Friday, 20 May 2016

List of corrupt Canadian Judges and the Crown's Lawyers involved in Major Nourhaghighi 's Files

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canada And Its Politically Appointed Judges
Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
 B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
This is part of my autobiography that indicates thousands of Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites
"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"

This is Chapters  2420 to 2550 of Major's Autobiography...
Fraud and Conspiracy against the Administration of Justice are
"Constructive Industry" that brought the JUstice System to its knees.
We are obligate, ethically, to educate ourselves with tricks to be able to
obstruct, punish all those criminals who are acting maliciously against Canada.
The difference between Canadian & Iranian's mentality can be found simply in
Ex-Chief Dead Justice Lamer's word: "This is the system that we have!" He did not suggest any
action to be taken against corrupt Judges and Lawyers. The Canadian Judicial Council is talking like fools:
"We never had corrupt Judges in our history!" ignoring the facts that Major filing documents with the Government since 1993 that Canadian Judges are corrupt, and since 1996, this Site showing the real face of Canadian Judges. Major's testimony  against Judges indicate that mostly have nature to bend toward the corruption, and if they are honest, it is not because they believe to honestly, they scare to be arrested and scandal that they lose their jobs! However, Major is Iranian,  and in his culture, People do their best to fight with criminal who wrongly hired by the Government, and if the system does not care, People are going to act against them.

The Integrity of the Canadian Judges
Provincial Judge Thief Robert G. Bigelow committed theft of Major's evidence during trial, on September 15, 1994 Justice of Peace Thief Ian McNish committed theft of Major's evidence during trial, on October 28, 1994
Provincial Judge Thief Vilbert A. Lampkin committed theft of Major's Exhibit during trial, on December 11, 1996
Reference Major's Affidavits before the Supreme Court of Canada  in files 26982, and 29085
See also Constructive Theft; Note that Official Transcript are conforming the said thefts by Canadian Judges

Corrupt Removed Cheap Chief Judge Antonio Lamer is in the HELL Now!

Cheap Judge Lamer: "This is the System that We Have!" - Off!
Major Nourhaghighi: "This is the Justice System that Your mismanagement made it so corrupt!"
On October 24, 2002 the corrupt Supreme Court of Canada rendered a decision that Major's interpretation is
violations of Conflict of Interests, Bias, Slander, Forgery, Fraud, Malicious Prosecution, Conspiracy and Theft by trial Judges Robert G. Bigelow and Lampkin are not crimes in Canada; and the Charter, is not guaranteed by the Canadian Constitution! The Attorneys General of Ontario, Quebec and Canada brought the whole reputation of the Justice Systems into disrepute. The corrupt SCC said that Forgery and Millions Dollars Frauds in Major's Condominium was not crimes becausenall thieves were lawyers hired by the Government. The corrupt SCC also made decision that this Huge Weight Machine can be operate during 24 Hours on 7th floor, where Major Nourhaghighi's Children bedroom, was located directly under it! Certainly, these types of Orders
can be made by your Judges! Now are you proud of being Canadian?

Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella

ABELLA, Rosalie Siberman.= Ddefendant for Conflict of Interests; pormoted to from Ontario to Supreme Court of Canada!
AFANTE, Vicky = Corrupt Administrator of the Ontario Insurance Commission committed crimes against my file 015215-VAF
ALLEN, L. = Enforcement Clerk of Ontario Court that enforced my Judgment against Metro Cab Company in 1996
ALVARO, Alex = Ontario Crown's Lawyer who involved in Conspiracy against my appeals on 1997 and 1998 ended be dismissed
ALEXANDER, John S. = Crown Attorney-Simcoe who did not reply to my Application AG-CRM3417/00
ATKINSON, Elaine = Corrupt lawyer Crown-Ontario: involved in conspiracies and Obstruction of Justice in my files- 1997-98
AU, Frank =Ontario Crown's corrupt lawyer that misrepresented in my files M36116, C46310, C46533, C46959, and C47428 before the Corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal
= Judge of Court of Appeal: Malicious attempt toward objects of conspiracy in 1996, 1998, and 1999.
BAKER, Sally J. = Corrupt manager Arbitration-Ontario Insurance Commission: file A-015215, conspired with Crown against me.
BARBE, Nicole = Corrupt servant of Communication of the OSFI was involved in conspiracy against me in Feburary 29, 2000
BARISSETT, Anges = Crown Legal Secretary; acted maliciously toward the object of Conspiracy against me
BARNES, ....= corrupt Federal Court Judge that on June 27, 2006 made an Order in accordance to conspiracy v.t Major; T-337-06
BARRET, JANET = the Inquiries Clerk of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, was not helpful at all to my inquries.
BAZINET, H. C. = National Defence-Captain of Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre Toronto; obstructed my emplyment: Sept 1990
BAZINET, ...= Manager of Federal Court-Toronto who did not join to a conspiracy with Sepe on Feb/04 in file A-50-01
BAXTER, K. R. = RCMP Privacy Officer, forwarded Major's personal information to him; Boxter fax no: 613 952 8045
BEAULIEU,  Danielle = Corrupt Manager, Process Registry of Supreme Court of Canada
BELANGER, JOHN = Court Clerk-Old City Hall-Conspiracy and Bribery against me in my charges against Condo 935, 1993-96
BELLEHUMEUR, DON = Crown Lawyer- Defendant for conspiracy against me; hired by the Thief Attorney General of Ontario
BELLEVILLE, Alain = Citizenship Manager of Operation of INFO, conspired against me to violated MY Rights of Access to INFO!

BERNHARD, June = Judge's right buttock grabbed by Judge Hryciuk at Old City Hall!
BERTRAND, Lucille = Junior Registry Officer of Supreme Court of Canada
BEZUHLY, Rita = Corrupt Ontario Regional Director-Federal Court, who since January 19, 2001, involved in several Conspiracies, and Obstructions of Justice, in three files: T-1535-00, A-50-01, and T-768-03

Corrupt Chief Judge Monkey Robert G. Bigelow's Hands are full of Innocent People Bloods!
BIGELOW, Robert G.= THIEF JUDGE, involved in a Conspiracy with Police, Abuse of Office. RE: SCC25562; Bigelow hold three days trial for speed of 10KM, and convicted for dangerous driving to make sure that police does not pay damages!
In the Hell many Criminal will be force to live with 'Half Face' as they Have Shown their Half Face in this World!

BINNIE,William Ian Corneil = Corrupt Judge of Supreme Court of Canada involved in conspiracy 25562
BLAIS, Piere= Federal Court Judge Defendant as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada in Major's actions
BOILARD, Jean-Guy = Corrupt Judge of Quebec Court (Gen.Div.) involved in conspiracy of Feb 18/03

Justice Boland denied Order against me that I must sell my home because of my nationality
BOLAND, Janet Lang = Good Justice of Ontario Court; respected her Oath of Office and Charter in proceeding againt me
BORINS, Stephen = Judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal who on July 15, 1998 cease a conspiracy against Major C24450
BORTON, Graham = Corrupt Manager of College Park Court; several conspiracoes and obstructionism against me 1994-2000
  "Judge too  'scared to say anything"  Toronto Star

BOVARD, Joseph = Poor Ontario Judge; his wife was by judges in Old City Hall-Toronto; involved in my two appeals.
BOWDEN, Bill = Corrupt officer of External Affairs and International Trade Canada, Ottawa, 1994
BOYD, Marion = the Thief Attorney General Defendant in her personal capacity for conspiracy against me in 1991-1994
BREITHAUPT, JACKIE = Corrupt officer of the defendant the CRTC who caused interception of my private communications by Bell
BRENCIS, RAY = the dishonest Prosecutor of the City of Toronto, involved in Scott Conspiracy. Brencis,
BRENNER, Belinda = Corrupt lawyer-Durham committed Perjury in affidavit against Major in file 95-CU-84058
BRENTON, Mark Wilson = Clerk of Ontario Court-393 University Ave, Toronto; doing his jobs perfectly since 1996
BREWSTER, Michelle = Corrupt legal assistant of Toronto Department of Justice who On July 2004 made false affidavit
BROOKE, John W. = Judge of Court of Appeal Defendant for not use the judicial power
BROWN, Donna L. = corrupt Manager of Insurance Commission involve in conspiracy
BROWN WOLF, LESLIE, J.= JP Abuse of Complaint process against Justice of Peace
BRYANT, Michael = The corrupt Attorney General of Ontario involved in conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi
BURGER, Ron de = Director of the Healthy Environments of the City of Toronto, Tel 416 338 1583
BURGESS G.= Judge-JP defendant for Conspiracy with the City of Toronto and Police
BURGESS N.= Judge-JP accused of Conspiracy with Condo in August 1993
BURTON, T.E.= JP responsible for trial scheduling at Old City Hall, Conspiracy
CADSBY, MILTON A. = Brave Judge who found Toronto Police and Judge Lampkin conspired to torture me
CAMERON, W. Graeme = Crown-On lawyer responded to Major's Appeal; but, Defendant Judge Osborne conspired
CAMPBELL, Archie G. = Very Ill Judge that died on April 16, 2007; who made erroneous judgment in Major's Mandamus Application SM31-06 on March 14, 2007.
Late Campbell twice give warning to Crown corrupt Lawyer Heather McKay; in general he was not brave and honest, yet better that many corrupt judges, he made several good notes against corrupt Lawyer McKay Major Nourhaghighi has given the greatest possible opportunity to Campbell that just few days before death make a historical judgment against crimes of McKay & Lightfoot in conspiracy
with Indian Judge Todd Ducharme. However Campbell was not lucky to use this last opportunity. Campbell died at age 65, God may bless him
Thank You Brave Judges Cadsby and D. Campbell
CANADA v. Major NOURHAGHIGHI,, T-1237-08
Mr. Justice Cambell Order against the Attorney General of Canada
CAMPBELL, Douglas = Brave and Honest Justice of Federal Court who exactly refered in his Order
to my complaints against conspiracy of the Courts & Government
; not like other judges that have
changed facts to not convict the Courts & Government of Canada. SEE This "Extraordinary Judgment" and Judge Yourself!

