Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan NourhaghighiJuly 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada
Since 1995, information disclosed in Major Nourhaghighi's Websites * Blogs
ended to arrest of a large numbers of Canadian Spy around the World, in
particular in China, Europe, France, Germany, Iran , Japan and USA.
In China: A large numbers of Canadian Espionage were arrested
In Iran: Canadian Espionage was arrested and sentence to Death Penalty
Canadian Dirty Tricks, Spying and Corruption
کانادائیهای بی ارزش ترسوی بی خایه
Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
درطول ۲۷ سال گذشته بیش از یک صد هزار مسیحی و یهودی بریتانیایی و کانادایی بهسرگرد کیوان نورحقیقیی حمله کرده اند و شکست خورده اند این ضد فرهنگ بریتانیائی و کانادائی شامل نمونه اتفاقات با ذکر تاریخ دقیق و زمان درگیریهاست است که آنها علیه یک افسرمسلمان ایرانی مرتکب شدهاند.اگر شما به حقوق بشر باور دارید وظیفه به اشتراک گذاشتن و محکوم کردن جنایتکاران را دارید
This is part of my autobiography that indicates thousands of Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites
"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"
The Russian Canadian Driver member of Criminal Organization with Limo
E-Z Limo = The dirty member of British Canadian Criminal Organization in Toronto who on May 5, 2001 met, planned and conspired against wedding of Major Nourhaghighi's son, by very dirty Limo and being 40 minutes late attendance at groom's Home in downtown of Toronto, where the driver fraudulently alleged that he did not know how to get to Mississauga, where E-Z Limo has main office at : 5138 Everest Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 2Z3, Tel: (905) 625 854, Fax: (905) 625 900; the Limo plate number was Ontario 374-WNW, the Limo for Wedding was dirty, with flat tries, that its rude bully driver was discharged at Mississauga; Major Nourhaghighi's family was robbed by the E-Z Limo, who did not returned $100 retainer; the said conspiracy has became the cause of problem in new life of Major's son.
E-Z Limo = The dirty member of British Canadian Criminal Organization in Toronto who on May 5, 2001 met, planned and conspired against wedding of Major Nourhaghighi's son, by very dirty Limo and being 40 minutes late attendance at groom's Home in downtown of Toronto, where the driver fraudulently alleged that he did not know how to get to Mississauga, where E-Z Limo has main office at : 5138 Everest Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 2Z3, Tel: (905) 625 854, Fax: (905) 625 900; the Limo plate number was Ontario 374-WNW, the Limo for Wedding was dirty, with flat tries, that its rude bully driver was discharged at Mississauga; Major Nourhaghighi's family was robbed by the E-Z Limo, who did not returned $100 retainer; the said conspiracy has became the cause of problem in new life of Major's son.
Shits at the Face of Canadian and Queen and dirty Thief Bell World and EAKIN:
EAKIN, Bill = Thief! corrupt Manager of Bell World involved in conspiracy that according to the objects stolen Sixty Dollars from Major's deposit.
EAKIN, Bill = Thief! corrupt Manager of Bell World involved in conspiracy that according to the objects stolen Sixty Dollars from Major's deposit.
EARL, KAREN P. = Corrupt lawyer for Insurance company who was involved in several conspiracies as the accessory to the objects which ended to torture and assault against Major Nourhaghighi. Earl, is a partner with the defendant law firm, Smith Lynos, and Greame Mew.
Eavesdropping System = the main source of stealing information in all Canadians' cities, offices, and many law firms, clinics and even public transports, like taxis,
بازار ئیتن واقع در در مزکز شهر تورنتو مرکز مواد مخدر وروسپی ها و فحشا میباشد که در انحصار پلیس تورنتو و نگهبانان بازاراست
با توجه به تحقیقات انجام شده توسط گروه جرم شناسی دانشگاه تورنتو این بازار بخشی از گروه مثلث مافیائی بازار ئیتن و سینماها سینپکس است
مطالعات و تحقیقات نشان داده است که نگهبانان و پاسبانان مواد مخدر و روسپیهای پسرو دختر وحتی بچه های ده تا ۱۲ ساله به مشتریان پولدار در برجهای مرکزشهرتحویل داده و پس از برداشت ۲۵ درصد کارمزدخود بقیه را وبه حساب ولیعهد فاسد انگلیس وپسر حرامزاده اش ویلیام واریز مینمایند.
Bastard William and Whore Kate ویلیام حرامزاده و زن جندش
:٪ ۸۳.۱۳ دانشجویان دانشگاه رایرسون؛
۹۹.۱۳ اساتید و دانشجویان دانشگاه تورنتو درصد
قضات، وکلا و کارمندان از مرکز شهر دادگاه (دادگاه فدرال، قدیمی تالار شهر،کمیسیون حقوق بشر انتاریو، دادستان کل کشور، وزارت دادگستری، وکلا و بانکداران از اسکوشیا پلازا.
