Friday, 20 May 2016

Court & Crown conspired Against Major Nourhaghighi" Justice Campbel found during Trial Canada v. Major Nourhaghighi Affidavit file T-1237-98

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Hundreds Legal Proceedings Brought Against Major Nourhaghighi
by Judges, Lawyers, Police, Crown, and their Parties in which
Major Nourhaghighi was successful to dismiss almost ALL by representing
himself in the Court

Since 1995, information disclosed in Major Nourhaghighi's Websites * Blogs
ended to arrest of a large numbers of Canadian Spy around the World, in
particular in China, Europe, France, Germany, Iran , Japan and USA.
In China: A large numbers of Canadian Espionage were arrested   
In Iran: Canadian Espionage was 
arrested and sentence to Death Penalty 

Espionage Agency in Canada is spying against American and other nations for the British's interest in Canada and UK. 

 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
 B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
This is part of my autobiography that indicates thousands of Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites

I dedecate this Site to Brave Judge Campbell
"Government of Canada and Court conspired to obstruct Major Nourhaghighi's
access to court systems to seek and obtain Justice, Major is very frustrated
at not having yet gaining an opportunity to have his grievances fully heard,
and to have a decision rendered on their merits
This fact is yet valid in May 2016, after
hundreds of proceedings since 1999
of the Campbell's Judgment in fact corrupt British Judge James Russell
disobeyed the Campbell Order by receiving huge bribe from Law Socity
corrupt British Judge James Russell

Mr. Justice Campbell Order against the Attorney General of Canada
This is part of my Autobiography, for better and more particulars please search in the above links.
File T-1237-98, Canada v. Nourhaghighi; is a reported authority and is another master evidence against the Crown Conspiracy against the Judicary System, and me, that could be used in any proceedings against the Crown's malicious and vexatious proceedings.
Thee following are the Statement of Fact related to File T-1237-98:
The OntarioCourt of Appeal sat July 15, 1998, an important hearing in which Condo 935, appealed the decision of Madam Justice Boland  against me. Condo spend over $120,000 legal fees to get an Order that I must sell my property, because I am Iranian and as such dangerous to the other residents! From April 1998, the corrupt Crowns of Ontario and Canada commenced several conspiracies against me in allmy files in the Ontario and Federal Courts, to make me very busy and nervous that I could not reply properly on July 15, 1998 before the panel of Ontario Court of Appeal.

One of the tens conspiracies against me in this period, was the Crown's Application T-1237-98, against me under Section 40 of the Federal Court Act, to declare me as e vexatious litigant! While I did NOT had any proceedings in the Federal Court to be stayed by the Campbell Order; and this was exact question that Justice Campbell put on the Crown:
"Why you brought this application, Mr. Nourhaghighi did not had any proceeding in the Trial Division,in 1998!"

On June 18, 1998, when I came home, I did not see anything at my apartment's 's door.
However, later the corrupt Attorney Neville filed affidavit indicating that the Application Record was installed at the door, while the Rule required to be served in Person! I filed an affidavit that I did not see any document at my door.
[ I reviewed other files, to best of my recollection it was: Muhmoud v. Canada in which the Italian lawyer for Muhmuod has filed affidavit that the alleged documents by the Crown was not serve to him! The Italian lawyer has shown very courage and seriously objected to the Crown!].

The Crown's motion was heard by corrupt judge, Tremblay Lamer; who shouted at me that: "How come! You did not see it at your door?" She was very rude with me, and opened her mouth like a big washroom full of shits!
I explained that the Condo 935 has stolen the document, as Condo did in several other cases
[ I had trust to the John DOE the process server hired by the Crown; I knew him since 1995; however, he erred in law by not serving the document to me in person. Condo steal the document that I get into a legal problems that not be able to have good presentation on July 15, 1998. While it was the conspiracy of the Attorney General of Ontario with Neville to bring that Application; but they have forgotten to talk with their agent who is living in Condo, and his duty is to committe all kinds of crimes that the Crowns are asking him to do against me and my children! The continuous thefts from my property caused that the managemnt installed a video cameras and microphon out of my apartment's door, which is breach ofmy privay too! However, since 1998 there are ample counts of constructive by the Crown against me Please Select these links for few sample of thefts by the Crown of Canada and Ontario!