CAMPBELL, Colin L. = Justice of Ontario Court; did not approve my urgent motion on March 24, 2004 [04-CV-273627CM]
CAMPBELL, Kenneth L.= Ontario Crown's lawyer that misrepresented in my files M36116, C46310, C46533, C46959, and C47428 before the Corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal
CANNON, Cathy = Privacy Officer-Ottawa who investigated Major's Complaints; her toll free Tel: 1-800-282-1376
CARR, Gary = M.P. P for Toronto who was servant of government and police, not the public!
CARRYL,Orland = Federal Court Clerk-Toronto, who illegally registered an Application
CARTHY, James J. = Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal, no evidence of impartial decision
CHANDHOKE, Inderapaul S =  Senior Justice of Peace "JP" defendant for abuse of office
CHARRON, Louise V. = Member of panel-Motion 23715-Ontario , made no impartial decision; now at Supreme Court of Canada
CHARTRAND, Pauline = Corrupt Clerk of Federal Court in Ottawa send Mactavis Order to me on March 13, 2008, when the Order was made on February 29, 2008
CHENIER, Melanie = Inquiries Officer of "Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada"
CHRIS A. Charles = Corrupt court reporter at Old City Hall,conspired with Condo 935
CIARDULLO, T = Corrupt Immigration-Ins. Service Agent-Toronto, involved in Conspiracy March 3/93; RE4210-4N
CIRACO, JOSEPH = Crown-Ontario, Prosecutor that ended to Torture and harm
CRAIG, Michael = Registry Officer of the Federal Court in Ottawa; no misconduct is record against Major's files
CLARK, ANDREW C. = Corrupt Justice of Peace- Conspiracy and refusing to perform
CLARK, Kerri = Privacy Director who forwarded Major's personal information to him
CODE, MICHAEL= Crown Ontario lawyer responsible for all conspiracy
COLLECTCORP Inc.= An Agency created by Crown to harass people by rude employee
Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse = real shame for human rights
CONDOS, Dennis J.= Corrupt Lawyer at HPB sued for dishonestly and conspiracy
Conseil de la magistrature du Quebec = Corrupt Quebec Judicial Council involved in Frauds
CORBEIL, JEAN = Lawyer-Minister of Transport defendant pilots in thefts

In the Hell Many Criminal will be force to live with Half Face as they Have Shown their Half Face in their Real Live, Like Shameful Cory the corrupt Judge of  Supreme Court of Canada
CORY, Peter de Carteret = Corrupt Judge of Supreme Court of Canada involved in conspiracy 25562

CROCCO, Emily = Counsel of the SIRC had communications with Major in 2005 in regard of hearing of against CSIS
CRONIN, Jackie = Corrupt Immigration-Ins. Service Agent-Toronto, involved in Conspiracy April 4, 1993
CRAWFORD, Juddy = Corrupt Clerk conspired with corrupt Judge McNish and Condo
Shits & Spits have more values than the Crowns in right of Ontario, Quebec and Canada
CROWN = C.R.O.W.N.= "the Criminal Royalist Organizations of the Welsh Nuts" the symbol conspiracy and dishonestly
CROWN in Right of Canada is defendant in Major's Actions for frauds and Conspiracies; Major got several Order v. it
CROWN in Right of Ontario is defendant in Major's Actions for briberies and malicious prosecutions = = = = = =
CROWN in Right of Quebec is defendant in Major's Action for misleading CIA and FBI = = == = = = == == = =

DAMBORT, Michiel R. = Corrupt Judge defendant for conspiracy with other lawyers defendants in September 1996
DAS, .... = corrupt clerk of Federal Court, Toronto, involved in several conspiracies against me since 1995
DAVIS, Allan = Section Lead and Senior Counsel of Central Agency and Crown Corp. Department of Justice/2000
DAVIS, Lillian = the Clerk of the Ontario Human Rights Commission
DAY, Gerald F. = Judge Defendant  for conspiracy with Police Offenders tortured Major, Sept-.1997
DEBLES, Jake =Corrupt Clerk Defendant at Old City Hall, conspired with the Police; 1994 to 1996
DECARY, Robert = Judge of Federal Court of Appeal, whose Order on December 17, 2001 was not served to Major
DELGADO, Onelia = Corrupt Whore Crown Lawyer conspired with Corrupt Judge Lampkin
DEMERY, G.= Dishonest defendant decision maker of the College of Physicians
DENNIS, Catrina = Crown Lawyer, Conspiracy in the Action against Crown and Judges
DENNIS,Tina = corrupt Clerk-Court House in Toronto, convicted for Bribery $2,400
Deputy Minister of Justice Ca = Office which is defendant for interference & conspiracy
DESJARDINS, Alice = Judge of Federal Court of Appeal, defendant for conflict of interest
DICKENSON, Alison = Clerk of Registry of Federal Court at Ottawa write professionally to Major on March 2, 2005
, Janice = The corrupt secretary of Judge Coo who joined to the parties of a conspiracy

DOHERTY, David H. = Corrupt Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal accused of several conspiracies with Police and Crown against Major Nourhaghighi from August 1996 to March 2008
DONNELLY, Richard F.= Deputy Judge-Ontario, over 55 years experience has give seven Judgments for Major
DOOLITTLE, Charlene = Director of Legal Services of Attorney General of Saskatchewan; August/2003
DOWLE, G. K. = Lieutenant-Colonel; National Defence; Winnipeg West Wing, Manitoba
DOWNS, Kevin = Corrupt Judge of Quebec Court, General Division, conspired with clerk!
DOYLE, H.W.O = Metro of Toronto Senior Lawyer, Conspiracy and Bribery, Ontario Court
DUBE, Heather = Senior Public Rights Administrator of the Citizenship violated Major's Rights of Access
In the Hell Many Criminal will be force to live with Half Face as they Have Shown their Half Face in their Real Live, Like Shameful Dube the corrupt Judge of  Supreme Court of Canada
DUBE, L' Heureux = Corrupt Judge of Supreme Court of Canada involved in conspiracy 25171

" I am shocked with what the corrupt Cheap Judge R.Roy McMurtry did with my office at Ontario Court of Appeal"
DUBIN, Charles = Fomer Ontario Chief Judge, that McMurtry conspired against him
When An Indian Become a Judge, where goes the Civilization?! Pimp Judge "Very Koss Kish-Pimp in Farsi!"

DUCHARME, Todd =   You Indian-Canadian Charlatan Judge of Ontario Superior Court involved in conspiracy October 19, 2004.
On May & November 2006 Ducharme J committed two serious crimes, that Major was able to arrest him and file an application that he be removed from office.
At present time there is an appeal by Major before the Court of Appeal for Ontario seeking an Order that the Attorney General of Ontario files a complaint against Ducharme J before the Canadian Judicial Council
DUNLAP, Joanne = Corrupt Lawyer involved in a conspiracy hired by the Thief
DUPUIS, Pierre = RCMP Sgt Privacy Officer who send Major's personal information to him; his Tel: 613 993 5162
DUVAL; Rene = Corrupt lawyer for Respondents, M. Witter, Bob Fagan & Canadian Human Rights Commission

EDGE, Respondent Anne = Corrupt Federal Court Clerk-Ottawa, received Bribe
EKKER, E. J. = National Defence; Captain of Tactical Aviation Wing Headquarters, Toronto
EVANS, David = Manager of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, approved my draft Order on March 24, 2006

When a Charlatan Whore Become a Judge, where goes the Civilization?! Jendeh in Farsi!
EPSTEIN, Gloria J. = A Charlatan Judge of Toronto Region who on December 18, 2006 conspired against Major with the Crown in file SM31-06. While there was only one Motion by Major for Contempt Proceedings against two Crown Lawyers W. Lightfoot & H.McKay, but, Epstein J privately met the said lawyers and allowed fabricating evidence and dismissed motion.