این مطالعه همچنین نشان می دهد که کالای به سرقت رفته از فروشگاه ها در منطقه توسط قضات، وکلا، کارمندان دادگاهها
پلیس تورنتو باعث ۱۳،۰۱۳،۰۱۳.۰۰ $ خسارت وارده به صاحبان فروشگاه های که باعث کاهش مالیات بر درآمد تقلب علاوه بر این، مطالعه نشان می دهد که کارکنان پلیس و نگهبانان تحت تاثیر مواد مخدر هستند، آنها در فعالیت های جنسی (از جمله مقاربت مقعد) در منطقه باز
یهودی فاسد استاد ایرا یاکبوز ,رئیس از مرکز ورزشی دانشگاه تورنتو
Corrupt Ira Jacobs U of T Dean AC involved in Drug and Prostitution
With College Park Security and Toronto Police
With College Park Security and Toronto Police
برای مثال "در روز شنبه ۲۰۱۶ ژوئیه ۹، شب۰۷:۱۳، من دیدم یهودی فاسد استاد ایرا یاکبوز ,رئیس از مرکز ورزشی
دومردنگهبان ۳۵۰۰ $ مواد مخدر , در مقابل سوپرمترو خرید.
آنها به وضوح از مواد مخدر استفاده استفاده میکردند و با بی شرمی همدیگر را میبوسیدند و آلت تناسلی یکدیگر را لمس میکردند. سپس من دیدن که آنها به دستشوئی رفتند و استاد دانشگاه تورنتو یاکبوز آلت نگهبان را در دهانش کرد و در حالیکه در باز بود
College Park's Security Staffs are Member of Drug MAFIA
EATON’S CENTRE-Toronto = Located at Yonge and Dundas, is center of drug and prostitution as sole business of Security & Toronto Police.
According to the research conducted by the Department of Criminology of the University of Toronto ("U of T"), it is part of Downtown Triangle MAFIA (College Park, Eaton's Center and Cineplex Cinemas at Yonge & Dundas). The U of T study shows that Drug and Prostitutes (Boys & Girls Teenagers and Children) are delivered by Security & Toronto Police to the customers who are calling from Downtown Buildings. The corrupt cops and Security are allowed to take %25 and tips and the rest must be, immediately, deposited to accounts of the corrupt Royal Family, Prince William and his whore wife Kate, at Scotia Plaza Banks' Machine.
The Bastard William & Dirty Whore Kate are in Canada
to cash the money of drug and child prostitution
to cash the money of drug and child prostitution
%83.13 of Students of Ryerson University
%99.13 of Professors and U of T Students
%76.43 of Judges, Lawyers and Clerks of Downtown Courts ( Federal Court, Old City Hall, Osgoode Hall, U of T Professors and Students, Court House, College Park Court, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Attorney General of Ontario, Department of Justice, Lawyers and Bankers of Scotia Plaza).
The study also shows that stolen properties from stores in the said area by Judges, Lawyers, Court Clerks, Toronto Police and Security causing $13,013,013.00 damages to the stores owners in which they claim as Business Loses causing Income Tax Fraud.
Furthermore, the Study shows when the Police Constables and Security Staffs are under influence of Drug, they involved in sexual activities (including anal intercourse) in open area.
For Example: On Saturday July 9, 2016, at 6.13 pm, a U of T student reported that:
" WOW it was shocking; today I saw corrupt Jew Lawyer Moate ( U of T President Lawyer) was buy $2500 drug from two male Security in front of Metro Food Retailer. They were clearly using drugs and touching sex parts of each other that I saw Moate grands a female security boobs and they the went to the change room of Sport Chek. I followed them, I saw Moate was sucking ass of Security, leaving door open. " The student was shaking and continued: " As soon as I take out my shirt to change Moate said " oh babe I love your boobs too and suddenly grabed my boobs so I run out NUDE! ...Now in last three days, in particular today July 13, 2016, at 13:13 as soon as I enter in to the College Park, Eaton Center and Cineplex Cinemas; Toronto Police, and all Securities are harassing me, intercepting me everywhere. I became upset and objected to corrupt Constable Stuart Parsons;he said " This is your Picture and All you Information including where you go to school and where you live; we have got a very serious report from U of T President Lawyer Moate you have sexually assaulted him!"