The conflict between parties of conspiracy caused a lot of benefits for me, such as dismissal of Condo's Appeal and the Crown's Application by Justice campbell. The Crown and parties of said conspiracy have alleged that I removed the Application Record from door myself on June 18, 1998, as Application required to be replied within 10 days and file Affidavit in reply within 30 days that would be the July 17,1998 [where I had to read ample record of appeal process for July 15!] While my defence before Justice Campbell was that: "The Crown in accordance to object of conspiracy with employees of the Old City Hall [Prosecutor Allan Scott, Justice of Peace Ian McNish, Judge Robert Bigelow, Judge Lampkin et al] have brought this application against me to mislead the Ontario Court of Appeal, and set aside Justice Boland Order, to be able to buy my condominium in less than a half market value price, the crime that the Toronto Police, the crown, and Department of Justice did against many immigrants" Justice Campbell accepted my reasons and brought that on his judgment too. SO Thank You Brave Judge Campbell, because after ten year finally he was the ONLY judge that clearly brought on his reasons Conspiracy of the Government and Court against me, which is very good case of law against the Crowns' Conspiracy!

The following indicate documents how the confusion of the justice system raised:
Table of Content
Important Correspondence
Notice of Application, June 18/98
Notice of Appearance, Aug 28/98
Affidavit of Keyvan Nourhaghighi Sworn Oct 2/98
Response to the Application
Last Judge, Campbell : clearly declared :"Government of Canada and Court conspired to obstruct Major Nourhaghighi's access to court systems to seek and obtain Justice" Mr. Judge Campbell added: Major is very frustrated at not having yet gaining an opportunity  to have his grievances fully heard, and to have a decision rendered on their merits." Crown's Application is Dismissed!

Court File No: T-1237-98

I, Keyvan Nourhaghighi, of the City of Toronto, in the province of Ontario,

1. I am Respondent herein, and as such have knowledge of the matters depose to.

2. My first affidavit is not complete due to the Crown’s sabotages. The only remedy against criminal and tortious misconduct the Crown is pleading pursuant to the Crown Liability Act.

3. The Applicant’s Notice of Application, Application Record, Motion, documents and evidences under the oaths("Irregular Proceedings") are abuse of process, frivolous and vexatious, and should be quashed and dismissed with costs. There are extensive violations of the rules and laws, and obvious malicious intent the Irregular Proceedings that does not give any chance of success, particularly, the Applicant is admirer to some faults which is professional negligence.

4. The Applicant in its Irregular Proceedings is asking an extreme remedy against me. Therefore, it is justice that the Court exercise patients and use its best skill in consideration of all violations. The Court shall not allow its process be abused; particularly, the Applicant is defendant in my action for conspiracy. the Rules 58, 59(c), 60 of the Federal Court Rules.

