating the beautiful nature in Canada. There was not any true information about Canada. Therefore, I drop the envelop in a corner and I proceed with my normal life Germany; Considering to live in Germany permanently.
In June and July 1990, suddenly, I was faced with series of difficulties in finding a proper property to purchase or rent, since East Germany have joined to West, accommodations became sever problem, and I remembered that the Canadian Embassy told me there was no such problem in Canada. However, there was not yet a strong motive for immigration.
It was in this period of time that once a television has shown some strong documentary evidence that how Fascists have killed Jewish. I was really shocked! I could not believe that I was breathing the same air that Fascists were breathing. It was July 17, that I decided to leave permanently Germany, and on July 19, last day that my landed papers were expired, I landed in Toronto.
Chapter 24, Section 2400
Unlucky Pearson Evil Airport
It was night on July 19, 1990 that the German Airline " LTU" asked landing information from Approach and land in Pearson International Airport. I never knew that was going to be my last International journey in this Evil Exile, called Toronto! Since that bad day of July 19, I never get chance departure from that Nahs Airport.
I, as Senior Fighter and Transport Pilot, I had sometimes multiple departures in just a single day. Today, November 1, 2001, is 5111 Days has past with no Departure from this Unlucky Pearson Evil Airport, as yet I do not have Canadian Passport! The evil acts of the long list of dirty lawyers, and corrupt judges can explain why? and how hot is the Justice Games in the City of Toronto that could hold a man busy for years and years.

Chapter 24, Section2402, A, B,
Toronto is Ugly, Soulless and Corrupt
It was midnight of July 19, 1990 when we [my two children and I] arrived in Pearson International Airport. First I changed some of my German Mark to Canadian Dollars and then we took a taxi to Toronto, and when the taxi driver understand that we were new immigrant and do not have any idea of the City, he cheated us by overcharging. The Immigration Clerk has reserved a hotel in Downtown....close to intersection of Spdina and Dundas where we spend our first night; the Clerk also told me that on next day I should attend to Canada Immigration in 1st Front Street West. The Hotel had very poor condition and rude staff, I said to my daughter that on next day have a look to newspapers and find better place that we be able to move. On July 20, at about 9 AM I left Hotel, all Downtown stores were closed, while in my country the business start at about 8 AM. Later I found that Canadians are very lazy. Now I am living in College Street in Downtown in last eleven years, few days ago I asked from one of grocery store that what time you are opening your shop everyday, he said usually 11 AM! In 1990 when I saw College Street with those ugly thick wooden electrical poles, with all those hanging wires I was shocked! And its is more disappointing that today, on November 5, 2001, still nothing has being changed, only there are more dirt and ads on each pool that indicate Canadian Government is a bankrupt; while in 1960 in Teheran and all other cities, the wooden electrical poles were removed and all wires were send under ground. Therefore, Toronto is Forty Years behind from Teheran!
The second shocking observation was a dirty old public bus that Canadian is calling it as "TTC". I have never seen such model bus. It was too crowded and people crying to get in; its windows were very small and it was making a lot of noise. The driver was a white old Canadian, with a thick glass, who was driving with speed of less than thirty km/h with stop in each interception, where the distance between two bus stops was less than 500 meters. I asked from driver if he can drive faster, as I didn't want to be late in my first appointment in my new home! The bus driver stopped and put the bus in parking and turn his head and start yelling on me that: "This is TTC not a Taxi, if you are in hurry, get your fucking ass down of my bus and take a cab! Do you understand?" In last eleven years, hardly I was forced to use less than eleven times per years TTC. However, when ever I stepped in the TTC, I became sorry and I promised to not use TTC again. Again comparing with Teheran, in 1950 we had beautiful GM Chevrolet Buses, and soon Iran has commenced to build Mercedes Benz, and then all GM buses were changed with Benz Buses. The skill of Iranian Bus Drivers, in the way that they are driving the long Benz Buses in some narrow streets in Teheran, is amazing; and when they arrive to highways, hardly other cars can pass them!
From 1980 to 1988, I was living in North of Tehran, and my mother was living in Downtown, I was using Tehran Pubic Benz Transport, which was very cheap, about Five Cents, to travel about 50 Km round trip; the drives were driving so fast in highway that I was feeling that they are going to fly, it was a real rocket on the earth, and there was very few accidents; however,
In Toronto, TTC, almost every day has an accident; in one of TTC under ground subways, there was such horrifying accident that many people were killed and injured. Since that time many people are afraid to take TTC.
The grounds for accident are clear. First whoever pay bribe get permit to drive; Second, they will select only from white Canadian, who have proven they are the most stupid people in the World; Third, they may hire other nationality, if no white have application, Forth, The drivers never have attention to the road, with one hand they are holding their coffee, with other hand phone, they must reply to computer massages and do many other works that seem the driving is the last thing that they are doing. be completed