When I looked to the person with underwear, first I did not recognized him; but suddenly I remembered this was the same motherfuckers grabs my boobs that in last three days I can't wear bera because of injuries. I told everything to this Bastard Parsons. But, he said " I don't care, here said you touched him. You are lucky that he did not charge you for sexual assault!". I said I want to charge him, give his name to e now!" Motherfucker said: "we can't give his information, you must file an Application for Leave to the Court asking the Police to deliver his information to you! And remember if you can't prove that Moate Sexually Assaulted You; than Justice Wilkins may charge you to pay his legal costs. He man it was just one finger, forget it and Do Not Touch Him Again!" Oh my God, I told you motherfucker the Eatons' Security are real thief, ! Why you are repeating Fuck You all" And suddenly I spat at the Dirt Face of Edward Follert and run away to my home, and shouting Down with Queen, Down with William and all Fucking Royal Family. That Suddenly, three cops of 14 Division have trespassed my property and a Charge me with Assault against Peace Officer Edward Follert. I told them that I did not assault him. They said he reported that you spat at his face and said shit to face of Queen Elizabeth II ... these are crime in Canada; you must come before Justice Cadsby on November 2016. I told them Cadsby id Dead man!" They told me that " Canadian Judges are God and they never die!" Then, the corrupt MAFIA 14 Div constables told me : " If you drop your charges against the College Park Security for Sexual Assault, we are going to drop the Charge of Assault against Peace Officer against you. " Now, I am confused, you please tell me what should I do?
EATON’S CENTRE-Toronto = A corrupt shopping Mall in Downtown of Toronto close to the Ontario Courts, the main place for conspiracy, drug and prostitution and all kinds of corruption. Since May 7th, 1993, the Eaton Center is involved in harassing Major Nourhaghighi and his family in accordance to object of conspiracy, when Major prosecuting the corrupt judges, lawyers and police in the courts, to effect on his mood and presentation. Eaton's Center, is defendant in pending Major Nourhaghighi'Action and failed to file defence for constrctive theft of his money by Bell Canada Store, which is admission to its wrongdoings. One of Eaton's corrupt stores is Sears-Canada who is the main importer & exporter of Heroin & Drugs to the World, in particular importing Heroin from Iran & Afghanistan and exporting to US, Japan & Chain in the Canadian Diplomatic packages delivered b the Toronto Police to the pilots and crews of the Air Canada. Major Nourhaghighi numerously was witness that White Canadians Staff of Sears have delivered packages of Heroin to drug sellers in Toronto who are mostly from poor black community and white Canadian taxi drivers. Major Nourhaghighi, after investigation, has found that the secret between the drug sellers and staff is the word of "Security" in which in sudden the public announcement will as k for"Security" of a small department in a corner in huge department store of ten floors. Sears -Eaton Center is fully controlled by corrupt Judges, Staff & the Crown Lawyers of Old City Hall,at Osgoode Hall, Court House, and the Federal Court that all located in same block of Sears. They afraid from good staff of the RCMP who monitors all telephone communications of the drug sellers. Therefore, the corrupt Judges and Lawyers asked from the manager of Sears to use the internal public announcement that RCMP not be able to intercept them [only few staff of RCMP are corrupt, like corrupt Constable KIM and ignoring the crimes of judges , clerks and lawyers of the Government, these RCMP usually sitting at US Embassy which located very close to the said Courts.] On April 23, 2010, at 8:45PM, major Nourhaghighi was at ground floor, in Sport Department, that in sudden heard a corrupt female staff announced: "Security to the Golf Department", Major Nourhaghighi who was close to the golf equipment has seen that two black males in their 20s and and one white male same age where waiting there. Major has seen no Security, but a female staff from a cashier asked them to follow her. The the white man has given many $100 & $20 bills to her and she has put a small bag to several jeans and gave the white man who noted Major Nourhaghighi was watching them, so he became nervous and soon they left. All Canadians saying that Major Nourhaghighi has no good skill in English, but they never consider that he is trying to make his points and many people can get it; yet if there is a question always you may ask for better particular or explanation. All Canadian Judges & Lawyers have admited that Major Nourhaghighi's report is made with honestly and good faith.
Spit at the Face of Criminals at Montreal Eaton Centre :
EATON CENTRE-Montreal= On February 24, 2002 two Muslims young girls complaints to Major Nourhaghighi that two young Eaton's Securities on December 21, 2001, about 7 PM for an hour have pulled them to a corner in foods floor and first accused them for shoplifting.
" The girls said that the securities have accused Muslim's women that they are maliciously wearing long dress that be able to hide the stolen objects under their dress, and commenced search on them by touching their bodies. One of the girl said she was so scared of the aggressive behaviors of the securities, and accusation and fear of lost of reputation that she lost the control of her urine.