5. The Federal Court Rules has a time table for proceeding under the application[R304].
I did not filed the Notice of Appearance till July 8, 1998, that I had time to do so[R305]; therefore I was not entitle to be served with the Application Record:
Why the Applicant does not follow the time table after June 18, 1998?
Why on July 1998 the Applicant did not move before the Court for its Order or direction?
Why in the end of August 1998, has served me with the Application Record?
Why the Applicant brought a Motion for September 14, 1998?
6. On July 98, the Crown’s object of conspiracy to obstruct justice at Ontario Court of Appeal, has failed. Therefore, the object, maliciously, dragged to Sept 98, where on Sept 17 /98, the Condominium 935 ("Condo") has brought a motion to settle an Order from July 98.
On Sept 21/98, the Court of Appeal for Ontario has heard my appeal and dismissed it; after the Crown overloaded the complex legal proceedings and caused serious nuisances against me.
The Crown involved in tens counts of frauds over $2000 in my Condo I was successful to present all that evidence to the judges and get the judgment that in last seven years I am fighting for it. Exhibit "1", is Letter of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General Of Canada
dated June 14, 1993[response to my complaint for frauds in Condo].
7. The Applicant’s Motion contains four affidavits that I wish to cross-exam the deponents. I do not have agreement with the evidences. At the same time, I am unemployed and I am able to pay any cost, including purchase of the transcripts.
In addition thereto, tens of the Court Reporters hired by the Attorney General of Ontario are defendants in my actions for frauds in the transcripts. Therefore, I am seeking an Order that the evidences be recorded, and the tapes be forwarded to the Court.
Exhibit "2" is a trial scheduled for some dishonest Court Reports of the Old City Hall.
8. The Applicant had duty to enclose a copy from the original sources of Section 40 to its Factum. The Reverse Statutes of Canada, does not have any document under " R.S., 1985, c. F-7, 40; 1990, c.8, s.11." that gives any provision for bring this application.
9. The main requirement for the commencement of the proceeding under Section 40 is the Consent of the Attorney General of Canada. The person who has obtained the Consent was obligated to attach the Consent into an affidavit and say exactly that he/she obtained the Consent from Office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
10. Section 40(2) has specific conditional terms for bringing a proceeding under its provision. The Notice of Application, which filed illegally, does not exist legally. The Rules do not allow the Illegal Proceeding to stand; in other word the Notice of Application is worthless. The Court does not have jurisdiction to permit a null and void document to be served, or validate its service, where there is a lack of "Consent " in the originating document.
40(2) An application under subsection (1) may be made only with the consent of the "Attorney General of Canada..."
11. The Applicant, and the Registrar both have failed to comply with the aforesaid part of Section 40(2); therefore, the Notice of Application should be quashed for the following reasons:
a. As Against the Applicant:
(1) The Applicant has failed to understand the meaning of the word of " Only" that means "Exclusively", "Alone", " ... be made Solely with Consent of the Attorney General of Canada.
(2) "Consent" means: "Permission", "Acquiescence", " Agreement" which puts weight on the Office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
(3) The Applicant has failed to recognize "Who is the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
There is only traditionally one Minister in the Federal cabinet who is responsible for two Offices. The First Office is the Minister of Justice, The Second Office of is the Attorney General of Canada. On June 1998, Hon Anne McLellan was the said responsible Minister who was obligated to sign the Consent.
(4) The Applicant has failed to provide any evidence in its originating record in regard of the "Consent of the Attorney General of Canada".
12. Since 1993, I have correspondences with the said Minister Office. The "Associate Deputy Minister of Justice" Richard Thompson, can not sign for the Minister of the" Attorney General of Canada" Anne McLellan; where the said offices have different mandates.
Exhibit " 3", In my complain against Administration of Justice to Hon McLellan, and her response. I have enclosed two other letters that all have the heading of Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
13. In addition thereto, the Office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada was named defendant in my proceedings at the Ontario and Federal Courts.
The conflict of interest does not allow the said Office make any decision against me under the provision of Section 40(2). In the circumstances, the leave of the Court is a mandatory step to be taken, before for the commencement of the proceeding[ Schwarz Affidavit paragraphs 3, 4 line 7-RE: A-410-95 set November 17, 1998 for hearing at Federal court of Appeal].

14- On August 1998, I have brought the aforesaid issues to the attention of Senior Registrar- Lortie, as a prove of falsity registration. The Registrar has tried to prove to me that "D. Neville"[The Respondent’s Counsel], who has signed for "George Thomson"[page 4 Notice of Application], was the "Attorney General of Canada"!? It took a long argument till Lortie was satisfied that he shall found a correct answer from Neville. Lortie, than called Neville and left a massage for him, and told me that he would inform me. Exhibit "A" to Schwarz Affidavit, indicate the abuse of process by irregularity and violation of Rule 309.

15- On September 2nd , 1998, The Registrar-Lortie, has given me a non standard document as the "Consent of the Attorney General of Canada". The following are further grounds for quashing the Notice of Application, as an null document:
b. As Against the Registrar:
(1) He has failed to demand the correspondence file number, with the Office of the Attorney General of Canada. And demand an affidavit from the Applicant to explain the circumstances - correspondence, the person who obtained the Consent[Rule 81]- as the main part of originating documents [Rules 62, 63(d)(2)] for the commencement of the proceeding[Rule 61].
(2) He has failed to demand the "Consent of the Attorney General", before the commencement of the proceeding, where the Applicant said in its Notice of Application " the consent of the Attorney General of Canada to the making of this application has been obtained."[page 3, paragraph 2(b)].
(3) He has failed to reject the Consent, where it does not had the heading of the Office of Minister who issue it, the full name of the person who sign it.
(4) He has failed to exercise caution, when he knew that the Applicant was defendant in my action for conspiracy and frauds; and his Office was defendant in my action for conspiracy, and abuse of process.
(5) He abused the Registry power, vindictively and maliciously has registered an unauthorized proceeding against me. And filed the Application Record, when he knew there was not a valid affidavit of service of the Notice of Application.
(6) He did not comply with Rule 72 and refer the document without delay to a judge or prothonotary for direction, and maliciously registered it.