Major Nourhaghighi, number one from left and number one Enemy of the Corrupt Lawyers
Chapter 24, Section2440
Life is Prosecutions and Courts, Nothing elss
My autobiography in Toronto, in last eleven years, is continuous endless repetition of painful and harmful oppressive and vexatious proceeding in all Ontario and Canada Courts, that if I spend another twenty years still there is no hope the justice be served, as the system is extremely corrupt. Who could believe that Canadian Judges are so dirty that they steal the victims exhibits that the opposite parties win the cases? And when the Judges are thieves, then thieves have authority to steal from people.
The people by their members of parliaments have approved laws that have given all kinds of immunity and securities to Judges that be able to have honorable lifestyle and impartiality and independence on the judgment seats. Eleven years experiences in all courts have given me a confident to declare these three sentences against the dishonorable Administration of Justice in Ontario and Canada:
1- The Judicial Impartiality and Independence does not exist in Canada, in practice.
2- Briberies, Influences, Fabricating evidence, Obstructions, Perjuries, Conspiracies, Frauds in Transcripts and Official Orders are main element for success in all Courts.
3- All Judgments are based on complex components, for which mostly do not have any root to the actual materials before the Courts, or the weight of lawyers.
In 1991, I was stopped by police and charged me $78 for "Failing to Wear Seat Belt".at Old City Hall, in the City of Toronto, following grounds for appeal: "I saw many Government Official like "Bob Ray" and Police Constables who were not wearing seat belt, why I should? The judge did not accept my grounds!
"In 1991, I was stopped by a police officer, and I was charged $78 for "Failing to Wear Seat Belt" at Old City Hall, in the City of Toronto, I following grounds for appeal: "I saw many Government Official like "Bob Ray" and Police Constables who were not wearing seat belt, why I should? The judge did not accept my grounds!

On those days I was new in Canada and I did not know that the appeal process is complicated and technical; therefore, I spend time, and I learned all possible technics in the appeal process, and I was successful in numerous appeals in many Courts in battles with the top lawyers in Ontario who were representing the opposite parties. 
The Highway Traffic Act, has made Hundreds Billion income for the BCGC and its agents.
Every year, over 500,000 Criminal Charges are issued in the Province of Ontario.
I had studied, that the average cost and damages of about $10,000 for EACH criminal charge, for a member of the Public, in his/her personal capacity[damages to his/her mental , physical, and family budget], and in his/her social capacity[extra costs in Federal, Provincial, and Municipal Taxes]: 500,000 X $10,000 = $50,000,000,000 is actual damages of the Public for ONLY administration of criminal code, in Province of Ontario!"