EATON CENTRE-Montreal= On February 24, 2002 two Muslims young girls complaints to Major Nourhaghighi that two young Eaton's Securities on December 21, 2001, about 7 PM for an hour have pulled them to a corner in foods floor and first accused them for shoplifting.
" The girls said that the securities have accused Muslim's women that they are maliciously wearing long dress that be able to hide the stolen objects under their dress, and commenced search on them by touching their bodies. One of the girl said she was so scared of the aggressive behaviors of the securities, and accusation and fear of lost of reputation that she lost the control of her urine.
The girls then added that soon they found out that the two securities have targeted them for hours that they were doing shopping and have seen their nude bodies when changing dress in a store to shop a dress. Therefore the Eaton's Securities admitted that were horny and girls must have sex with them, or they will call police. The girls said that they were shocked and cried, and felt very bad about themselves. The Eaton's Securities that have seen the girls were shocked have told them: "You are Muslim, not? We heard in Islam women are very easy a man can have many of them. You live here, this is open society". I encourage the victims to file a complaint with police, and this office and other organizations that help women. They did not accept my suggestion and requested from me to protect their identities. They were scared of their brothers and father: " IF they know what the Eaton's Securities did to us, certainly they are going to kill us." I am Muslim too, and I trusted that them, as I know our community had many problems, and it is extremely unfortunate that we can not use all government's facilities provided to us to solve our problems, such as using the police services to make sure that our identities will be protected, or use of helpful services provided by social workers that they charge the Eaton Centre and its criminal Securities who have brought disgrace and shame for the people of Quebec; where all these crimes will be posted in the Internet, to protect the minority from the excessive abuses and racisms". Major Nourhaghighi has reported to the Quebec Human Rights Commission.
"On February 18, 2002, at 08:06 PM I came out of Aldo store, again the Eaton Securities with assaulting gestures have blocked my way by marching fast toward my face with intention to not change their direction. I also moved directly toward them, as soon as, they approached to me, I asked them: "Why you are harassing me everywhere in the mall!" The securities Stephane, and Emanuel who were not expecting my question tried to avoid reply. Soon, I was able to proceed on discovery stage and find out who asked them to commit harassments against me.
In the initial contact, Stephane was trying to mislead me; however soon he admitted to intentional interception of my movement by asking me: "Where did you left a bag that you brought in the Eaton ?" This fact indicates that I had correct judgment that I was under interception of securities.
However, before I get chance to reply to Stephane; Emanuel with insulting attitude asked: "What was in bag bomb or what? Where did you left the bomb? " I was shocked and insulted to be a terrorist. How they could allow themselves to insult to the people with such tough accusations? I have seen that Stephane talked with his radio and soon instructed me: "You must leave the building!" Then both securities escorted me to north exit door at Bulvard du Maisonneuve. They were verbally aggressive and hostile to me, and continued to be aggressive and challenge me to fight with them outside of building. There are video cameras at Maisonneuve that indicate the securities stayed and continued their harassments; while I have left the Eaton." Major has the charge of Robbery, Conspiracy, and Aggravate Assault against the Montreal Eaton Centre and its corrupt Securities that for many years will be the issues of many courts in Quebec
EDGE, Respondent Anne = Corrupt Federal Court Clerk at Ottawa, that by receiving bribe has violated the Federal Court Rules and has sent very late the Shalow Order by ordinary mail causing Major Nourhaghighi to lose right of appeal in Action T-942-99.
Electronic Cards = the main source of interception and invasion of privacy in Canada,- Banks, Credits, Health, Driver License.
Electronic Mail "Email"!= Canada spending Millions dollars to chase and remove Emails, what a stupid nation and government. Theft of e-mails is Canadian hobby; all kinds of possible frauds and crimes in the Canadians e-mails, do not trust to any e-mail that you receive from Canadian. Major Nourhaghighi does not have any e-mail account in Canada, and whatever e-mail account exit on his name are fake.
ELLIOT, SHAWN = Toronto police officer defendant for false arrest of Major Nourhaghighi, in Annual Meeting of Condominium, without warrant, and abuse of authorities in accordance to plan of Arnold Conspiracy. On may 1996, Major, was asking the key questions for Hundreds Thousands Dollars frauds in the accounts of Condo in front of many owners, that Arnold asked from Elliot to
arrest Major and take him out of the meeting.
arrest Major and take him out of the meeting.
EKKER, Captain E.G.= Member of Canadian Forces that maliciously obstructed Major Nourhaghighi's application for joining to Air Force as a Fighter Pilot.
Emblem of the State of Israel = is political sign used by Canadian in offices and common private and public area contrary the rule of law in Canada that prohibits such propaganda. Major Nourhaghighi made numerous complaints against Judges, Lawyers, Doctors and even his own condo Broad that everywhere disposing Jewish Supremacy; please watch this documentary video indicating a poster by Jewish fundamentalist in Major's Condo.