EWASCHUK, Eugene G. = A Charlatan Judge of Toronto Region who made two counts of harmful conspiracies against Major with the Crown in 1997 & 2001. Although his judgments looks lawful, but had adverse result, as the Crown planned. On December 2001, Ewaschuk, first asked the court reporter to leave the courtroom, then commence his crime against administration of justice & Major by unlawfully dismissing a Notice of Application in Charter & Mandamus issues. Between March 2006 to July 2007, Ten Judges of the same court have refused the Crown's motion to dismiss same application in file SM31-06.
"F" This  is real Shame!
FAGAN, Bob = Corrupt Lawyer, Director of the Canadian Human Rights Commission
FAIRGRIEVE, David A. = Ontario Provincial Judge; on July 1994 disqualified himself to get involve in a conspiracy
FAULKNER, Rick = Chief Justice of Peace defendant for Conspiracy of several judges
FELDMAN, Kathryn N. = Judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal that made several Orders for Major Nourhaghighi as against the Crow who disobeyed all order on 1999; re M23512.
= SIRC's Commissioner; would hear Major's Complaint on June 23/05 at Blake, Cassels & Garydon
FILREAU, Louisette = The clerk of Revenue Canada- Ottawa, no misconduct is noted
FINCKENSTEIN, Konard W. von = Corrupt Judge of Federal Court who breached Orders of O'Reilly and Snider JJ
FINLAYSON, George D.= Corrupt Judge JA, who twice abused his office
FINLEY, Cathy= Corrupt Crown Lawyer, Defendant for Conspiracy at Old City Hall
FINLEY, David = Corrupt employee of the Attorney General of Ontario involved in corruption at Registry-Oct15,1995
FITTON, Amy J.= Court Reporter defendant for fraud in transcript as party of Conspiracy
FLAHERTY, James = Corrupt Lawyer, Attorney General of Ontario defendant for conspiracy

FLAIM, Roger = Corrupt Lawyer of the Toronro Deparment of Justice involved in several serious crimes and conspiracies
FLYNN, Robert = Mediator employed by Ontario Insurance Commission; conspiracy
FORTIN, Chantal = Corrupt Registry Officer of Federal Court did not mailed an Order.
FRASER, June = Ontario Clerk's Registrar Defendant, for conspiracy in her Office

G for Canadian Charlatan Judge Frederick Gibson-Federal Court
GAM, Eric = Commissioner of the Community and Neighbourhood Services of the City of Toronto;Tel 416 338 1583
GARY, Herb = Corrupt Solicitor General of Canada defendant in Major;s Actions
GASSE, Marie-France = Corrupt staff of Department of Justice Canada, violated Major's Rights of Access
GAUNTLET T, Keith = Corrupt Deputy Registrar received Bribes from Condo 935

GAUTHEIR, Johanne = Dishonest Judge of Federal Court; breached agreement in file T-768-03 on September 24, 2003
Gautheir was very rude with a female citizen in the courtroom in Ottawa.

Gautheir's big boobs [breast] were clearly visible during hearing at Ottawa. Canadian Women love to show their private part of body, which is kind of mental illness in particular in the courtroom. Major Nourhaghighi continuous complaint against violation of ethical code by female judges, lawyers and police in the courtrooms, ended that once an Ontario Judge warned a female lawyer for wearing improper dress in the courtroom
GAUTHIER, Peter = Corrupt Healthy Environment Manager of the City of Toronto, West Region involved in conspiracy
GAYLARD, Teisha = staff of the CBSC who is acting in file C01/02-71 in Major Complaint
GERACE, R.= Dishonest Decision Maker of the College who abused its power
GEREZ, Baran = Corrupt Crown Ontario Lawyer defendant for conspiracy on Sept 1993

When a Monkey Joker Become a Judge, where goes the Civilization?!

GIBSON, E. FREDERICK= Judge of Federal Court, involved in Conspiracy, Bribery and Theft in file T-1535-00
On January 12, 2001, Major became so shocked from Gibson misconduct at presence of 20 lawyers that told him: "Are you crazy?"; Later Major in the Supreme Court of Canada called Gibson as a "Joker" for hs poor behaviour in the coutroom trying to make fun of the Style of Cause "Weniifer Wilson!" and laugh of all lawyers!
GIBSON, Keith = Judge of Ontario Court who delayed in rendering his judgment against Condo 935
GIGNAC, Christine = Privacy-ATIP Advisor who forwarded Major's personal information to him
GILES, Peter A. K. = Prothonotary Judge, Federal Court, Conspiracy, Bribery and Theft = Federal Court-Toronto
GILL, Mary = Administrative Service Officer of Canadian Judicial Council who filed complaint against Judge Ducharme
GILLESPIE. J. J. = Commander, Lieutenant-Colonel of 418 Squadron, Edmonton, Alberta
GOLDBERG, Elizabeth = Chief Constitutional Counsel of the corrupt Attorney General of Ontario, Tel& Fax/ Aug/03
GOLDENBERG = Deputy Judge of Ontario Court-Small Claim-Toronto; conspired with Major's lawyer Steinberg
GOMERY, John = Brave Judge of Quebec who held trial against corrupt Prime Minster Chretien
Gonthier, Shit Head Charles Doherty =  Corrupt Judge of Supreme Court of Canada, conspiracy 26982
GORES, Edward A = Director of Legal Services of Attorney General of Nova Scotia Department of Justice, Tel& Fax
GOTIB, ... = Federally appointed judge of Ontario Court (Gen Div), who dismissed Major's motion in May 1996
GOUDGE S. Thomas = Judge JA who did not wrote his dissent in Order caused harm
GRAHAM, Bill = M.P. for Toronto who is servant of government and police, not the public!
GRAHAM, Donald = Retired Judge, whose mental illness caused serious Harm to Major
GREEN, Jerry = Corrupt Justice of Peace defendant for Conspiracy; Old City Hall
GRIFFITH, Mavis A. = Black Registry Officer of Federal Court, Toronto Office involved in a conspiracy; T-768-03 
GRIGGS, Richard = Corrupt Process Server of the Town of Oakville- Ontario
GROUND, John D. = Judge who conspired with Condo and dismissed Action by a motion
GUAY, Robert =  corrupt investigator of the Complaint Office of the Quebec Ombudsman
GUTIERREZ, Alejandra = Senior Registry Officer of Federal Court in Toronto, no misconduct had against Major

HALE, M. = Corrupt Immigration-Insurance member-Toronto, involved in Conspiracy May 19/93 RE47
HALEY, Donna = Judge, defendant for Conspiracy in action 95-CU-84058
HAMELIN Jean-Charles = Corrupt Montreal Judge involved in bribery and conspiracy
HAMILTON, John F. = Ontario Judge, had professional conduct with process & Major, butt Crown's Lawyers McKay& Lightfoot and Justice Ducharme conspired against his Order
HARNICK, Charles = corrupt Attorney General of Ontario defendant in personal capacity for fraud in my lawsuit
HARDING, Michele= Corrupt Registrar of Health Professions Board "HPB"-Conspiracy
HARRIS, Monte H. = Judge of Old City Hall; on February 14, 1994 granted Major's appeal
HARRIS, Sidney= Deputy Judge who took side during Trial v. ATPL Pilots Defendants
HART, Christine E.= ADR Manager defendant for frauds and conspiracy ; 95-CU-84058
HAWKINS, Bruce C = corrupt Judge defendant who followed objects of the conspiracy in September 1996, and dismissed Major's Charter Application
HEBERT, Gilles = Associate Chief Justice of Quebec General Division, Montreal set date for Major's Application
HILL, LINDA = Corrupt Director of Citizenship-Canada involved in two counts of serious Conspiracy against Major
HOLDER-Regis, Laura = the Clerk of the Ontario Human Rights Commission
HOLLAND, Jon W. = Director General of review of complaints against RCMP in file PC-2001-0067
HOULDEN L. W. = Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal in 1997 made order for Major but no one respect Houlden Order
HOWARD, William = Senior Legal Counsel for the CRTC-96-CU-113026; no misconduct found yet!
HRYB,Donna = Corrupt Supervisor involved in conspiracy at Old City Hall, Toronto.
 "Note: The Attorney General of Ontario, few times, by breaking the password  have deleted the stories of Corrupt Judge Hryciuk"  

HRYCIUK, Walter. P = Judge whose adultery covered by Ontario Court of Appeal
HRYN, Peter = Judge defendant for two counts of conspiracies with Crown and Condo
HUCK, Phyllis Barden = Corrupt Administrator of Ontario Insurance Commission A-015215
HUSTON, Brigite =  Corrupt Clerk of Ontario Court at 361 University, party of conspiracy against Judge Coo