On April, 6, 2000, Professor Marc Galanter's Lecture (American Researcher) in he University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, presented evidence that Judges and Lawyers are the most hated profession in the World. The ontario Judge James M. Farley, opposed and stated: "People are Sheep, and Lawyers are Shepherds!" and several judges and lawyers who were present, like Horace Krever and Sharpe AJJ attacked to Professor Galanter and his evidence of large numbers of Sites and Publications that all refered to dirty jokes against them! Professor Galanter, asked from people: "Are these guys are right? There is not any corruption in Canada!" Major Nourhaghighi supported Professor Galanter by testifying that "Canadian Judges and Lawyers are extremely dishonest and dirty, they are defendants in his Actions for thefts, bribery, conspiracy and other felonies"= While several bullies agents of Police harassed Major. The documents in this site indicate that Major and Professor Galanter main intend is the dishonest lawyers and judges be removed that the administration of justice get chance of serving the people.
There is no doubt that a large number of  Canadians Lawyers are real pigs, and the criticisms against them is just. Major had business with hundreds Lawyers, Judges, Prosecutors and other professionals who have graduated from the corrupted Law Society of Upper Canada, have given sufficient confidence to attack in the legal stages, to these corrupted and harmful Law Businesses and the Canadians Society. The Canadians Lawyers as the Real Dirty Pigs, have destroyed the reputation and decency of administration of Law in Toronto & Ottawa= they are defendants in Major's actions at Federal and Ontario Courts for conspiracy, forgery, fraud, perjury, breach of contract and fraudulent misrepresentation. You can Win a Persian Rug if You prove there is another country in the world with worse Lawyers and Judges!
Every year, Hundreds Millions Dollers, is wasted in the Law Business! This is a great amount that a man could make the best possible industry that whole nation could enjoy the benefits of that= particularly, this is an extreme amount for a nation as small as Canadians with less that 40,000,000 population. However, the British Colonial Governments of Canada("BCGC"), has much higher benefits from robbery. The BCGC plan is bring the rich people from around the world to Canada, and then with all tricks steal all their wealth, and simply say: "Go Back Your Home!". The BCGC has another plan too! In this plan, the BCGC has made agreement with different governments, to hold their opposition here in Canada, as a prisoner! The people like Major who have come to Canada as a Refugee= they are now victims of torture and ill treatments.  The total mission of the Law Society of Upper Canada is to train these kind of dirty people to attack to every Canadian, disregard of his position in the Society. The Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors, most of Government Officials are involved in the said crimes against Canadians and Humanity.

L.A.W. = Last Alternative Way for you!?
In the said condition, the only word which does not have any meaning is: " LAW", therefore this is the only word that a man can hear a lot in Canada. Lets have some example:

Major has confident that majority of Ontario Senior Judges and Lawyers who involved in my actions were not bounded with Ethical Code that be able to respect the Code of Professional Conduct, the Judicial Impartiality and Independence. However, Major's documents indicate Judges, Lawyers and Police have committed felonies against him
that brought whole British Law and Judiciary under question of credibility for which there is no way that be able to stand for Free Ontario that I have in mind

Note: Definition of the "Real Dirty Rats" in this article means, a man without any Honour, Proud, Zeal, Integrity, Honestly, Bravery= Canadians Lawyers as the "Real Rats" means a man in his/her extreme dirty, mean, cruel, coward, thief, robber, close-fisted, dishonest, narrow-minded, informer, corrupt, impious, deceitful, malicious, impure, cringing, treacherous, tale-beaer, fool, stupid, worse than ass-hole, rat, louse, lousy, adultery-er, ugly, evil, irreligious, fraudulent, very low class, worse than prostitute, juggler...

LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA FOR PROVINCE OF ONTARIO = The main party of criminal conspiracy in Major Nourhaghighi's Actions, the strongest Counter Government and Counter Law Association in Canada, the head of Criminal Organization in Canada, One of the most effective criminal organization of the World, Was force to file Defence by Borden & Elliot for being a Criminal Organization, the share holders of the most Canadians large Corporations, has got 27,000 members in Ontario in 1999, the main party of conspiracy  with judges in ANY Insurance Claims against the Plaintiff.

Major Nourhaghighi's Actions against the corupt Law Society of Upper Canada for Ontario, and corrupt lawyers:
Nourhaghighi v. Law Society et al
Nourhaghighi v. Bell......Law Society et al
Nourhaghighi v. Totonto Hospital.....Law Society et al
Nourhaghighi v  Ontario Judicial Council......Law Society et al
Major Nourhaghighi's prosecution for Contempt of Court against Five Corrupt Lawyers
Robert Jaworski, Arthur Hamilton, Debra Armstrong, Steven Weisz, and Kate Broer

Chapter 24, Section2408
Weight Machine and Abuse of Process
It was midnight in April 1993, when I returned home. After a few minutes I heard a Horrible noises  

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