Emblem of the State of Israel = is political sign used by Canadian in offices and common private and public area contrary the rule of law in Canada that prohibits such propaganda. Major Nourhaghighi made numerous complaints against Judges, Lawyers, Doctors and even his own condo Broad that everywhere disposing Jewish Supremacy; please watch this documentary video indicating a poster by Jewish fundamentalist in Major's Condo.
EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION CANADA = defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Action for theft of its employee, Gary LONG. Theft, is the main profession of many Canadians Governments' employees. They will steal your document, than You must prove that have given them such document or you will lose all Your benefits; therefore, it is a goo practice always have a photocopy of your document before filing with Dishonest Government of Canada, and make sure get the Officer NAME, and write the Time, Date that you had contact with the officer, to reduce the chance of frauds and abuse. Since 1990 Major is Unemployed; this is the meaning of Employment in Canada.
ENBRIDGE = Since 2007 the corrupt Enbridge in Toronto by fraud in account of Major Nourhaghighi has defrauded him for a Water Heater in his condo, contrary to the contract; but law in Toronto has no meaning and big corporation are free handed in fraud against immigrants.
ENBRIDGE = Since 2007 the corrupt Enbridge in Toronto by fraud in account of Major Nourhaghighi has defrauded him for a Water Heater in his condo, contrary to the contract; but law in Toronto has no meaning and big corporation are free handed in fraud against immigrants.
A Corrupt Charlatan Motherfucker Ontario Judge Gloria Epstein
Accuse of Conspiracy against Justice System being
Member of Judges' MAFIA McMurtry, thus
Promoted to the Ontario Court of Appeal
Accuse of Conspiracy against Justice System being
Member of Judges' MAFIA McMurtry, thus
Promoted to the Ontario Court of Appeal
EPSTEIN, Gloria J. = A Charlatan Judge of Toronto Region who on December 18, 2006 conspired against Major with the Crown in file SM31-06. While there was only one Motion by Major for Contempt Proceedings against two Crown Lawyers W. Lightfoot & H.McKay, but, Epstein J privately met the said lawyers and allowed fabricating evidence and dismissed motion. The most important fact is that while the Motion was against the Crown's lawyers crimes; Charlatan Epstein abused judiciary power and in first two pages of her judgment attacked to Major, while she did not has such jurisdiction. Her decision is not before the Court of Appeal. However, she was awarded by corrupt University of Toronto and selected as Judge of the Court of Appeal. The following is her fraudulent Brief Biographical Note of Justice Gloria J. Epstein; Justice of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, appointed October 12, 2007 .Former Justice of the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) - 1993 to 2007; LL.B. University of Toronto, 1977; Called to the Bar of Ontario, 1979; Private practice focussed on general civil, administrative, commercial and family law; Participant in and organizer of various professional education seminars and past guest instructor at Bar Admission Course (Employment Law and Civil Procedure) and at Faculties of Law, University of Toronto and York University (Trial Practice, and Trial Advocacy); Former Director of the Ontario Superior Court Judges Association; Former Chair of Chief Justice's Media Committee; Co-chair of education at the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice; Member of Advisory Committee on Access to Courts for People with Disabilities; Co-founder, McMurtry Gardens of Justice; Conducted inquiry into Ontario's involvement in the lives of the Dionne Quintuplets; Executive of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law Alumni Association (current secretary); Director of Canadian Women’s Foundation; 2007 recipient of University of Toronto Arbor Award. Married to Seymour Epstein - blessed with three children, two step-children, three daughters-in-law and two granddaughters. Equal Opportunity = "Canadian are Very Funny! Equal Opportunity" Fuckoff! It does not exist in Canada! Whatever opportunities in businesses and governments' employments exist, are belong to member of the Criminal Organizations in Canada. It is impossible that an independent and honorable citizen get the chance of the "Equal Opportunity" however there is an office with same title, for more information call 1-800-668-8900 " The Equal Opportunity Committee"
EQUALITY = Sorry this item does not exit in Canada.
EQUIFAX = Canadian dishonest centre for holding a copy of all credits to obstruct people businesses in accordance to objects of a government's conspiracy. The credit that Equifax reported to Major Nourhaghighi was totally different with credits reported to the banks, to obstruct Major's application for lower rate lone.
ESCAMILLA, Mirtha (Perez) = corrupt secretary of corrupt Judge Todd Ducharme and Dirty police Agent defendant in my actions and application; She is dirty wife of Pig Ruben Perez, the corrupt Superintendent of condo 935..