IANNO, Tony = M.P. for Toronto who is servant of government and police, not the public!
INVATION of Privacy = Canadian Culture, Canadian best way of business, Canadian Ethical Code
IM, Judie = corrupt lawyer of the Attorney General of Ontario who on September 16, 209 involved in a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.
IRANDOUST, Farideh = Corrupt Case Manager of the Ontario Civilian Commission of Police Services

J, for Corrupt Crown Lawyer Contemptor, Robert Jaworski
JACKASS = Corrupt Ontario Lawyers, Chief Judges and Judges in Ontario and Canada ...
JACKMAN, Henry N.R = Corrupt Lawyer defendant for appointment of corrupt judges
JAKUBOWICZ, Marilyn = Corrupt court reporter defendant, for Conspiracy and Forgery
JAMES, Juan = Corrupt Clerk defendant for several counts of conspiracies at Old City Hall
When a Sex Offender Become a Judge, where goes the Civilization?!
"Judge's FingersPenetrated My Vaginal!"
JAMES, Ann= Court reporter testified that Judge, HRYCIUK penetrated to her vagina!?
JAWORSKI, Robert = Crown-Canada, Lawyer involved in Conspiracy ended to crimes
JENNINGS, John R.R. = corrupt Judge of the Ontario Court General Divison that in 1997 has misconduct with process by oppressive and misconduct with Major Nurhaghghi during hearing a simple motion.
JEROME, James A = Chief Umpire, Associate Chief Justice of Federal Court of Canada, Decision May 19, 1994
JOHNSTON, Agnew = Ontario Crown Attorney-Thunder Bay, convicted for sexual offences [re:Canadian Lawyer, Mar97]
JOHNSTON, DONNA = Court Manager of Ontario Gen. Div. defendant responsible for Conspiracy of Staff
,Graeth = Professional thief hired by thief Attorney General of Ontario, THEFT
JONES, M. Guy = Corrupt Senior Arbitrator of Ontario Insurance Commission File#A-015215
JOSEPH, J = Secretary of the Thief -Harnich, who refused to admit Service
JUNEAU, Louise = Clerk of Ministere de la Securite Publique Renseignment et plaintes, Re March 25/02
JUSTICE of Peace Review Council =: corrupt Council defendant for abuse of process

KACZMARCZYK,Urszula = Corrupt Solicitor hired by Department of Justice, Ottawa, Accused of Contempt of Court
KALIMOOTOO, Roxanne = the corrupt  Registrar for the Ontario Human Rights Commission, involved in conspiracy

When a Charlatan Become a Judge, where goes the Justice?!

KELEN, Michael A. = Cheap Judge of Federal Court, who conspired against me with the Crown's lawyer Amy Porteous on February 11, 2008, in Toronto, re: T-1020-07
KELLY, BRENARD M. = Ex-Regional Chief Judge of Toronto defendant for Conspiracy and Smuggling
KELLY, Kevin = Federal Court Registry-Toronto, commissioned Major's Affidavit for Contempt against five lawyers
KHAWLY,RAMEZ = Judge, defendant for following the objects of Conspiracy
KIRSCH, FERN = Corrupt Arbitrator Defendant who conspired with Borden and Elliot

KNAZAN, Brent = Brave Ontario Judge who did not joined to many conspiracies
KRAFT, JASON = Corrupt Clerk defendant, for Conspiracy at College Park,
KREVER, Horace = Corrupt Judge of Court of Appeal following objects of conspiracy
KRIVY, BORIS = Corrupt Clerk of Ontario Judicial Council, who abused the process
KROMKAMPT, H. John = Corrupt Ex-Registrar of the Court of Appeal involved in conspiracies
KUCHERAWY, Karen = Corrupt Administrator of Ontario Insurance Commission A-015215
KYES, Susan = corrupt staff of Lawyers' Enquiry of Ontario Ministry of Heath. Fraud in OHIP

LABEL and Labeling = is the Canadian culture and tradition
LABROSSE, JEAN-MARC = Defendant for misconduct, Judge of Court of Appeal-On
LAFLFUR, Susan = Officer of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, got Major's complaint for interception
LAFRANCE, Nicole = Correspondence officer of Canadian Broadcast Standards Council
LAFRENIERE, Roger = Corrupt Prothonotary-judge of the Federal Court-Toronto involved in several; conspiracies from 1999-2007, he will be subject of next Major's Lawsuit

LABIBERTE, Jean-Georges = Corrupt Quebec Justice of Peace involved in conspiracy

Corrupt Judge Lacobucci, is real shame for the Justice Systems when confirmed Toronto Police Conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi indicating 10Km/h speed was Dangerous Driving 25562
LACOBUCCI, ....Corrupt Judge of Supreme Court of Canada involved in conspiracy 26267
LAFONTAINE, Jacqueline = Communication servant of the OSFI where Major complaint v. corrupt Scotiabank
LaFORME, Harry S = Judge of Court of Appeal who awarded $1500 to me in M32976 against Caber et al on Jan 16/06

Removed corrupt Cheap Judge of Canada is in the HELL now, he is showing face of the Administration of Justice in Canada
LAMER, Antonio = Corrupt REMOVED Chief Justice of Canada, defendant in Major's actions
shits at Face of Queen Elizabeth & Corrupt Lawyers and Judges hired by Crown

The Queen of Thieves
I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second,
Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws
of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.
Beverley McLachlin
Canadian Justice is clearly out of Equilibrium!
"Judge left hand fingers slightly penetrated my vagina!"

The Owners of Condo 935 are the Thieves,  and the Canadian Pilots are the Thieves
The Businessmen are the Thieves, the Merchants are the Thieves, and the Constables of Police are the Thieves
The Bankers are the Thieves, the Insurance Companies are the Thieves, and the Employers are the Thieves
The Judges are the Thieves, the Lawyers are the Thieves, and the Clerks of the Governments are the Thieves
The Mayors of Toronto, and Montreal are the Thieves 
The Ministers of HeathTransport, and the Attorney General of Ontario are the Thieves 
The Governments of OntarioQuebec, and canada , so far, are the  Thieves
PoetMajor Keyvan NourhaghighiTortured by Toronto Police
I am the Political Asylum Seeker, as the Canadian Citizen Since 1994 Black Thief Judge Lampkin's Photo :)
When a Balck Thief Become a Judge, where goes the Civilization?! 
Black Judge Lampkin Enjoying a big shit award!

LAMPKIN,Vilbert A. = THIEF JUDGE, involved in several conspiracies, bribery and theft against Major between June 1996 to December 1997
LANGELY, Edna = the corrupt clerk of the Attorney General of Ontario involved in conspiracy of setting trial date
LANIEL, Joanne = Corrupt Clerk of Supreme Court of Canada, Conspiracy in file 21650
LANG, Susan E = Justice of Court of Appeal; awarded $1500 to me in M32976 against Caber et al on January 16, 2006
LANGS, MeDominique = Director of Legal Services of the corrupt Attorney General of Quebec; Tel& Fax
LANZA, Sergeant Leonard = The Investigator of the RCMP -Central Region, who is  investigating Major's Complaints
LAPKIN, Gerald S = Corrupt Senior Judge defendant- fraud is investigation process-Police
LARMOUR, Mick. K. = Corrupt Head of Registry of SCC, conspiracy in file C26982
LASKIN, John I. = Corrupt Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal maliciously interrupted Major and mislead the argument
LAUBER, Michael = Member of  Criminal Organization at Banking Ombudsman who on September 20, 2002
LAURIN, Chantal = Corrupt Administrator of Ontario Insurance Commission A-015215
LeBEL = Corrupt Justice of Supreme Court of Canada involved in conspiracy September, October 2002
LeBLANC, Romeo = The Shity Governor General of Canada who mislead the justice; Sept 9/99
LEE, Janice = Corrupt Immigration-Ins. Service Agent-Toronto, involved in Conspiracy May 6, 93; File 4210-4N
LEHOUX, Myriam = Corrupt Articling Student involved in corruption and misleading justice in file T-1535-00
LEMIEUX, Francois = Judge of Federal Court of Canada that made Judgment against CSIS in Major's application. Judge Lemieux, intentionally, not referred to the Motion for Contempt against the Crowm
LEMIEUX, JEAN = Corrupt Associate Director-General of Judicial Services for Greater
LEMOINE, Robert = Registry Officer of the Federal Court in Ottawa who issued file T-768-03, without obstruction!
LE PROTECTEUR DU CITOYEN = In Montreal, Place de justice, involved in CONSPIRACY
LeSAGE, Patrick = Corrupt Chief Judge-On, allowed Judges commit all kinds of crimes
LETURNEAU, Joseph= = Federal Court Judge Defendant for arbitrary decisions
LEVIS, Jacques = RCMP Privacy Officer, forwarded Major's information to him; Levis toll free no:1-800-282-1476
LEVIN, ..... = Deputy Judge of Toronto Small Claim has given Judgment to me in my claim against ANS TAXI 
, ROBERT= Justice of Peace, Conspiracy with Police ended to Tortures
LIGHTFOOT, William K. = Corrupt Lawyer of the Attorney General of Ontario, Cirminal involved in conspiracy with the Crown's lawyer McKay against
Major's Application SM31/06, pursuant to Conspiracy with Judges
LINDEN, Sidney B.= Ex-Chief Judge of Ontario Courts,1991 to 1996
LONG, Gary = Corrupt Clerk of Immigration Canada, who involved in Theft of Document
LORTIE, MICHEL = Corrupt Clerk of the Federal Court defendant for Conspiracy
LORETI, Nadia =  Corrupt Legal Counsel of Supreme Court of Canada Legal Services
LUTFY, Allan = Since 1997 this corrupt Chief Judge of Federal Court, committed several crimes & conspiracy against Major
LUXENBER, Ivan = Corrupt Lawyer involved in Conspiracy and Crimes against Major on October 1996 in North York