16. Why the Applicant did not put the Consent in the record?
The Applicant’s dishonestly and tricks are not restricted to the Irregular Proceeding alone.
My main cause of action against the Applicant, is conspiracy of two Crowns.
The Application Record page 89, contains a document, which indicate my proceedings at Ontario Court were stayed by Wilkins Order. It is not accidental, that my grounds for the appeal against Wilkins Order are same as part of my grounds herein. Certainly, the Applicant has tried fraudulently to create a "similarity" to mislead, and obstruct the justice at the Court of Appeal for Ontario, to cause a false impression for those judges. Creation of the fabricating, and self produced documents, to mislead the Court, is a criminal misconduct of the Crowns.

17. In 1998, the judges have demonstrated strong position of impartiality. Stone JA was the leader of the said movement and caused the Crowns to plan a new series of conspiracy.
The Applicant in the present proceeding had intention to obstruct justice in my appeal before Stone JA, scheduled for November 7, 1998; and the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

18. I do have the exceptions from the Court to exercise its best performances and skill, as an impartial tribunal, in respect to see the issues, faults, errors, irregularities, abuse of process, non standard conducts, conflict of interest, that I was not able to see them, as the Court is bounded with reasonableness to support the unrepresented person in front of professional party.
I prepared this affidavit with good faith and honestly to lead the Court.
SWORN BEFORE ME at the City of Toronto, in the )
Province of Ontario, This 2nd day of October 1998) Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Commissioner of Oaths:Paul G. C. Robinson, Registry Officer, Federal Court of Canada
Important Correspondence
Ignoring the right of response, Sept 09/98
Discriminatory practices of ignoring the Federal Court Rules
Great Shame to the Chief Justice of Federal Court of Canada, Sept 04/98
Abuse of the Court Process in registration of the Notice of Application Letter to the Registrar the Application was not served, Aug 28/98

September 9th, 1998 URGENT URGENT

Senior Administrator, Federal Court-Trial Division 
330 University Avenue, Toronto On. Via Facsimile (613) 952-7226 
confirmed at 1:01 pm on Sept 10/98 "Great Shame to the Chief Justice .."
(416) 973-2154 confirmed at 1:13 pm on Sept 10/98

Attention: Lortie, and Robert E. Brown: 
RE: Nourhaghighi Letter, dated August 28, 1998-Application A-1237-98
RE: Brown’s letter, dated Sept 3/98

On Friday September 4th, I was served with the Applicant’s Motion Record("AMR"), returnable on next Monday, September 14, 1998; when there was a long holiday in this between.
According to the Federal Court Rules, the Respondent’s Record should be filed three clear days before the hearing. I shall use library for a proper response to 17 Rules, in paragraphs 8 to 14, of the Applicant’s Factum. The AMR was not contain a copy from the said 17 Rules, that should contained! Monday was Holiday, and the library was closed. And I cloud not research on September 8 and 9, to find out where are " part 3 rules 56 and 58"[Brown’s Letter], or " Rules 8, 54-60, 63, 127,128, 136, 147[MR]. While, Rules in Part III, start with "300".
Certainly, non of the said Rules could help the Applicant in the irregular circumstances of this particular case, where the Registrar failed to examined the AG Consent. before filing; and the Notice of Application, should be served within 10 days, and the evidence in the AMR indicate that the registered mail was wrong [Rule 313(2.1)], even if it was delivered!
Than, the Notice was issued on June 18/98, and posted on the same day of June 18/98. There is not any evidence that the process server made any attempt to serve me in other days. There is not any evidence to indicate that the Applicant has made any kind of attempt to make sure such Extreme Important Document was delivered. The evidence in Affidavit of Schwarz, is just nonsense, and maliciously prepared to mislead the court; therefore, the Motion shall be dismissed with costs. Or, I will bring a motion to quash the Notice of Application, asking costs.
I have all right to response properly, and up to this date, without any ground I have fallen in a nuisance of replying to the professional misconduct of others. Therefore, an action against the Chief Justice of Federal Court of Canada, will be registered at Federal and Provincial court-as the martial facts from June 18/98, indicate a new series of conspiracy and abuse of process by the Crowns. In addition, I can not attend on the hearing of Sept 14/98, as all my Mondays are booked on September, the earliest date that I booked for this case is: Monday, October 5th, 1998.