Espionage Agency in Canada is spying against American and other nations for the British's interest in Canada and UK.
بچه های ده ۱۲ ساله وکلا و قضات و اساتید دانشگاه تورنتو در دنبال مواد مخدر و آلت بزرگ سیاهان اتیوپی هستند، امروز ساعت ۸شب دوم مرداد ۱۳۹۵ چهار دختر پسر ۱۴ ساله کارمند موقت شهرداری در رختکن مردانه در حال عملیات جنسی بودند با مردان اهل اتیوپی
Ethiopian Men = Canadian Jewish and Christen Police, Lawyers, Judges, Staff of City of Toronto, Courts, Crown and their Children the LOVE Ethiopian Men' Big Dicks.
For example; today, July 23, 2016, at 8 pm Four pool staffs (two girls) at Alex Duff Memorial Pool at 777 Crawford Street; at Men's Change Room were sucking four black men big dick who had long hairs and smoking drugs wearing Ethiopian flags. One British boy and Canadian girls were sucking dicks, and others having Anal Sex. At outside, in the Parks washroom three Toronto Police cops were geting fuck by the Ethiopians. Since Tory became Major, nudity is becoming normal, particularly men with Big Dick can be seen in the street, or in front of their house and families of Queen Elizabeth II and Bastard William, cheerfully asking them for anal sex, and Canadian teenagers they love to take photos.
ESCAMILLA, Mirtha (Perez) = corrupt secretary of corrupt Judge Todd Ducharme and Dirty police Agent defendant in my actions and application; She is dirty wife of Pig Ruben Perez, the corrupt Superintendent of condo 935..
1992 Mirtha is appointed by corrupt servants of the Crown as the member
of the Board of Director in my condominium. She is involved in many
frauds in the accounts of my condominium. Whore Mirtha brought malicious prosecution against me that
involved me two years from 1996 to August 1998 to defence malicious
allegations against me. Since 1992, Mirtha husband is Superintendent of
my condominium and does not clean dirts in hallways. They own Unit 502
and 701 in our building; and refusing the fact that there is a conflict of interest and
the Wife of Superintendent could not be a member of the Board; and an
Owner could not be a Superintendent of his own property and receive
salary by his Wife! Mirtha Perez is accused for paying a large amount of
bribes to Police and Judges. Perez, every year, is paying from our
accounts to several Rat Lawyers and Pig Police Officers to attend at
Owners Meetings to harass any owner who asked where millions dollars of
the Corporation's money were spend; and with conspiracy and frauds is
buying owners votes for next few years. THIS IS THE CANADIAN DEMOCRACY !
Wherever the Queen step IN,
the corruption and dirty crimes came IN too with her a dirty British,
and Democracy!
The latest crime of Mirtha is disobeying PITT Order in which must be convicted to JAIL for the contempt of court on May 2017. However Perez with bribe to Judges in Toronto, was not arrested.
This dirty creepy whore, again, was selected as member of the Board of May 31, 2017. PEREZ,RUBEN= Dirty police Agent defendant, the Husband of Mirtha Perez r; Superintendent and Owner of units 502 and 701 in my Condominium 935. Since 1992, with his wife involved in frauds of accounts of Condominium 935 at 456 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. Ruben receives over $50,000 salary for few hours work in the building; while his Wife, the President of the Board, since 1992, is refusing to buy a Time Clock that shows at what time Ruben starts his works and what time finished; while in many other condominium, the superintendent duty is to response to the owners during 24 hours. Rubin, since 1992, involved in all kinds of harassment and nuisances, in accordance to plan of conspiracy, against me and my family; he operated a Weight Machine over my family Bedroom for Seven Years. THIS IS CANADIAN SOCIETY, all kinds of crimes and wrongs are possible, if a man pays bribes to the Police, lawyers and Judges!
The latest crime of Mirtha is disobeying PITT Order in which must be convicted to JAIL for the contempt of court on May 2017. However Perez with bribe to Judges in Toronto, was not arrested.
This dirty creepy whore, again, was selected as member of the Board of May 31, 2017. PEREZ,RUBEN= Dirty police Agent defendant, the Husband of Mirtha Perez r; Superintendent and Owner of units 502 and 701 in my Condominium 935. Since 1992, with his wife involved in frauds of accounts of Condominium 935 at 456 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. Ruben receives over $50,000 salary for few hours work in the building; while his Wife, the President of the Board, since 1992, is refusing to buy a Time Clock that shows at what time Ruben starts his works and what time finished; while in many other condominium, the superintendent duty is to response to the owners during 24 hours. Rubin, since 1992, involved in all kinds of harassment and nuisances, in accordance to plan of conspiracy, against me and my family; he operated a Weight Machine over my family Bedroom for Seven Years. THIS IS CANADIAN SOCIETY, all kinds of crimes and wrongs are possible, if a man pays bribes to the Police, lawyers and Judges!