On October 28, 1994, corrupt Justice of Peace Ian McNish committed theft of my evidence in a trial!  
MACANDREW, Carol = defendant for conspiracy of corrupt court reporters at Old City
MACFARLAND, Jean L = Judge defendant refused to enforce Rules. However she made a good decsion for me too
MacKAY, Andrew = Judge defendant for fraudulent misrepresentation of the facts in his reasons in file T-668-95
MACKAY, Heather = Crown Lawyer in pending Major Charter Application SM31-06 before the Ontario Superior Court
MACKINTOSH, Janice = corrupt Manager of Ontario Insurance Commission involved in a conspiracy against Major
MACTAVISH, Anne = Corrupt Judge of Federal Court who oppressively supported the conspiracy of Judge Kelen against Major on  February 25, 2008; re T-1020-07
MAHAL, Jas = corrupt clerk of the Ontario Insurance Commission, involved in a conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi
Shit Head Judge Major does not have any reasonbleness by dismissing my applications for leave!
MAJOR, ... = Corrupt Judge of Supreme Court of Canada that allowed corrupt Registrar Roland to mislead him
MALCOLM, Jim = Corrupt Registrar of the Ontario Insurance Com. several conspiracies
MALYON, Hugette = Whore Registrar defendant for conspiracy in Court of Appeal-ON
MANDLE, ... = corrupt clerk defendant  finally was fired in 1997; for Bribery and Conspiracy
MARSON, Patricia = Secretary for Bill Graham, Ontario MP. No misconduct is noted
MARCOTTE, Jean-Pierre = Secretary of corrupt Conseil de la magistrature du Quebec
MARCOUX, Rennie = Corrupt employee of CSIS who fradulenty closed Major's complaint against CSIS 
MARTIN, Shirley = Corrupt lawyer and Provincial Minister of Transport defendant: Martin
MARTEAU, Robert = Privacy Commissioner of Canada who investigated Major's personal information complaints
MATACH+FIDLER = Corrupt Law Firm in Richmond Hill involved in Insurance Conspiracy against Major  RE: IL5-66
MATHIESON JAMES HUBERT = Corrupt Lawyer of Deparment of Justice; defended CSIS' members in Major's Complaint  

McCANN, Stephen B.= Crown Lawyer Theft of cash from Condo 935
McCARTHY, June = Corrupt Court Reporter defendant for forgery in Transcripts
McCLENAGHAN, Lorne = Corrupt Lawyer Department of Justice who breached Orders of O'Reilly and Snider JJ
McCOMBS, David = On March 6, 2006, Charlatan McCombs, unlawfully, adjourned Major's Application SM31/06, pursuant to object of the Crown's Conspiracy
McCULLOUGH, B. R. = National Defence; Major of Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre Toronto; Re: 5674-2/1990
McDONALD, F. Joseph = Judge defendant who was the party of several conspiracies
McGRATH, M.= Dishonest Decision Maker of College of Physicians
, Marian = Dishonest Senior Counsel of Security Intelligence Review Committee
McKAY, Heather = Corrupt Lawyer of the Attorney General of Ontario, Civil, involved in conspiracy with the Crown's lawyer Lightfoot against
Major's Application SM31/06, pursuant to Conspiracy with Judges
McKEOWN, David = Physician hired by the City of Toronto, Healthy Environment
McKNTY, Bruce= Decision Maker of HPB= Conspiracy with Crown and Doctors
The Cheap Judge of Supereme Court of Canada dismissed my applications for leave
McLACHLIN, Beverley = Whore Chief Judge of Supreme Court canada involved in several conspiracies
McLEAN, Joyce = Senior Privacy Officer who on March 29/04 wrote to Major: "Your complaint is well-founded"...

Two Shits in Ontario Justice System: Corrupt Ex-Judge McMurtry, & Corrupt Indian Judge Todd Duchrame
Both defendants in Major's actions for crimes against public and judicary.
McMURTRY, R. ROY = Defendant Corrupt Chief Judge and Ex-Attorney General of Ontario Thanks God, finally this corrupt judge was removed NO ONE ever did such great harm to Ontario Justice System than this shit of all shit Judges...
McNABB, Brooke = Corrupt Vice-Chair of Commission for Public Complaints against RCMP for worngs in filer# PC2001-0067
McNEELY, BRIAN = Crown Lawyer negligently, did NOT filed Factum
 It start all from this Machine file SCC 2557
McNISH, Ian = THIEF JUDGE Judge defendant in Three actions Conspiracy, and THEFT
McQUINN, D. E. =  Good Regional Aviation Manager of Moncton, New Brunswick; 1989
McRAE, Nicholson D. = Corrupt Judge defendant for two counts of conspiracies and abuse; finally McRae was removed from office
MEIER, Patricia = Corrupt Manager of Toronto Small Claims Court wrote to court reporter against me on April 5, 2000
MERCER, Thomas = Dead corrupt Judge defendant for conspiracy to dismiss charge v. Police
MEYER, Jacqueline = corrupt clerk of the Ontario Human Rights Commission
MICHAUD, Pierre A. = Chief Judge of Quebec, who is appointed to hear Major's Appeal, Sept 2003
MILCZYNSKI, Mathra = Ugly horny Prothonotary of Federal Court, in Toronto, involved in a conspiracy in file T-768-03
MILLS, Zisker = Complaint Supervisor of Better Business Bureau in Toronto reply to Major in file 23767 in 2000.
Shakespeare: Persian Penis better than the Crown of the Queen in Right of Ontario, Quebec & Canada!
I Love Persian Royal Penis more than all golds
Persian have very hard and bigger than British Flag
Which rubs whole British souls and aspirations
Much more better than the Crown of the Queen in Right of Canada!
Poem by Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi, October 27, 2001, Toronto, Canada
Ministry of Attorney General of Canada = most corrupt cheap lawyers hired by this office
Ministry of Attorney General of Ontario = most corrupt cheap lawyers hired by this office
MITCHELL, Graeme = Legal Counsel of Attorney General of Northwest Territories Tel& Fax/ August/2003
MOHR, Christine = Corrupt lawyer of Department of Justice- Toronto, committed Perjury on Nov 9/98 in file T-1237-98

MOLDAVER Micheal = Courpt Judge f the Ontario Court of Appeal involved in three counts of conspiracies against Major  from July 15, 1998 to June 2008
MOLLOY, Anne M. = Judge Defendant acted in accordance to objects of Conspiracy
MOONEY, Judith = Privacy Director of National Defence who did not sent Major's files; her tel: 1-888-272-8207
MORIN, Helene - Corrupt Quebec Lawyer hired by the Attorney general of Quebec, Montreal Palais de Justice
MORIN, Isabelle = Corrupt Court Reporter defendant who conspired with the Police Parson on trial of December 15, 1994
MORIN, Luc = Coordinator, Access to Information and Privacy of Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions Ca
MORRIS, Theresa= Corrupt Toronto Court Reporter defendant for frauds in evidence of transcripts of trials of September 1994
MOSES, Dale = The City of Toronto Public Health Environmental Officer involved in conspiracy with Condo
MURPHY, Deindre= Corrupt Administrator of Ontario Insurance Commission A-015215
MUTOMBO, Pascal K. = Corrupt Investigator of Quebec Human Rights Commission

N  for Corrupt Crown Lawyer Paul Normandeu, who conspired with Police
NATHANSON, Norine = Corrupt Assistant Crown Attorney conspired against Major in SC Appeal in file 389/94
NEARY, Gerald =Privacy Director Gereral Investigation Branch who forwarded Major's personal information to him
NESTOR, Ron Casey- = Corrupt Administrator of Ontario Insurance Commission A-015215
NEVILLE, Douglas = Corrupt Crown-Ca Lawyer involved in conspiracies ended to crimes
NEWMAN, Audrey = Corrupt Mediator of Ontario Insurance Commission; conspiracy, abuse