Keyvan Nourhaghighi, 
* Victim of dishonestly of Canadians Lawyers and abuse of judicial power in Canada

CC Neville Fax 9730810 : Fax confirmed at 12:55 pm on Sept 10/98
confirmation of the fax was send and confirmed at 1:22 pm Sept 10/98

September 4th , 1998
Great Shame to the Chief Justice of Federal Court of Canada
Federal Court-Appeal Division
330 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
Via Facsimile (613) 952-7226
confirmed at 4:54pm Sep 04/98; Sec 7, Part II, Current Proceed
(416) 973-2154
confirmed at 5:02pm & 5:10 pm sep 04/98
Attention: Mr. Lortie, Or the Senior Registrar of Trial Division
Re: HMQ v. Nourhaghighi, Application A-1237-98
RE: Nourhaghighi Letter, dated August 28, 1998
I am writing in regard of file A-1237-98, and several issues that raised by the irregular application brought by HMQ, and negligently filed by your office.
The Applicant[in response to my latter dated August 28, 1998], has served me with a Motion Record, seeking relies such as validation of service, leave to serve the Notice of Application again, and some directions.
It is not the first time that I am experiencing that HMQ was represented by incompetent lawyers; several lawsuits against dishonestly, perjury, incapability, and unprofessional conducts the members of the Law Society of Upper Canada, have indication, that Canadians Lawyers are cheap, mean, extremely low class, dirty in nature of their generation. And certainly, Madeleine Schwarz and Douglas Neville are on the same low class categories, that trying to change my mood by false statements, to cover up their own incapability, in filing a simple application.
Generally, this Application has brought to mislead and obstruct Ontario Judiciary; it is a great shame for the Chief Justice of Federal Court of Canada, that its office now become a nest of conspiracy and corruption; while Ontario Judiciary, has discovered your bad faith.
The Motion Record, contains four affidavits, that shall be cross examined by me, before it be forwarded to the Court. There are many technical errors that make impossible that any relieves be granted, if so, I would have a good ground for the appeal. For example, the Consent of the Crown, must have proper contents[ such as the commencement of the proceeding], and must be singed by the Attorney General, no one could sing for him/her, and name of AGC shall be written clearly. The Consent shall be attached as a part of original the Notice of Application.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
The Political Asylum Seeker as the Canadians Resident*
CC Douglas Neville and Schwarz Department of Justice Canada
Fax No: 416 973 0810, confirmed at 4:55pm, and 5pm Sep4/98
*means: Loss of trust to the administration of justice due to continuous conspiracy and corruption

August 28, 1998
URGENT ;Send by Fax and Delivered
Federal Court-Appeal Division
330 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario Toronto On
Via Facsimile (613) 952-7226
Confirmed at 12:10pm Aug 31/98
Confirmed at 7:48pm Aug 29/98
Attention: Administrator URGENT
Re: T-1237-98
I am writing in regard of file T-1237-98.
On August 28, 1998, I was served with the Applicant’s Record and Memorandum.
In the review of the said record I find that the notice of Application was filed on Jun 18, 1998;
which indicate the Applicant has failed to comply with Rule 304, to serve the Notice of Application within 10 days after issuance.
According to the Rules 305, 307 and 308, I am entitle to file a notice of appearances, a respondent affidavit, and cross-exam the affidavit of M. Schwarz; than the applicant entitle to serve and file Applicant’s Record(Rule 309).
The facts that the Applicant has failed to comply with several Rules that regulate an application process, is clear violation of the Federal Court Rules; and constitute the abuse of process. In Addition thereto, the Consent of the Attorney General of Canada shall be part of the Applicant’s Record pursuant the clear instruction of the Rule 309(2)(c).
In the circumstance, the Judicial Administrator, is obligated by law to refuse the filing of the document which failed to comply with Rules; and if such document negligently, was filed, it shall process to seek a proper direction, which require a notice of application be filed again, and be served accordingly. And as far as Rule 305, is require that I file a notice of appearance,
Form 305 shall be forwarded to me, without any nuisance, that I be able to file it immediately.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
CC Douglas Neville,Department of Justice Canada
Fax No: 416 973 0810 confirmed at 7:45pm on August 29, 1998
* Political Asylum Seeker as the Canadians Resident means: Abuse of Judicial Power in Canada

Court File No: T-1237-98
Notice of Application
Dated June 18, 1998

Court File NO: T-1237-97
The respondent intends to oppose this application.
Dated at Toronto this August 28, 1998.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Political Asylum Seeker as the Canadians Resident
608-456 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M6G 4A3

Court File NO: T-1237-97
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Political Asylum Seeker as the Canadians Resident
608-456 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M6G 4A3
TO: The Attorney General Of Canada
Att: D. R. Neville
3400 Exchange Tower, Box 36
First Canadian Place
Toronto On,
M5X 1K6
Fax: 416 973 0810
The Registrar 

The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

January 1996 to MAY 2016
 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Iranian Fighter Pilot


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