The Unite Owner Concelos on March, 7, 15, and 16, 2002 said
to me that there are evidence to believe that Perez was involved in
thefts from few owners unites. I also provided evidence of frauds to
Concelos and suggested the owners create The "Investigation Committee"
for discovery of all frauds committed by the Board and Caber to charge
them under the Criminal Code of Canada. On February 2005, Perez attacked
with a Knife, but pig police did not charged him.
Canadian Espionage Agency Celebrating 150 Years Dirty Spying Tricks
Against People of the World on Canada Day
Against People of the World on Canada Day
July 1990 to July 1, 2017
Since 1995, information disclosed in Major Nourhaghighi's Websites * Blogs
ended to arrest of a large numbers of Canadian Spy around the World, in
particular in China, Europe, France, Germany, Iran , Japan and USA.
In China: A large numbers of Canadian Espionage were arrested
In Iran: Canadian Espionage was arrested and sentence to Death Penalty
ended to arrest of a large numbers of Canadian Spy around the World, in
particular in China, Europe, France, Germany, Iran , Japan and USA.
In China: A large numbers of Canadian Espionage were arrested
In Iran: Canadian Espionage was arrested and sentence to Death Penalty
Ethiopian Men = Canadian Jewish and Christen Police, Lawyers, Judges, Staff of City of Toronto, Courts, Crown and their Children the LOVE Ethiopian Men' Big Dicks.
For example; today, July 23, 2016, at 8 pm Four pool staffs (two girls) at Alex Duff Memorial Pool at 777 Crawford Street; at Men's Change Room were sucking four black men big dick who had long hairs and smoking drugs wearing Ethiopian flags. One British boy and Canadian girls were sucking dicks, and others having Anal Sex. At outside, in the Parks washroom three Toronto Police cops were geting fuck by the Ethiopians. Since Tory became Major, nudity is becoming normal, particularly men with Big Dick can be seen in the street, or in front of their house and families of Queen Elizabeth II and Bastard William, cheerfully asking them for anal sex, and Canadian teenagers they love to take photos.
EUREKA = Long Distance Telephone Company that the Attorney General of Ontario of June 12, 2002, committed fraud in account of Major Nourhaghighi in card number 38758002501 by stealing all his credits to obstruct Major's call to Supreme Court of Canada.
EWASCHUK, Eugene G. = Charlatan corrupt judge of Ontario is an "Artist" that his role was to dismissed a motion brought by the Crown to quash Subpoenas against Judge Defendant Lampkin, Court Reporter Morrise, and Prosecutor, Delgado who were material witness to assault and torture against Major Nourhaghighi on December 11, 1996. Ewaschuk Order was set aside, only three days after, by illegal motion before defendant Whealy who quashed the Subpoenas. This fact indicate how simply the court process can be abused in Canada, when the corrupt Judge Whealy has violated all rules of the court to help to the parties of conspiracy. Ewaschuk's decision was made two days before Lampkin's Judgment and certainly raised Lampkin's anger of making decision to convict Major for assault against Police Officer Green. And Whealy Order was a price that Judge Lampkin got! In Canada many incidents sounds legal and proper while in fact it is fraudulent misrepresentation.Judge Ewaschuk, was an "Artist" that his Order made Judge Lampkin up set and convicted Major two days later. Soon, Major found evidence that Judge Ewaschuk was a dirty cheater too. On December 5, 2001, Major Nourhaghighi was before Artist Judge Ewaschuk, who again commence playing his role as a "judge" and heard a motion that was before him to set a date that several Crown's Lawyers be charged for contempt of orders, in accordance to Major's application. Ewaschuk first said that Major was right, however suddenly accepted two Crown's lawyers submissions and dismissed Major's Mandamus and Charter "Notice of Application" were Major was prejudiced seriously; soon, The Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed all Major's appeals for which Ewaschuk Artist will be charged for millions dollars damages.
Extension of Time = In the Canadian's courts and commissions it means a fraud process that only the friends of judges and parties who pay bribe to the clerks would get a chance to have time be extended; otherwise other parties must pay costs to the Government for having such motion as stated in Rule 410 of the Federal Court Rules; for court cases, please see: Chin v. Canada; Moss v. Canada............. From September 2003 to September 2004, the corrupt judges of the Federal Court of Canada have granted all Government's (Crown) motions, with no award of costs to Major; and dismissed all Major's motions with over $1050 costs against him to the Crown in files T-762-04, T-768-03, T-1535-00; A-50-01, A-559-03, and A-151-04. THE BEST example is fraud in the process of Major Nourhaghighi's complaint against several defendants before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal for Ontario in which ALL defendants, except the Crown did not file response within the time; and later, several corrupt lawyers, by a very simple letter to the corrupt Registrar, asked for extension of time, and the Registrar, arbitrary granted. Major filed complaint against abuse of process by Registrar & lawyers, but the corrupt tribunal failed to reply.