NORDHEIMER Ian V.B. = A Bald White Corrupt Judge of Ontario Superior Court of Justice involved in conspiracy with the Crown in June 18, 2007 at Court House, Toronto. Nordheimer tried to mislead the Federal Court with his judgement, but failed. See O'Keefe Judgement
NOEL, Marc = corrupt  Federal Court Judge defendant; arbitrary dismissed Major's Actions in 1995

NOEL, SIMON = Corrupt Judge of Federal Court; made harmful Decision in file T-1535-00 on May 13, 2003; Noel was appointed as a judge in 2003, because his Brother was judge!
NORDHEIMER, Ian V.B. = Corrupt Toronto Judge of Superior Court, active member of crminial organization and smugglers, involved in numerous conspiracies against public and Nourhaghighi
NORMANDEAU, Paul = Corrupt Crown-On Prosecutor, Conspiracy with Police& Torture
NORTON, Keith C. = Corrupt cheap Commissioner for Ontario Human Rights, conspired against me on January 2002
NOTT, HARLEY R.= Lawyers hired by Crown-Ca, involved in conspiracy ended to Torture

O for Corrupt Ontario Judicial Council; is Shame of Administration of Justice
O' DONNELL, Sean = Crown Canada Lawyer, three counts of conspiracies with RCMP
O' DOWD, P. Corrupt Immigration-Insurance member-Toronto, involved in Conspiracy May 19/93 RE47
O' DRISCOLL, John. = Corrupt judge defendant involved in conspiracy with Judge Lampkin & Crown in 1997, he may be dead by this date, Shit to his soul...

John A.= Judge of Federal Court of Canada, for unknow reason unlawfuly hold his decision in a simple motion that Major filed to strike the Crown's application; however, finally after six monuths dismissed the Crown application and awarded costs to Major against the Crown Three lawyers in file T-1020-07

Thank You Brave Judge O'Reilly for making Brilliant Order

O' REILLY, James W
= Judge of Federal Court made Order under s.40 of the Federal Court Act against the Crown "Vexatious Litigant" upon Major's Motion
in file T-768-03
OATES, J.= Justice of Peace defendant for refusal to exercise his power against criminal
OFFICE of the Associate Chief Justice of Ontario Court of Justice = defendant for frauds
OFFICE of the Chief Justice of Canada = defendant in Major 's Actions for Conspiracy
OFFICE of the Chief JUSTICE of Ontario = defendant for frauds in the process of appeal
OFFICE of the LIEUTENANT Governor of Ontario = defendant for hiring corrupt lawyers
OFFICE of the Regional Senior Justice of Ontario Court of Justice = defendant for frauds
OLD CITY HALL = corrupt Building in Toronto, full of corrupt lawyers and judges
OLSBERG, MEDILLE = Justice of Peace defendant for conspiracy with police Parsons
Ontario Civilian Commission of Police Services  = Members of Criminal Organization that have Cover-up duty!
Ontario Court (General Division) = the most corrupt provincial supreme court that has highest judicial jurisdiction.
Ontario Court ( Divisional) = the corrupt provincial court that its most part of its jurisdiction is the administrative law!
Ontario Court (Provincial Division) = the most corrupt provincial court that has very limited jurisdiction, mostly By-law
ONTARIO JUDICIAL COUNCIL = the criminal organization who is defendant in Major's actions
Oppressive and Vexatious Proceedings = More than 95% of All Proceedings in the Courts
OSBORNE, COULTER ARTHUR ANTHONY = Corrupt Judge of Court of Appeal; defendant for several violations
Osgoode Hall = Historical Building- the permanent seat of Law Society and Courts!?

PALKA, Elizabeth = Corrupt court reporter of OSC; sent transcript of October 19, 2004 for Jugde Ducharme's persusal
PAQUETTE, Deborah = Manager-Central Agencies of Justice of Attorney General of Newfoundland Tel& Fax/ Aug/03
PARIS, Claude, H. = Judge- maliciously adjourned proceeding that sat for a date for trial
PARKE, Christopher = Ontario Department of Justice Counsel involved in pattern of conspiracy, Mar.24/97
PATRIANAKOS, Angela = Corrupt Manager of Citizenship-Toronto involved in a conspiracy June 13, July 3, 2003
PATRY, Stephane = Clerk of Federal Court of Canada in Ottawa who on October 6, 2004wrote to Major for A-151-04
PAYETTE, Roger = Corrupt Analyst hired by Citizenship Canada, involved in a conspiracy, see file T-768-03
PESZAT, Jan = Senior Privacy Officer who properly investigated Major's complaints and sent all his files to him
PERKS, J. = Corrupt Regional Immigration-Ins. Service Officer, involved in Conspiracy June 30, 93; File 4210-4N
PERJURY = is standard of practice of servants of Administration of Justice
PETRIDES, Panson L. = Executive Assistant to corrupt Cheap of the Ontario Human Rights Comm
PETERS, Charlotte = Court Reporter Defendant who conspired with the Police Parson
PICARD, Christian = Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer of Privacy Act ,violated Major's Rights of Access
PIERRE, Lyse St.= corrupt clerk of Ontario Human Rights Commission
PINARD, Yvon = Careless Judge of Federal Court; made harmful Direction in file T-768-03 on September 5, 2003
PINEAU, Donald = Acting Director General, for RCMP Complaint and Reviews investigated Major file 2001-0067
When a Balck Become a Judge, where goes the Civilization?!
Romain W. M  = Corrupt Black Judge involved in conspiracy against Major; Pitt is mater of Constructive Waste of Time
Black Judge Pitt thinking whether or not to allow an application for leave with support of four affidavit and several expert evidence; or follow the conspiracy with the Crown and enjoy $256,000 Salary! Finally Pitt failed to put anything about LEAVE in his Order causing over $200,000 legal fees for parties in file 04-CV-273627CM

PLOUSFE, Lise = whore hired by the corrupt CRTC, Lise involved in conspiracy, fraud
POLLAK, Susan = Executive Director of SIRC had malicious communications with me in 2005 for hearing against CSIS
POTTS, Angles = Citizenship Judge who conducted an oral test on June 17, 2003, no misconduct; T-768-03
PRESTON, Bruce = Corrupt Manager of the Federal Court accused of several Conspiracies and Frauds
Privacy Commissioner of Canada = It was the best Governmental Office under management of RADWANSKI
QUEEN = in right of Ontario, Quenc and Canada are the main Defendants for conspiracy Three Attorneys General of Ontario, Quebec and Canada, were sued by Major Nourhaghighi in Federal and Ontario Courts for conspiracy, frauds, forgery, tortures and other felonies; and both Courts have declared that do not have jurisdiction to send the actions to trial.

R  for Corrupt  Registrars Roland
RADWANSKI, George = Good Privacy Commissioner of Canada who investigated Major's Complaints, properly.
RAMSAY, James A.= Crown Ontario Lawyer defendant for conspiracyREASONING = is a Logic science which cannot be found in heads of judges and Lawyers      
REGIS, Gregory = A good judge who found guilty court officer Patrick Burne for assault against an inmate; most of judges refusing to charge police offices, like corrupt judges Bigelow & Lampin
REGNIER, Diane = Corrupt Analyst of Industry Canada; conspired to violated Major's Rights of Access to info
REINHARDT, Warren T. = Court Reporter defendant for frauds in evidence of transcript
RENAHAN, William = Corrupt Arbiter conspired with a court-reporter to change transcript.
RETTER, Frederika = Corrupt Senior Arbitrator of Ontario Insurance Commission-File IL5-066
RICHARD, Carolle = Good Officer of corrupt Conseil de la magistrature du Quebec! It is strange!
RICHARDS, Judith, Geneve = the Commissioner of the Attorney General of Ontario
RICHARDS, SYLVIA= Court Manager Defendant, who was responsible for conspiracies
RIOUX, Nathalie = corrupt Supervisor of Intake services of Ontario Human Rights Commission
ROBERTS, Duncan = staff of  Solicitor General Canada, INFO,conspired to violated Major's Rights of Access to info  
ROBERTSON = Judge of Federal Court Defendant for making tortuous arbitrary decision.
ROCK, Allan = Corrupt Lawyer Ex-Minister of Justice- Canada, defendant in Major's Act
ROLAND, Anne = Corrupt Registrar of Supreme Court of Canada Defendant for conspiracy
ROMAIN RICK = Corrupt Justice of Peace defendant who was involved in conspiracy
ROSENBERG, MARC = Lawyer-Ass-Attorney General Ontario ignored my complaint against clerks and judges of Old City Hall
ROSENBERG, Morris A. = Corrupt Lawyer of Deparment of Justice Canada, Defendant for allowing the public office be abused
ROSENZVEIG, ALLAN = Corrupt Lawyer for Canadian Radio-television, and Telecommunications Commission
ROSSI, Maria = corrupt Verbatim Court Reporter of May 4, 1999 who conspired with Renahan
ROSS, William A. = Justice of Peace defendant for Conspiracy in the trial at Old City Hall
ROTHSTEIN, Marshall = Stupid judge of Federal Court of Appeal that sent show cause for delay to Major
RUE, Me Paul La = Director Service des judgments of Chamber- civil; Tel: 514 393 2061
RUST, Dun = Corrupt Clerk of Ontario Court, 393 University-Toronto; Defendant for THEFT.of my original file for appeal #C26841
Canadian Judges, Lawyers, Police and Clerks are all Thieves!

SA, Muriel de = Shity Deputy Registrar Court of Appeal for Ontario; involved in conspiracy From May 1997 to January 16, 2006
SABOURIN, Norman = Executive Director and General Counsel of Canadian Judicial Council contacted Major on...
SADEGURSKI, Barbara = Asshole Registry Clerk-Ontario Court-393 University-Toronto; seriously confused me on Oct 12, 2004
SAWYER, Aron = Inquiries Officer of "Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada"
SCHOLICH, Gudrein = Court reporter of Toronto Court, removed part of Judge Donnelly's Reasoning against Co-Op
SEIFE,Asfaw = RAT Arbitrator defendant of Ontario Insurance Commission, conspiracy
SEPE, Mario = Corrupt Federal Court Clerk-Toronto, defendant for Bribery and conspiracy
SEXTON, Joseph = Corrupt Judge of Federal Court Canada, defendant for making arbitrary decisions
SHAMS, Aziz = Corrupt Persian Interpreter defendant-was involved in conspiracies-Police
SHARP, Valerie= Corrupt Lawyer-Ontario Judicial Council defendant for abuse of process
SHEIKH, Rafia = Corrupt Registrar of Health Professions Board-conspiracy-College Phy.
SHEPHERD, Stan = Clerk of Federal Court Registry-Toronto, involve in conspiracy of August 15, 2003 v. Major
SHUAL, Alred= Corrupt Deputy Judge at College Park, defendant for conspiracy-Kwinter
SILVER,Debbrer = Corrupt Crown- Ontario Prosecutor defendant who conspiracy-Police
SILVERMAN, Huge W.= Ill Judge defendant who mislead by the parties of conspiracy
SIMARD, Anne = Court reporter-Toronto; defendant for forgery of Cadsby's judgment-or allowing forgerty by Crown
SIMS, John H. =The Deputy Attorney General of Canada defended Canada in Major's Action T-337-06 on March 23, 2006

SMITH, Kelly = Corrupt lawyer that corrupt Judge, HRYCIUK, sexually assaulted her
Crazy Judeg!

SNIDER, Judith A
. = Ugly Judge of Federal Court; made harmful Order pursuant to conspiracy with the Crown in file T-768-03 on November 24, 2003; while the nature of the Order was in such that both parties must seek leave; yet, on February 2004 the Crown breached Sinder Order and without leave filed a motion before new stupid judge  FINCKENSTEIN
Speyer, Christopher = Corrpt Judge of Ontario Superior Court that on May 2008 refused to make decision in Major Nourhaghighi's application according to Object of Crown Conspiracy; see T-1020-07 at Federal Court whereas Speyer tried to mislead the Federal Court.
SOJONKY, Edward = Senior General Counsel for defendant the OSFI in Major's lawsuit 96-CU-113026
SOMERS, William = Stupid Judge defendant who alleged there are 'Rules in Our Courts'! I made a Trap for Judges!
SOUCY, Chantal, L. = Corrupt clerk of Supreme Court-Canada involved in conspiracy
SOUTHEY, J. B. Strange = Judge defendant for moving along with objects of Conspiracy
STANLEY, G. CRONIN, Jackie = Corrupt Immigration-Ins. Chair-Toronto, involved in Conspiracy May 19/93 RE47
STEBELSKY, Stephan = Corrupt employee of Citizenship that conspired against Major's Website in November 29, 2001
, Anne = corrupt Public Heath Inspector City of Toronto, Public Heath, South Region, involved in conspiracy
STRAUCH, Holley = Corrupt Court Reporter involved in conspiracy of October 7, 1996
SULIVAN, Mary Jo = Corrupt Manager, Mediation of Ontario Insurance Commission
SUPREME Court of Canada = Corrupt politician institution that makes political judgment to maintain Queen
SZUL, M = Dishonest defendant decision0n maker of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario who abused its power and dismissed Major’s legitimate complaints

TABIB, Mirielle A. = Corrupt Prothonotary of Federal Court; made few harmful Directions against Major's files
TARASCHUK, Carol = Counsel, Legal Services of the Department of Justice Canada, involved in pattern of conspiracy.

TRAFFORD W. Brian = A sharlatan Judge involved in two counts of conspiracy & Fraud in Transcripts in March & November 2006 at the Court House against Major in the Charter& Mandamous Application SM31-06.
TAYLOR, David = Corrupt lawyer for Defendant Toronto Dominion Bank in file T-1535-00, involved in conspiracy
TERRY, James = Deputy Registrar of Ontario Heath Profession Board who professionally acted on Major's complaint
THEN, Edward F. = Judge of Ontraio Superior Court who heard my motion against the Crowm on 1997, made Order against the Crown, but the Crown disobeyed his Order, ended to serious harm to me. Now Regional Cheif Judge
THOMAS, Jeannie = Corrupt Director of Canadian Judicial Council  involved in conspiracies
THOMAS, Sally = Corrupt lawyer Debarment of Justice; breached Orders of O'Reilly, Pinard, Gautheir and Snider JJ
THOMSON, George = Corrupt Deputy Attorney General of Canada, conspiracy in file 25171
THOMSON, PAMELA = Corrupt Deputy Judge, defendant for several conspiracies, 1994-1995, Toronto; Small Claim
TINA, X? = Hired by the corrupt CRTC, Tina's managers involved in conspiracy; Aug 21/02
TOMASELLI, .... = Corrupt legal assistant of Toronto Department of Justice who On July 2004 made false affidavit
TOOMATH, Ernist = Major's Dishonest Lawyer, Conspiracy with Polic
TRAFFORD, W. Brian = Corrupt Judge of Superior Court of Justice that according to the Crown's conspiracy twice adjourned the hearing of a simple application against Crown.
TRANSCRIPT of Court= Everything except the truth; all kinds of fabricating evidences;
TREMBLAY, Chantal = Clerk of Ministere de la Securite Publique Renseignment et plaintes, Mar 25/02
Justice W. Brian Trafford
TREMBLAY, LAMER, Daniele = Defendant Judge of Federal Court-Wife of Ex-Cheap Judge of-Canada involved in several crimes against admiistartion of justice & Major
From 1997 to 2006 T-Lamer made several oppressive Orders in Major cases that had no root to law
Today T-Lamer is over 70 years Old, so even her photo is clear Misrepresentation! 
TURNCLIFF, Carson = RCMP Complaints Analyst in British Columbia Tel: 1-800-267-6637; re file PC-2001-0067
TURNER, Mary = Counsel for OSFI-96-CU-113026; involved in conspiracy, RE her letter Dec.2/96 to Nicole Barbe
TYNDALE, David = Corrupt lawyer Department of Justice; breached Orders of O'Reilly, Pinard, Gautheir and Snider J

VAN ALSTYNE, Bradley C. = Legal Transcript Services; involved in forgery in evidence of transcripts in Toronto
VUJNOVIC, Maria = The Federal Crown defended Canada in Major action T-337-06 on March 23, 2006

VECTORY VERBATIM = Legal Transcript Services; October 31, 2000 [Robert Dudley] Federal Court, Judge Gibosn
Vexatious Proceeding = A legal term that is abused by the Canadian Justice system to close the doors of the courtrooms to the public; A common tricks of the Canadian lawyers for attack to a cause of action; A common tricks of the Canadian lawyers for attack to a cause of action against several lawyers who conspired against one person/ or persons.
VENGER Irena M. = The City of Toronto Public Health Environmental Officer involved in conspiracy with Condo
Vexatious Judges and Lawyers do not have skill and ability of reasoning, which is logic science in nature. Most of Judges and Lawyers are not able to understand and solve a simple mathematical problems; where the science of mathematics must be a major subject for them..

VITOU, Michel K. = Manager of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, got Major's complaint for interception of his telephone communication, and appeals against violations of Privacy Act.