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EXTREME FITNESS, 267 Richmond Street, Toronto = SOLD TO GoodLife Fitness but it was is a member of Toronto White Canadian Criminal Organization. The white Canadian managers are expert in forgery of signature and fraudulent withdrew from the members' credit cards. The Extreme Fitness Flyers & Contract Application are FRAUDULENT it their totality in such would bound members to stay with the club, and must SERVE a notice of cancelation in which "service of Document" is legal technicality. Toronto Police, 52 Division, directly involved in crimes, conspiracy and fraud with the White managers of this branch. Extreme Fitness, unlawfully trespassing Major Nourhaghighi's mail box by vexatious flyers, misleading ads such as "$10 /per month, No Long Term Obligation, No Extra fees, No Excuses, Money Back 30 Day Guarantee "etc. As the result, Major Nourhaghighi has attended and Extreme Fitness; and Jennifer, a white Canadian whore staff, commence several personal questions and whether Major is member of any club then asked for ID and Credit Card; and assured that it would be $10/month; but when Contract was printed in sudden Major discovered that for the first month was $10 and for the rest of 12 month was $95/month; with increase of 20% in each year after; thus Major refused to sign the Contract and left... few months after Extreme Fitness black mailed Major Nourhaghighi that MasterCard has rejected to pay to Extreme Fitness. Soon Major discovered that MasterCard due to FORGERY of Major's signature at Contract did not pay. Major Nourhaghighi, urgently reported to corrupt 52 Division, and two constables said that Extreme Fitness committed Forgery & Fraud and they are going to charge them. However, after Two Hours, in sudden the cops have changes their position and said that Major must see Justice of Peace at Old City Hall, to lay charges. Major did so; again two Justice of Peace said that it was fraud and asked Major to be ready to lay charges; however, in sudden the Justice of Peace was changed to a man from Afghanistan whose name was Taheri, and he refused to do so. Major Nourhaghighi filed complaint against all of them; and concluded that this was another corruption of White Canadian at corrupt the Attorney General for Ontario who are stealing from people at all private corporations and condominiums.
EXTREME FITNESS, 267 Richmond Street, Toronto = SOLD TO GoodLife Fitness but it was is a member of Toronto White Canadian Criminal Organization. The white Canadian managers are expert in forgery of signature and fraudulent withdrew from the members' credit cards. The Extreme Fitness Flyers & Contract Application are FRAUDULENT it their totality in such would bound members to stay with the club, and must SERVE a notice of cancelation in which "service of Document" is legal technicality. Toronto Police, 52 Division, directly involved in crimes, conspiracy and fraud with the White managers of this branch. Extreme Fitness, unlawfully trespassing Major Nourhaghighi's mail box by vexatious flyers, misleading ads such as "$10 /per month, No Long Term Obligation, No Extra fees, No Excuses, Money Back 30 Day Guarantee "etc. As the result, Major Nourhaghighi has attended and Extreme Fitness; and Jennifer, a white Canadian whore staff, commence several personal questions and whether Major is member of any club then asked for ID and Credit Card; and assured that it would be $10/month; but when Contract was printed in sudden Major discovered that for the first month was $10 and for the rest of 12 month was $95/month; with increase of 20% in each year after; thus Major refused to sign the Contract and left... few months after Extreme Fitness black mailed Major Nourhaghighi that MasterCard has rejected to pay to Extreme Fitness. Soon Major discovered that MasterCard due to FORGERY of Major's signature at Contract did not pay. Major Nourhaghighi, urgently reported to corrupt 52 Division, and two constables said that Extreme Fitness committed Forgery & Fraud and they are going to charge them. However, after Two Hours, in sudden the cops have changes their position and said that Major must see Justice of Peace at Old City Hall, to lay charges. Major did so; again two Justice of Peace said that it was fraud and asked Major to be ready to lay charges; however, in sudden the Justice of Peace was changed to a man from Afghanistan whose name was Taheri, and he refused to do so. Major Nourhaghighi filed complaint against all of them; and concluded that this was another corruption of White Canadian at corrupt the Attorney General for Ontario who are stealing from people at all private corporations and condominiums.
The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"
House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills
Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Iranian Fighter Pilot
The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"
House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills
Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Iranian Fighter Pilot
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