Voguer Le Michel = ATPI Advisor Michel of Transport Canada, Privacy Act, violated Major's Rights of Access  
UMPIRE = the final stage of appeal against the frauds of the Immigration Canada in the Unemployment Insurance Benefits that manage by the corrupt judges of the Federal court of Canada. Major Nourhaghighi in May 19, 1994 was successful in his presentation before the Chief Justice James A. Jerome and got Decision against the Immigration Canada.
WEILER, Karen = Week Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal defendant for Conspiracy Jan 22/97; M19802
WENGER, Peter = corrupt Adjuster of Litigation Services of Worker Compensation Board

WHEALY, Author C = Corrupt Judge defendant for two counts of conspiracies conflict of interest
WHEATLEY, Barbara = Shity Officer of Governor General of Canada mislead justice; Sept8/99
WHITMORE, Elizabeth = the corrupt Minister of Health for Ontario,  Defendant for conspiracy
WILLIAMS, FRED= Corrupt shits Manager of Toronto Jail defendant for Conspiracy
Alcoholic Judge of Ontario
When an Alcoholic Become a Judge, where goes the Civilization?!
WILKINS, John = Corrupt Judge accused of being drunk in bench; defendant for Conspiracy with Law Society v. Major
The Canadian Judicial Council did not take action on Major's Complaint against Wilkins' drinking, now he is very ill, looking 20 years older than his age, soon will die with pain and suffering for all his crimes against the administration of justice and poor Canadian.
WILSON,Ted = Corrupt court reporter-Old...defendant for frauds and forgeries in Transcript
WILSON, Jennifer = Corrupt Director Respondent of CRTC, involved in Conspiracy-Bell
WINKLER, Warren K. = Corrupt Judge of Ontario who refused to appoint a judge Re: R37.15
WOLOSCHUK, Jerry = Good Member of panel at Health Board in making decision against corrupt
WREN, Edward F = Corrupt Judge-On Court, involved in Conspiracy-Police and Crown
WYATT, Jennifer = Corrupt Clerk of  the Attorney General On who on October 1996 conspired at Alternative Dispute Resolution against Major Nourhaghighi, which constitute viol
X = countless agents of police, mostly, students of University of Toronto,  that could be found in any court to bribe a corrupt judge or clerk to get an Order!
YANOFSKY, SARAH =  Corrupt Court Reporter who conspired with the Police Parsons YOUNG, BRUCE J. = Corrupt Judge that entered into the conspiracy with Judge, KELLY
YOUNG, DOUGLAS = Corrupt Minister of Transport-Canada-1994-98, defendant in his personal and office capacity in Major's action for misleading justice in Pilots' Scandal.
Zegman, ... =  Corrupt Judge of Quebec Court, General Division, conspired with Crown Morin, Nov 29/02, Montreal
Search for corrupt Canadian Judges' names in the Canadian Counter Dictionary who are defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's actions for frauds, briberies, conspiracy, thefts of evidences during trials, change of the evidences in the transcripts, abuse of power, violations of the ethical codes, violations of conflicts of interests, obstruction of justice, contempt of court, contempt of order, interference with witnesses, unfair trials,and more

Letter of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Defendant Minister, Pierre Blais[Federal Court of Appeal Judge Now] has breached Major's confidentiality
Letter of the Minister of Solicitor General of Canada,Defendant Minister, Herb Gary
refused to exercise his power against corruption in administration of justice
Letter of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Defendant Minister, Allan Rock, maliciously, mislead the government from the facts in Major's complaints
The corrupt Canadians Judges: Shame on You! Shame on Your Generations!
Shame on Your Robbery History! Shame on Your Whole British Justice Systems!
Proceedings against corrupt Judges at Federal Court of Canada
Proceeding against corrupt Chief Judges and Judges in Federal Court of Canada
Hundreds Judges and Lawyers were named defendants in action T-942-99
Current Major's actions against corrupt Judges and Lawyers at Ontario Court (General Division)

Lawsuit, 95-CU-84085, against Conspiracy of Judges in this lawsuit Judge Ian McNish, is defendant for Theft of Evidence during trial, and Conspiracy with the accused; when Nourhaghighi Representing the Queen as the Prosecutor against Condo 935

Lawsuit: 96-CU-113026 against Conspiracy of Judges several Federally Appointed Judges, like animals have attacked to all Nourhaghighi's benefits after First Lawsuit.
Major was arrested and tortured by the Conspiracy of the corrupt Judges Lampkin, McNish, Bigelow, Dambort, Kelly, and Lawyers Levine, Zernick, Kwinter, McCann, Arnold, Snell, Gosnell, Hoaken, Luxenburg, Borden and Elliot, Arbitrator Kirsch, Dr.
Abramson, see details at the Canadian Counter Dictionary

Major Nourhaghighi's Fictions based on true stories from Ols City Hall and Osgoode Hall Her Majesty Qunee against Jewish
His Honour Asshole is a Canadian Judge!

"Years have past, this Evil Queen's Courts are alive yet!
Death and disaster is great present for these bastard Ontario Lawyers!
Where thousands dirtiest men and dogs have slept with a Lawyer's Mother!"
Never Trust to any type of communications in Canada
Every year, Hundreds Millions Dollers, is wasted in the Law Business! This is a great amount that a man could make the best possible industry that whole nation could enjoy the benefits of that particularly, this is an extreme amount for a nation as small as Canadians with less that 40,000,000 population. However, the British Colonial Governments of Canada ("BCGC"), has much higher benefits from robbery. The BCGC plan is bring the rich people from around the world to Canada, and then with all tricks steal all their wealth, and simply say: "Go Back Your Home!". The BCGC has another plan too! In this plan, the BCGC has made agreement with different governments, to hold their opposition here in Canada, as a prisoner! The people like Major who have come to Canada as a Refugee= they are now victims of torture and ill treatments.  The total mission of the Law Society of Upper Canada is to train these kind of people to attack to every Canadian, disregard of his position in the Society. The Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors, most of Government Officials are involved in the said crimes against Canadians and Humanity.

Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors, Clerks, and Police who are defendants, or are suspects of Bribery in Major's actions, complaints, or honest believe:
The Major's List is made in chronological order:

I- Condo 935 paid more than $100,000 BRIBES from budgets 1992, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 02, 04, 05 as to the following corrupt Canadian. For more particular please see Canadian X-Dictionary:
1- About June 1992 to Detective Alister Field, Toronto Pig Police, 14 Division, Fraud Squad whereCondo 935 was accused of tens counts of frauds in the accounts of Condo 935
2- About July 1993 to Major's Lawyer, Gary Steinberg to sell his property without his consent
3- About July 1993; February, October 1994; November 1995 to Justice of Peace Ian McNish at Old City Hall, Toronto (hereinafter the "Hall") to dismiss Major Charge v. Condo 935
4- About February 1994 to the City of Toronto's Prosecutor Tim Porter
5- About October 1994 to Court Clerk Judy Crawford, Court Reporter June McCarthy at Hall
6- About September 1994, November 1995 to Provincial Prosecutor Allan Scott
7- About March 1995 to Clerk John Doe at 361 Court House to delay Major's lawsuit v. Condo
8- About June 1995 to Provincial Appeal Clerk John Doe to not schedule hearing, at Hall
9- About November 1995 to the Court Security Officers Marcy Green and Nancy Russell; Hall
10- About November 1995 to the Court Clerk Amy Fitton, to put false evidence to help Condo
11- About April 1996 to Major's Lawyer Lorne Levine to help to Condo 935 in appeal process
12- About April 1996 to Court Clerk John Belanger to help to Condo 935 in appeal process
13- About April, December 1996 to Constable Scott Stephens in 52 Division to torture Major
14- About March 1996 to Registrar of Court of Appeal, John Kromkampt to dismiss file v. Cond
15- About July 1998 to Court of Appeal, K. Gauntlet to support Condo 935's appeal v. Major
16- About May 1999 to the City of Toronto Department of Public Health North-Eastern Heath Area to cover up sabotages of poison gases against Major's unit
17- About September 2000 to Constable Goss,14 Division to harass Major to be killed by police

II-Banks Respondents' Lawyers paid bribes to the following corrupt servants as Corrupt Lawyers were accused of being in the Contempt in the Face of Court, in Major's Motion:
1- About September 2000, and January 2001 paid bribe to Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division, in Toronto, Registry Clerk Maro Sepe to call the RCMP to arrest Major at the Registry
2- About September 2000 to Judge
3- About October 2000 to Judge F. Gibson not process in Contempt Motion in two hearings
4- About January 2001 to the RCMP Pig Constable KIM to assault Major at the Registry
5- About January 2001 to Toronto Pig Police John Doe who harass Major to be killed by police as the result Major's Contempt Motion against five lawyers finally was dismissed in his absent!

 III-Montreal Eaton Centre paid bribes to the following corrupt servants to avoid Major's charges of Robbery, Conspiracy, and Assault against two securities:
1- February 2002 to Montreal Police 20 Division Constables PATERSON, GUAY and Supervisor BEAUCHEMIN to not charge the accused and not record any fact!
2- February 2002 to Justice of Peace Jean-Charles HAMELIN
3- Appeal 2002 to Commission des droits de la personne [Quebec Human Right Commission] MUTOMBO to have the Constructive Conversation against Major
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House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

January 1996 to MAY 2016
 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Iranian Fighter Pilot


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